class WorldTraveler::CLI def call system("clear") WorldTraveler::Display.welcome_message sleep(4) @input = "" while @input != "exit" get_continents list_continents get_user_choice next_action end goodbye end def get_continents @continent = WorldTraveler::Continents.all end def list_continents system("clear") WorldTraveler::Display.continent_list @continent.each.with_index(1) do |continent, index| puts "#{index}. #{}".center(135).rjust(10) puts "-----------------------------------------" end puts "" puts "Where would you like to go? (Choose 1-#{@continent.size})".center(135).green.bold end def get_user_choice chosen_continent = gets.strip.to_i show_highlights_for(chosen_continent) end def show_highlights_for(chosen_continent) system("clear") if chosen_continent.between?(1,@continent.size) cont = @continent[chosen_continent - 1] cont.get_highlights puts "Here are highlights for #{}".light_blue.bold cont.highlights.each.with_index(1) do |high, idx| puts "#{idx}. #{}" end get_user_highlight(cont) else puts "Not sure what you mean. You must enter a number between 1 - #{@continent.size}." end end def get_user_highlight(cont) puts "\nChoose a highlight in #{} to see more details.".light_blue.bold input = (gets.strip.to_i)-1 if input.between?(0,cont.highlights.size-1) highlight = cont.highlights[input] highlight.index = input.to_i - 1 highlight.get_highlight_details show_highlight_details(highlight) else puts "Not sure what you mean. You must enter a number between 1 - #{cont.highlights.size}." end end def show_highlight_details(highlight) puts "---------------------------------#{}---------------------------------".center(155).yellow.bold {|i| puts "#{i}\n"} puts "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------".center(155).yellow.bold end def next_action puts "\nType 'exit' to exit or any key to return to main menu.".green.bold @input = gets.strip end def goodbye system("clear") WorldTraveler::Display.goodbye end end