# coding: utf-8 require 'pp' require 'yaml' module Reckon class App attr_accessor :options, :seen, :csv_parser, :regexps, :matcher @@cli = HighLine.new def initialize(opts = {}) self.options = opts LOGGER.level = Logger::INFO if options[:verbose] self.regexps = {} self.seen = Set.new self.options[:currency] ||= '$' @csv_parser = CSVParser.new( options ) @matcher = CosineSimilarity.new(options) learn! end def interactive_output(str) return if options[:unattended] puts str end def learn! learn_from_account_tokens(options[:account_tokens_file]) learn_from_ledger_file(options[:existing_ledger_file]) end def learn_from_account_tokens(filename) return unless filename raise "#{filename} doesn't exist!" unless File.exist?(filename) extract_account_tokens(YAML.load_file(filename)).each do |account, tokens| tokens.each do |t| if t.start_with?('/') add_regexp(account, t) else @matcher.add_document(account, t) end end end end def learn_from_ledger_file(ledger_file) return unless ledger_file raise "#{ledger_file} doesn't exist!" unless File.exist?(ledger_file) learn_from_ledger(File.read(ledger_file)) end def learn_from_ledger(ledger) LOGGER.info "learning from #{ledger}" LedgerParser.new(ledger).entries.each do |entry| entry[:accounts].each do |account| str = [entry[:desc], account[:amount]].join(" ") if account[:name] != options[:bank_account] LOGGER.info "adding document #{account[:name]} #{str}" @matcher.add_document(account[:name], str) end pretty_date = entry[:date].iso8601 if account[:name] == options[:bank_account] seen << seen_key(pretty_date, @csv_parser.pretty_money(account[:amount])) end end end end # Add tokens from account_tokens_file to accounts def extract_account_tokens(subtree, account = nil) if subtree.nil? puts "Warning: empty #{account} tree" {} elsif subtree.is_a?(Array) { account => subtree } else at = subtree.map do |k, v| merged_acct = [account, k].compact.join(':') extract_account_tokens(v, merged_acct) end at.inject({}) { |memo, e| memo.merge!(e)} end end def add_regexp(account, regex_str) # https://github.com/tenderlove/psych/blob/master/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb match = regex_str.match(/^\/(.*)\/([ix]*)$/m) fail "failed to parse regexp #{regex_str}" unless match options = 0 (match[2] || '').split('').each do |option| case option when 'x' then options |= Regexp::EXTENDED when 'i' then options |= Regexp::IGNORECASE end end regexps[Regexp.new(match[1], options)] = account end def walk_backwards cmd_options = "[account]/[q]uit/[s]kip/[n]ote/[d]escription" seen_anything_new = false each_row_backwards do |row| print_transaction([row]) if already_seen?(row) interactive_output "NOTE: This row is very similar to a previous one!" if !seen_anything_new interactive_output "Skipping..." next end else seen_anything_new = true end if row[:money] > 0 # out_of_account answer = ask_account_question("Which account provided this income? (#{cmd_options})", row) line1 = [options[:bank_account], row[:pretty_money]] line2 = [answer, ""] else # into_account answer = ask_account_question("To which account did this money go? (#{cmd_options})", row) # line1 = [answer, row[:pretty_money_negated]] line1 = [answer, ""] line2 = [options[:bank_account], row[:pretty_money]] end finish if %w[quit q].include?(answer) if %w[skip s].include?(answer) interactive_output "Skipping" next end ledger = ledger_format(row, line1, line2) LOGGER.info "ledger line: #{ledger}" learn_from_ledger(ledger) unless options[:account_tokens_file] output(ledger) end end def each_row_backwards rows = [] (0...@csv_parser.columns.first.length).to_a.each do |index| if @csv_parser.date_for(index).nil? LOGGER.warn("Skipping row: '#{@csv_parser.row(index)}' that doesn't have a valid date") next end rows << { :date => @csv_parser.date_for(index), :pretty_date => @csv_parser.pretty_date_for(index), :pretty_money => @csv_parser.pretty_money_for(index), :pretty_money_negated => @csv_parser.pretty_money_for(index, :negate), :money => @csv_parser.money_for(index), :description => @csv_parser.description_for(index) } end rows.sort_by { |n| [n[:date], -n[:money], n[:description]] }.each { |row| yield row } end def print_transaction(rows) str = "\n" header = %w[Date Amount Description Note] maxes = header.map(&:length) rows = rows.map { |r| [r[:pretty_date], r[:pretty_money], r[:description], r[:note]] } rows.each do |r| r.length.times { |i| l = r[i] ? r[i].length : 0; maxes[i] = l if maxes[i] < l } end header.each_with_index do |n, i| str += " #{n.center(maxes[i])} |" end str += "\n" rows.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |_, i| just = maxes[i] str += sprintf(" %#{just}s |", row[i]) end str += "\n" end interactive_output str end def ask_account_question(msg, row) possible_answers = suggest(row) LOGGER.info "possible_answers===> #{possible_answers.inspect}" if options[:unattended] if options[:fail_on_unknown_account] && possible_answers.empty? raise %(Couldn't find any matches for '#{row[:description]}' Try adding an account token with --account-tokens) end default = options[:default_outof_account] default = options[:default_into_account] if row[:pretty_money][0] == '-' return possible_answers[0] || default end answer = @@cli.ask(msg) do |q| q.completion = possible_answers q.readline = true q.default = possible_answers.first end # if answer isn't n/note/d/description, must be an account name, or skip, or quit return answer unless %w[n note d description].include?(answer) add_description(row) if %w[d description].include?(answer) add_note(row) if %w[n note].include?(answer) print_transaction([row]) # give user a chance to set account name or retry description return ask_account_question(msg, row) end def add_description(row) desc_answer = @@cli.ask("Enter a new description for this transaction (empty line aborts)\n") do |q| q.overwrite = true q.readline = true q.default = row[:description] end row[:description] = desc_answer unless desc_answer.empty? end def add_note(row) desc_answer = @@cli.ask("Enter a new note for this transaction (empty line aborts)\n") do |q| q.overwrite = true q.readline = true q.default = row[:note] end row[:note] = desc_answer unless desc_answer.empty? end def most_specific_regexp_match(row) matches = regexps.map { |regexp, account| if match = regexp.match(row[:description]) [account, match[0]] end }.compact matches.sort_by! { |_account, matched_text| matched_text.length }.map(&:first) end def suggest(row) most_specific_regexp_match(row) + @matcher.find_similar(row[:description]).map { |n| n[:account] } end def ledger_format(row, line1, line2) out = "#{row[:pretty_date]}\t#{row[:description]}#{row[:note] ? "\t; " + row[:note]: ""}\n" out += "\t#{line1.first}\t\t\t#{line1.last}\n" out += "\t#{line2.first}\t\t\t#{line2.last}\n\n" out end def output(ledger_line) options[:output_file].puts ledger_line options[:output_file].flush end def seen_key(date, amount) return [date, amount].join("|") end def already_seen?(row) seen.include?(seen_key(row[:pretty_date], row[:pretty_money])) end def finish options[:output_file].close unless options[:output_file] == STDOUT interactive_output "Exiting." exit end def output_table rows = [] each_row_backwards do |row| rows << row end print_transaction(rows) end end end