module IndiferentHash def self.add_defaults(options, defaults = {}) options ||= {} IndiferentHash.setup(options) case when Hash === options new_options = options.dup when String === options new_options = string2hash options else raise "Format of '#{options.inspect}' not understood. It should be a hash" end defaults.each do |key, value| next if options.include? key new_options[key] = value end new_options options.replace new_options end def self.process_options(hash, *keys) IndiferentHash.setup(hash) defaults = keys.pop if Hash === keys.last hahs = IndiferentHash.add_defaults hash, defaults if defaults if keys.length == 1 hash.include?(keys.first.to_sym) ? hash.delete(keys.first.to_sym) : hash.delete(keys.first.to_s) else keys.collect do |key| hash.include?(key.to_sym) ? hash.delete(key.to_sym) : hash.delete(key.to_s) end end end def self.pull_keys(hash, prefix) new = {} hash.keys.each do |key| if key.to_s =~ /#{ prefix }_(.*)/ case when String === key new[$1] = hash.delete key when Symbol === key new[$1.to_sym] = hash.delete key end else if key.to_s == prefix.to_s new[key] = hash.delete key end end end IndiferentHash.setup(new) end def self.zip2hash(list1, list2) hash = {} list1.each_with_index do |e,i| hash[e] = list2[i] end IndiferentHash.setup(hash) end def self.positional2hash(keys, *values) if Hash === values.last extra = values.pop inputs = IndiferentHash.zip2hash(keys, values) inputs.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil? or (String === v and v.empty?)} inputs = IndiferentHash.add_defaults inputs, extra inputs.delete_if{|k,v| not keys.include?(k) and not (Symbol === k ? keys.include?(k.to_s) : keys.include?(k.to_sym))} inputs else IndiferentHash.zip2hash(keys, values) end end def self.array2hash(array, default = nil) hash = {} array.each do |key, value| value = default.dup if value.nil? and not default.nil? hash[key] = value end IndiferentHash.setup(hash) end def self.process_to_hash(list) result = yield list zip2hash(list, result) end def self.hash2string(hash) hash.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}.collect{|k,v| next unless %w(Symbol String Float Fixnum Integer Numeric TrueClass FalseClass Module Class Object).include? v.class.to_s [ Symbol === k ? ":" << k.to_s : k.to_s.chomp, Symbol === v ? ":" << v.to_s : v.to_s.chomp] * "=" }.compact * "#" end def self.string2hash(string) options = {} string.split('#').each do |str| key, sep, value = str.partition "=" key = key[1..-1].to_sym if key[0] == ":" options[key] = true and next if value.empty? options[key] = value[1..-1].to_sym and next if value[0] == ":" options[key] ={value[1..-2]}/) and next if value[0] == "/" and value[-1] == "/" options[key] = value[1..-2] and next if value =~ /^['"].*['"]$/ options[key] = value.to_i and next if value =~ /^\d+$/ options[key] = value.to_f and next if value =~ /^\d*\.\d+$/ options[key] = true and next if value == "true" options[key] = false and next if value == "false" options[key] = value and next options[key] = begin saved_safe = $SAFE $SAFE = 0 eval(value) rescue Exception value ensure $SAFE = saved_safe end end IndiferentHash.setup(options) end end