require "matrix" require "csrmatrix/exceptions" require "contracts" module CsrMatrix module Properties include Contracts::Core C = Contracts def self.included(exceptions) exceptions.send :include, Exceptions end Contract C::None => C::Bool def diagonal? # Determines if the matrix is diagonal; wherein the values outside the main diagonal are all zero. is_invariant? for i in 0..self.columns-1 if (self.col_ind[i] != i) || (self.row_ptr[i] != i) return false end end return true end # diagonal? Contract C::None => C::Bool def empty? # Determines if the matrix is empty; wherein all the values are zero. is_invariant? if self.val.count() == 0 return true end return false end # empty? Contract C::None => C::Bool def lower_triangular? # Determines if the matrix is lower-diagonal; wherein all the values only exist on and below the diagonal line. is_invariant? for i in 0..self.columns-1 for column_index in row_ptr[i]..row_ptr[i+1]-1 if (self.col_ind[column_index] > i) return false end end end return true end # lower_triangular? #USES COMPLEX MATRIX Contract C::None => C::Bool def normal? # Determines if the matrix is normal is_invariant? if !self.square? raise, "Matrix is not square." return false end m = Matrix.rows(self.decompose) return m.normal? end # normal? Contract C::None => C::Bool def orthogonal? # Determines if the matrix is orthogonal; wherein the rows and columns are orthogonal unit vectors. is_invariant? if !self.square? raise, "Matrix is not square." return false end # transpose the existing matrix @matrix_transpose = @matrix_transpose.build_from_csr(self.row_ptr, self.col_ind, self.val, self.columns, self.rows) @matrix_transpose.transpose() # build an orthogonal matrix @matrix_orthogonal = @matrix_orthogonal.build_from_array(self.multiply_csr(@matrix_transpose)) # test the values in the orthogonal matrix for i in 0..@matrix_orthogonal.val.count()-1 if @matrix_orthogonal.val[i] != 1 return false end end return true end # orthogonal? Contract C::None => C::Bool def permutation? # Determines if the matrix is a permutation; wherein it is an nxn version of the identity matrix. is_invariant? if !self.square? raise, "Matrix is not square." return false end #Check the proper number of values if self.val.length != self.columns return false end #check for the proper values. ie only 1's for value in self.val if value != 1 return false end end column_ind = self.col_ind for column_index in self.col_ind if column_ind.include?(column_index) column_ind.remove(column_index) else return false end end end # permutation? Contract C::None => C::Bool def real? # Determines if the matrix is real; wherein the matrix consists entirely of real numbers. is_invariant? for value in self.val if !value.is_a? Numeric return false end end return true end # real? Contract C::None => C::Bool def not_null? if @val == nil return false end return true end Contract C::None => C::Bool def nonsingular? # Determines if the matrix is nonsingular ; simply the inverse of the singular function is_invariant? return !self.singular? end # nonsingular? Contract C::None => C::Bool def singular? # Determines if the matrix is singular is_invariant? if self.determinant != 0 return false end return true end # singular? Contract C::None => C::Bool def symmetric? # Determines if the matrix is symmetric is_invariant? if !self.square? raise, "Matrix is not square." return false end # transpose the existing matrix @matrix_transpose = @matrix_transpose.build_from_csr(self.row_ptr, self.col_ind, self.val, self.columns, self.rows) @matrix_transpose.transpose() for i in 0..self.val.count()-1 if self.val[i] != @matrix_transpose.val[i] return false end end return true end # symmetric? #USES COMPLEX MATRIX Contract C::None => C::Bool def unitary? # Determines if the matrix is unitary is_invariant? if !self.square? raise, "Matrix is not square." return false end m = Matrix.rows(self.decompose) return m.unitary? end # unitary? Contract C::None => C::Bool def upper_triangular? # Determines if the matrix is upper-triangular is_invariant? for i in 0..self.columns-1 for column_index in row_ptr[i]..row_ptr[i+1]-1 if (self.col_ind[column_index] < i) return false end end end return true end # upper triangular? Contract C::None => C::Bool def zero? # Determines if the matrix is zero is_invariant? for value in self.val if value != 0 return false end end return true end # zero? end # Properties end # CsrMatrix