# Nanoc news ## 4.2.3 (2016-07-03) Fixes: * Fixed issue with `#inspect` raising a `WeakRef::RefError` (#877, #897) Enhancements: * Sped up compiler (#894) * Improved `#inspect` output of some classes (#896) * Deprecated `Item#modified` and replaced it with `Item#modified_reps` (#898) ## 4.2.2 (2016-07-02) Fixes: * Fixed confusing “invalid prefix” error message (#873, #879) * Ensured filter arguments are frozen, to prevent outdatedness checker errors (#881, #886) * Fixed issue with dependencies of items generated in the preprocessor not being tracked (#885, #891, #893) Enhancements: * Added specific handling for `Sass::Importers::Filesystem` in the checksummer, which should reduce unnecessary recompiles in sites using Compass (#866, #884) * Improved speed of checksummer (#864, #887) ## 4.2.1 (2016-06-19) Fixes: * Fixed an occasional `WeakRef::RefError` (#863, #865) * Fixed `show-data` command not running preprocessor (#867, #870) ## 4.2 (2016-06-04) Enhancements: * Dropped Ruby 2.1 support (#856) This release also includes the changes from 4.2.0b1. ## 4.1.6 (2016-04-17) Fixes: * Strip index.html only if it is a full component (#850, #851) * Force UTF-8 for item rep paths (#837, #852) ## 4.2.0b1 (2016-04-17) Features: * Allow creating items and layouts with a pre-calculated checksum (#793) [Ruben Verborgh] * Allow lazy-loading item/layout content and attributes (#794) [Ruben Verborgh] * Added `exclude_origins` configuration option to internal links checker (#847) * Added `ChildParent` helper, providing `#children_of` and `#parent_of` (#849) Enhancements: * Made `#html_escape` raise an appropriate error when the given argument is not a String (#840) [Micha Rosenbaum] * Improved memory usage of memoized values by using weak refs (#846) ## 4.1.5 (2016-03-24) Fixes: * Fixed crash in `show-data` command (#833, #835) * Fixed preprocessor not being invoked before running checks (#841, #842) ## 4.1.4 (2016-02-13) Fixes: * Added missing `Configuration#key?` method (#815, #820) * Made output diff use correct snapshot rather than `:last` (#813, #814) Enhancements: * Sped up item resolution in Sass filter (#821) * Made `#link_to` more resilient to unsupported argument types (#816, #819) ## 4.1.3 (2016-01-30) Fixes: * Fixed crash in `check` command when the subject of an issue is nil (#804, #811) * Made stale check not ignore non-final snapshot paths (#809, #810) ## 4.1.2 (2016-01-16) Fixes: * Made @-variables (e.g. `@items`) report their frozenness properly, so that optimisations based on frozenness work once again (#795, #797) * Removed environment from `crash.log` to prevent leaking sensitive information (#798, #800) Enhancements: * Removed redundant checksum calculation (#789) [Ruben Verborgh] ## 4.1.1 (2015-12-30) Fixes: * Fixed preprocessor not being run before check/deploy/prune commands (#763, #784, #787, #788) Enhancements: * Made `#breadcrumbs_trail` explicitly fail when using full identifiers (#781, #783) ## 4.1.0 (2015-12-18) Fixes: * Fixed crash when attempting to `#puts` an object that’s not a string (#778) * Made pruner not prune away files from routes defined for custom snapshots (#779) * Wrapped `@layout` in a layout view (#773) Enhancements: * Added a base path to the Checks file, so that it supports `#require_relative` (#774) This release also includes the changes from 4.1.0a1 to 4.1.0rc2. ## 4.1.0rc2 (2015-12-13) Fixes: * Fixed children of the root item not having a parent (#769, #770) Enhancements: * Made `#path`, `#compiled_content` and `#reps` unavailable during pre-processing, compilation and routing, because they do not make sense in these contexts (#571, #767, #768) ## 4.1.0rc1 (2015-12-12) Fixes: * Fixed `@item.compiled_content` in a layout raising an exception (#761, #766) ## 4.1.0b1 (2015-12-11) Fixes: * Fixed issue with `:pre` snapshot not being generated properly (#764) Enhancements: * Updated default site to use `#write` (#759) ## 4.1.0a1 (2015-12-05) Features: * Added `postprocess` block (#726) [Garen Torikian] * Added `#write` compilation instruction and `path` option to `#snapshot` (#753) Fixes: * Fixed crash when printing non-string object (#712) [Garen Torikian] * Removed English text from `#link_to` helper (#736) [Lucas Vuotto] Enhancements: * Allowed excluding URLs from external links check (#686) [Yannick Ihmels] * Added `atom` to list of text extensions (#657) [Yannick Ihmels] * Added `#each` to `Nanoc::ConfigView` (#705) [Garen Torikian] * Made `#attribute_to_time` handle `DateTime` (#717) [Micha Rosenbaum] * Added `Identifier#components` (#677) * Added `:existing` option to `#content_for` (can be `:error`, `:overwrite` and `:append`) (#744) ## 4.0.2 (2015-11-30) Fixes: * Properly set required Ruby version to 2.1 in the gem specification (#747) * Fixed issue with CLI commands not being loaded as UTF-8 (#742) * Added missing `#identifier=` method to items and layouts during preprocessing (#750) Enhancements: * Let attempts to fetch an item rep by number, rather than symbol, fail with a meaningful error (#749) ## 4.0.1 (2015-11-28) Fixes: * Fixed params documentation for :rdiscount filter (#722) * Fixed crash when comparing item rep views (#735, #738) Enhancements: * Lowered minimum required Ruby version from 2.2 to 2.1 (#732) ## 4.0.0 (2015-11-07) Enhancements: * `#parent` and `#children` now raise an exception when used on items with a non-legacy identifier (#710) This release also includes the changes from 4.0.0a1 to 4.0.0rc3. ## 4.0.0rc3 (2015-09-20) Features: * Added `Identifier#without_exts` and `Identifier#exts` (#644, #696) [Rémi Barraquand] * Added `DocumentView#attributes` (#699, #702) Fixes: * Fixed issue when comparing document views (#680, #693) Enhancements: * Made `#base_url` argument in `#tags_for` optional (#687) [Croath Liu] * Allowed `IdentifiableCollection#[]` to be passed an identifier (#681, #695) * Improved `Pattern.from` error message (#683, #692) * Let default site use a direct link to the stylesheet (#685, #701) Changes: * Removed `Identifier#with_ext` because its behavior was confusing (#697, #700) * Disallowed storing document (views) in attributes (#682, #694) ## 4.0.0rc2 (2015-07-11) Fixes: * Fixed broken `shell` command (#672) [Jim Mendenhall] * Fixed absolute path check on Windows (#656) Enhancements: * Made Nanoc error when multiple items have the same output path (#665, #669) * Improved error message for non-hash frontmatter (#670, #673) Changes: * nanoc is now called Nanoc ## 4.0.0rc1 (2015-06-21) Fixes: * Fixed double-wrapping of `@layout` in rendering helper (#631) * Fixed `show-rules` command (#633) ## 4.0.0b4 (2015-06-10) Fixes: * Added missing `#ext` method to identifiers (#612) * Fixed issue where identifiers would have the wrong extension (#611) * Fixed rule context exposing entities rather than views (#614, #615) * Fixed `#key?` and `#fetch` not being available on layout views (#618) * Fixed `#update_attributes` not being available on mutable layout views (#619) ## 4.0.0b3 (2015-05-31) Changes: * Removed `filesystem_verbose` data source (#599) * Set minimum required Ruby version to 2.2 Enhancements: * Made `@config`, `@items` and `@layouts` available in checks (#598) * Made `filesystem` an alias for `filesystem_unified` (#599) * Made specific reps for an item accessible using `@item.reps[:name]` (#586, #607) * Removed `allow_periods_in_identifiers` documentation (#605) * Made fog deployer not upload files with identical ETags to AWS (#480, #536, #552) [Paul Boone] Fixes: * Made `ItemView#parent` return nil if parent is nil (#600, #602) * Added missing `identifier_type` documentation (#604) ## 4.0.0b2 (2015-05-23) Changes: * Removed `ItemCollectionView#at` (#582) * Removed support for calling `ItemCollectionView#[]` with an integer (#582) * Renamed `identifier_style` to `identifier_type`, and made its values be `"full"` or `"legacy"` (#593) * Renamed `pattern_syntax` to `string_pattern_type`, and made its values be `"glob"` or `"legacy"` (#593) * Made `"full"` the default for `identifier_type` (#592, #594) * Made `"glob"` the default for `string_pattern_type` (#592) * Enabled auto-pruning by default for new sites (#590) Enhancements: * Added `--force` to `create-site` command (#580) [David Alexander] * Made default Rules file more future-proof (#591) Fixes: * Fixed `LayoutCollectionView#[]` documentation (it mentioned items) * Fixed `ItemCollectionView#[]` returning an array when passed a regex * Fixed an issue with mutable collection views’ `#delete_if` not yielding mutable views * Fixed an issue with collection views’ `#find_all` returning entities instead of views ## 4.0.0b1 (2015-05-14) Changes: * Removed tasks * Removed several private methods in the view API * Removed default `base_url` in tagging helper Enhancements: * Removed unused options from CLI * Added `Nanoc::Identifier#without_ext` * Made `Nanoc::Identifier#=~` work with a glob * Added `Nanoc::LayoutCollectionView#[]` * Allowed creation of site in current directory (#549) [David Alexander] Fixes: * Fixed `#passthrough` for identifiers with extensions * Fixed rendering helper for identifiers with extensions * Fixed filtering helper ## 4.0.0a2 (2015-05-12) Features: * Glob patterns (opt-in by setting `pattern_syntax` to `"glob"` in the site configuration) * Identifiers with extensions (opt-in by setting `identifier_style` to `"full"` in the data source configuration) Enhancements: * Added several convenience methods to view classes (#570, #572) See the [nanoc 4 upgrade guide](http://nanoc.ws/docs/nanoc-4-upgrade-guide/) for details. ## 4.0.0a1 (2015-05-09) This is a major upgrade. For details on upgrading, see the [nanoc 4 upgrade guide](http://nanoc.ws/docs/nanoc-4-upgrade-guide/). This release provides no new features, but streamlines the API and functionality, in order to easen future development, both for features and for optimisations. ## 3.8.0 (2015-05-04) Features: * Added `mixed_content` check (#542, #543) [Mike Pennisi] * Added `commands_dirs` configuration option for specifying directories to read commands from (#475) [Gregory Pakosz] * Added `:cdn_id` option to fog deployer for invalidating CDN objects (#451) [Vlatko Kosturjak] * Add access to regular expressions group matches in rules (#478) [Michal Papis] * Allow filtering the items array by regex (#458) [Mike Pennisi] Enhancements: * Added `:preserve_order` option to preserve order in Atom feed (#533, #534) * Allowed accessing `:pre` snapshot from within item itself (#537, #538, #548) Fixes: * Allowed passing generic Pandoc options with :args (#526, #535) * Fix crash when compiling extensionless binary items (#524, #525) * Fix double snapshot creation error (#547) ## 3.7.5 (2015-01-12) Enhancements: * Allowed extra patterns to be specified in the data source configuration, so that dotfiles are no longer necessary ignored (e.g. `extra_files: ['.htaccess']`) (#492, #498) [Andy Drop, Michal Papis] * Removed Ruby 1.8.x support ([details](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nanoc/pSL1i15EFz8)) (#517) * Improved CSS and HTML error messages (#484, #504) * Let kramdown filter print warnings (#459, #519) Fixes: * Fixed HTML class names for recent Rouge versions (#502) * Fixed crash when using items or layouts in attributes (#469, #518) ## 3.7.4 (2014-11-23) Enhancements: * Made `check` command fail when output directory is missing (#472) [Mike Pennisi] * Made external links check timeouts start small and grow (#483) [Michal Papis] * Made code and API adhere much more closely to the Ruby style guide (#476) Fixes: * Fixed potential “parent directory is world writable” error (#465, #474) * Fixed retrying requests in the external link checker (#483) [Michal Papis] * Fixed issue with data sources not being unloaded (#491) [Michal Papis] ## 3.7.3 (2014-08-31) Fixes: * Fixed issue which caused metadata sections not be recognised in files that use CRLF line endings (#470, #471) [Gregory Pakosz] ## 3.7.2 (2014-08-17) Fixes: * Fixed broken links to the now defunct RubyForge (#454, #467) * Fixed crash when Gemfile is missing but Bundler is installed (#464) * Made filesystem data source not strip any whitespace (#463) [Gregory Pakosz] Enhancements: * Fixed issue which could cause items to be unnecessarily marked as outdated (#461) [Gregory Pakosz] * Prevented binary layouts from being generated (#468) [Gregory Pakosz] ## 3.7.1 (2014-06-16) Fixes: * Fixed bug which would cause nanoc to crash if no Gemfile is present (#447, #449) ## 3.7.0 (2014-06-08) New features: * Allowed excluding links from the internal links check (`@config[:checks][:internal_links][:exclude]`) (#242) [Remko Tronçon] * Added Rouge syntax coloring filter (#398) [Guilherme Garnier] * Backported `after_setup` from nanoc 4 to make it easier to create CLI plugins (#407) [Rémi Barraquand] * Make lib dirs configurable using `lib_dirs` config attribute (#424) [Gregory Pakosz] * Added support for setting parent config dir using `parent_config_file` config attribute (#419) [Gregory Pakosz] Enhancements: * Added `:with_toc` support to RedCarpet (#222, #232) * Added `slim` to the list of text extensions (#316) * Made `content/` and `layouts/` dirs configurable (#412) [Gregory Pakosz] * Allowed included rules files to have their own preprocess block (#420) [Gregory Pakosz] Fixes: * Fixed bug which caused temporary directories not to be removed (#440, #444) ## 3.6.11 (2014-05-09) Identical to 3.6.10 but published with corrected release notes. This release was previously known as, but was renamed due to incompatibilities with the Semantic Versioning specification. ## 3.6.10 (2014-05-09) Fixes: * Fixed occasional "no such file" error on JRuby (#422) * Prevented multiple items and layouts from having the same identifier (#434, #435) Enhancements: * Set default encoding to UTF-8 (#428) * Improved checksummer to reduce number of unnecessary recompiles (#310, #431) * Disabled USR1 on JRuby in order to suppress warning (#425, #426) * Made pandoc filter argument passing more generic (#210, #433) ## 3.6.9 (2014-04-15) Fixes: * Fixed path to default stylesheet (#410, #411) * Improved reliability of piping from/to external processes in JRuby (#417) * Added workaround for “cannot modify” errors when using Nokogiri on JRuby (#416) * Made corrupted cached data auto-repair itself if possible (#409, #418) ## 3.6.8 (2014-03-22) Fixes: * Fixed issue with missing compilation durations (#374, #379) * Made XSL filter transform item rather than layout (#399, #401) [Simon South] * Made XSL filter honor omit-xml-declaration (#403, #404) [Simon South] * Removed "see full crash log" line from crash log (#397, #402) Enhancements: * Added warning when multiple preprocessors are defined (#389) * Improve stylesheet handling in default site (#339, #395) ## 3.6.7 (2013-12-09) Fixes: * Made Handlebars filter usable outside layouts (#346, #348) * Fixed ANSI color support on Windows (#352, #356) * Made fog deployer handle prefixes properly (#351) [Oliver Byford] * Fixed crash in watcher (#358) * Fixed huge durations when showing skipped items after compilation (#360, #364) * Fixed output of `--verbose` compilation statistics (#359, #365) * Fixed issue with Sass files not recompiling (#350, #370) Enhancements: * Fixed Windows compatibility issues in test suite (#353) [Raphael von der Grün] * Hid deprecated `autocompile` and `watch` commands in help * Made CLI swallow broken pipe errors when piping to a process that terminates prematurely (#318, #369) ## 3.6.6 (2013-11-08) Enhancements: * Reduced number of dependencies generated by Sass filter (#306) [Gregory Pakosz] * Recognised lowercase `utf` in language value (e.g. `en_US.utf8`) as being UTF-8 (#335, #338) * Set [Thin](http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/) as the default server for `nanoc view` (#342, #345) * Removed watcher section from the default configuration file (#343, #344) Fixes: * Prevented capturing helper from erroneously compiling items twice (#331, #337) ## 3.6.5 (2013-09-29) Fixes: * Fixed bug which could cause incorrect dependencies to be generated in some cases (#329) * Fixed handling of index filenames when allowing periods in identifiers (#330) ## 3.6.4 (2013-05-29) Enhancements: * Deprecated `watch` and `autocompile` commands in favour of [`guard-nanoc`](https://github.com/nanoc/guard-nanoc) Fixes: * Fixed bug which could cause the `tmp/` dir to blow up in size * Unescaped URLs when checking internal links ## 3.6.3 (2013-04-24) Fixes: * Added support for growlnotify on Windows (#253, #267) * Fixed bug which caused the external links checker to ignore the query string (#279, #297) * Removed weird treatment of `DOCTYPE`s in the `relativize_paths` filter (#296) * Fixed CodeRay syntax coloring on Ruby 2.0 * Silenced "Could not find files for the given pattern(s)" message on Windows (#298) * Fixed issue which could cause `output.diff` not to be generated correctly (#255, #301) * Let filesystem and static data sources follow symlinks (#299, #302) * Added compatibility with Listen 1.0 (#309) * Let `#passthrough` in Rules work well with the static data source (#251) [Gregory Pakosz] * Made timing information be more accurate (#303) ## 3.6.2 (2013-03-23) Fixes: * Removed the list of available deployers from the `deploy` help text and moved them into a new `--list-deployers` option [Damien Pollet] * Fixed warning about `__send__ `and `object_id` being redefined on Ruby 1.8.x [Justin Hileman] Enhancements: * Added possible alternative names for the `Checks` file for consistency with the `Rules` file: `Checks.rb`, `checks`, `checks.rb` [Damien Pollet] * Made sure unchanged files never have their mtime updated [Justin Hileman] * Made link checker retry 405 Method Not Allowed results with GET instead of HEAD [Daniel Hofstetter] ## 3.6.1 (2013-02-25) Fixes: * Fixed bug which could cause the Sass filter to raise a load error [Damien Pollet] * Fixed warnings about `__send__` and `object_id` being redefined [Justin Hileman] * Made `files_to_watch` contain `nanoc.yaml`, not `config.yaml` by default ## 3.6 (2013-02-24) Features: * Added `sync` command, allowing data sources to update local caches of external data [Justin Hileman] * Added `#ignore` compiler DSL method * Allowed accessing items by identifier using e.g. `@items['/about/']` * Added `shell` command Enhancements: * Renamed the nanoc configuration file from `config.yaml` to `nanoc.yaml` Fixes: * Updated references to old web site and old repository * Made `require` errors mention Bundler if appropriate * Fixed bug which caused pruner not to delete directories in some cases [@reima] * Made `check` command exit with the proper exit status * Added support for the `HTML_TOC` Redcarpet renderer * Made `stale` check honor files excluded by the pruner ## 3.5 (2013-01-27) Major changes: * Added checks Minor changes: * Added `#include_rules` for modularising Rules files [Justin Hileman] * Replaced FSSM with Listen [Takashi Uchibe] * Made USR1 print stack trace (not on Windows) * Added ability to configure autocompiler host/port in config.yaml [Stuart Montgomery] * Added static data source * Added `:rep_select` parameter to XML sitemap to allow filtering reps * Removed use of bright/bold colors for compatibility with Solarized Exensions: * Added support for parameters in Less filter [Ruben Verborgh] * Added support for icon and logo in Atom feed [Ruben Verborgh] Fixes: * Made syntax colorizer only use the first non-empty line when extracting the language comment * Fixed XSL filter ## 3.4.3 (2012-12-09) Improvements: * Item reps are now accessible in a consistent way: in Rules and during compilation, they can be accessed using both `@rep` and `@item_rep` Fixes: * Made cleaning streams (stdout/stderr as used by nanoc) compatible with Ruby’s built-in Logger * Made prune work when the output directory is a symlink * Made Handlebars filter compatible with the latest version * Made `show-data` command show more accurate dependencies [Stefan Bühler] * Restored compatibility with Sass 3.2.2 ## 3.4.2 (2012-11-01) Fixes: * Made passthrough rules be inserted in the right place [Gregory Pakosz] * Fixed crashes in the progress indicator when compiling * Made auto-pruning honor excluded files [Greg Karékinian] * Made lack of which/where not crash watch command Improvements: * Fixed constant reinitialization warnings [Damien Pollet] * Made UTF-8 not be decomposed when outputting to a file from a non-UTF-8 terminal * Made syntax colorizer wrap CodeRay output in required CodeRay divs * Made fog delete after upload, not before [Go Maeda] * Made requesting compiled content of binary item impossible ## 3.4.1 (2012-09-22) Fixes: * Fixed auto-pruning * Made slim filter work with the capturing helper [Bil Bas] Improvements: * Made several speed improvements * Added prune configuration to config.yaml * Made nanoc check for presence of nanoc in Gemfile * Made compile command not show identicals (use `--verbose` if you want them) * Made `relativize_paths` filter recognise more paths to relativize [Arnau Siches] * Fixed #passthrough for items without extensions [Justin Hileman] * Added more IO/File proxy methods to cleaning streams ## 3.4 (2012-06-09) * Improved error output and added crash log * Renamed `debug` and `info` commands to `show-data` and `show-plugins`, respectively * Added `show-rules` command (aka `explain`) Extensions: * Added `:yield` key for Mustache filter * Added Handebars filter * Added Pandoc filter * Made the deployer use the `default` target if no target is specified * Converted HTML/CSS/link validation tasks to commands * Made link validator follow relative redirects ## 3.3.7 (2012-05-28) * Added filename to YAML parser errors * Fixed issue which caused extra dependencies to be generated * Made timing information take filtering helper into account ## 3.3.6 (2012-04-27) * Fixed issue with relative_link_to stripping HTML boilerplate ## 3.3.5 (2012-04-23) * Fixed issue with relative_link_to not working properly ## 3.3.4 (2012-04-23) * Fixed bug which caused the compilation stack to be empty * Restored Ruby 1.8 compatibility ## 3.3.3 (2012-04-11) * Fixed directed graph implementation on Rubinius * Made capturing helper not remember content between runs * Fixed Date#freeze issue on Ruby 1.8.x * Made it possible to have any kind of object as parameters in the Rules file * Fixed bug which caused changed routes not to cause a recompile ## 3.3.2 (2012-03-16) * Removed bin/nanoc3 (use nanoc3 gem if you want it) * Fixed wrong “no such snapshot” errors * Made deployer default to rsync for backwards compatibility * Fixed missing Nanoc::CLI in deployment tasks * Fixed “unrecognised kind” deployer error ## 3.3.1 (2012-02-18) * Fixed issue with long paths on Windows * Fixed a few deployer crashes * Added nanoc3.rb, nanoc3/tasks.rb, … for compatibility with older versions * Made nanoc setup Bundler at startup [John Nishinaga] ## 3.3 (2012-02-12) Base: * Dropped the “3” suffix on nanoc3/Nanoc3 * Turned Rake tasks into proper nanoc commands * Improved dependency tracking * Added support for locals in filters and layouts Extensions: * Added support for deployment using Fog [Jack Chu] * Added CoffeeScript filter [Riley Goodside] * Added XSL filter [Arnau Siches] * Added YUICompress filter [Matt Keveney] * Added pygments.rb to supported syntax colorizers * Allowed syntax colorizer to colorize outside `pre` elements [Kevin Lynagh] * Added support for HTTPS link validation [Fabian Buch] * Added support for (automatically) pruning stray output files [Justin Hileman] * Added deploy command ## 3.2.4 (2012-01-09) * Fixed bug which would cause some reps not to be compiled when invoking nanoc programmatically * Made data source configuration location a bit more obvious * Fixed watch command under Windows * Made filesystem data source ignore UTF-8 BOM * Improved compatibility of `colorize_syntax` filter with older libxml versions ## 3.2.3 (2011-10-31) * Made syntax colorizer only strip trailing blank lines instead of all blanks * Improved Ruby 1.9.x compatibility * Made default rakefile require rubygems if necessary * Made filename/content argument of `Nanoc3::Item#initialize` mandatory ## 3.2.2 (2011-09-04) * Fixed command usage printing * Made `relativize_paths` filter handle Windows network paths [Ruben Verborgh] * Made watcher use correct configuration * Allowed code blocks to start with a non-language shebang line ## 3.2.1 (2011-07-27) * Made `@config` available in rules file * Fixed `#readpartial` issue on JRuby [Matt Keveney] * Fixed possible `@cache` name clash in memoization module * Fixed options with required arguments (such as `--port` and `--host`) * Fixed broken `#check_availability` * Fixed error handling in watch command ## 3.2 (2011-07-24) Base: * Sped up nanoc quite a bit * Added progress indicator for long-running filters * Made all source data, such as item attributes, frozen during compilation * Added --color option to force color on * Cleaned up internals, deprecating several parts and/or marking them as private in the progress * Allowed custom commands in commands/ Extensions: * Added AsciiDoc filter * Added Redcarpet filter [Peter Aronoff] * Added Slim filter [Zaiste de Grengolada] * Added Typogruby filter * Added UglifyJS filter [Justin Hileman] * Added `:items` parameter for the XML site map [Justin Hileman] * Added support for params to ERB * Added `:default_colorizer` parameter to the `:colorize_syntax` filter * Allowed for passing arbitrary options to pygmentize [Matthias Vallentin] * Exposed RedCloth parameters in the filter [Vincent Driessen] ## 3.1.9 (2011-06-30) * Really fixed dependency generation between Sass partials this time * Updated Less filter to 2.0 * Made `colorize_syntax` filter throw an error if pygmentize is not available ## 3.1.8 (2011-06-25) * Made link validator accept https: URLs * Fixed erroneous handling of layouts with names ending in index * Fixed dependency generation between Sass partials * Fixed errors related to thread requires * Fixed crash while handling load errors * Improved encoding handling while reading files ## 3.1.7 (2011-05-03) * Restored compatibility with Sass 3.1 ## 3.1.6 (2010-11-21) * Fixed issues with incompatible encodings ## 3.1.5 (2010-08-24) * Improved `#render` documentation * Improved metadata section check so that e.g. raw diffs are handled properly * Deprecated using `Nanoc3::Site#initialize` with a non-`"."` argument * Added Ruby engine to version string * Allowed the `created_at` and `updated_at` attributes used in the `Blogging` helper to be `Date` instances ## 3.1.4 (2010-07-25) * Made INT and TERM signals always quit the CLI * Allowed relative imports in LESS * Made sure modification times are unchanged for identical recompiled items * Improved link validator error handling * Made pygmentize not output extra divs and pres * Allowed colorizers to be specified using symbols instead of strings * Added scss to the default list of text extensions ## 3.1.3 (2010-04-25) * Removed annoying win32console warning [Eric Sunshine] * Removed color codes when not writing to a terminal, or when writing to Windows’ console when win32console is not installed [Eric Sunshine] * Added .xhtml and .xml to list of text extensions * Improved support for relative Sass @imports [Chris Eppstein] ## 3.1.2 (2010-04-07) * Fixed bug which could cause incorrect output when compilation of an item is delayed due to an unmet dependency ## 3.1.1 (2010-04-05) * Sass `@import`s now work for files not managed by nanoc * Rake tasks now have their Unicode description decomposed if necessary ## 3.1 (2010-04-03) New: * An `Item#rep_named(name)` function for quickly getting a certain rep * An `Item#compiled_content` function for quickly getting compiled content * An `Item#path` function for quickly getting the path of an item rep * A new “+” wildcard in rule patterns that matches one or more characters * A `view` command that starts a web server in the output directory * A `debug` command that shows information about the items, reps and layouts * A `kramdown` filter ([kramdown site](http://kramdown.gettalong.org/)) * A diff between the previously compiled content and the last compiled content is now written to `output.diff` if the `enable_output_diff` site configuration attribute is true * Assigns, such as `@items`, `@layouts`, `@item`, … are accessible without `@` * Support for binary items Changed: * New sites now come with a stylesheet item instead of a `style.css` file in the output directory * The `deploy:rsync` task now use sensible default options * The `deploy:rsync` task now accepts a config environment variable * The `deploy:rsync` task now uses a lowercase `dry_run` environment variable * The `maruku` filter now accepts parameters * The `rainpress` filter now accepts parameters * The `filesystem` data source is now known as `filesystem_verbose` * Meta files and content files are now optional * The `filesystem_compact` and `filesystem_combined` data sources have been merged into a new `filesystem_unified` data source * The metadata section in `filesystem_unified` is now optional [Christopher Eppstein] * The `--server` autocompile option is now known as `--handler` * Assigns in filters are now available as instance variables and methods * The `#breadcrumbs_trail` function now allows missing parents * The `sass` filter now properly handles `@import` dependencies Deprecated: * `Nanoc3::FileProxy`; use one of the filename attributes instead * `ItemRep#content_at_snapshot`; use `#compiled_content` instead * The `last_fm`, `delicious` and `twitter` data sources; fetch online content into a cache by a rake task and load data from this cache instead ## 3.0.9 (2010-02-24) * Fixed 1.8.x parsing bug due to lack of parens which could cause “undefined method `to_iso8601_time` for #” errors ## 3.0.8 (2010-02-24) * `#atom_tag_for` now works with `base_url`s that contain a path [Eric Sunshine] * Generated root URLs in `#atom_feed` now end with a slash [Eric Sunshine] * Autocompiler now recognises requests to index files * `Blogging` helper now allows `created_at` to be a Time instance ## 3.0.7 (2010-01-29) * Fixed bug which could cause layout rules not be matched in order ## 3.0.6 (2010-01-17) * Error checking in `filesystem_combined` has been improved [Brian Candler] * Generated HTML files now have a default encoding of UTF-8 * Periods in identifiers for layouts now behave correctly * The `relativize_paths` filter now correctly handles “/” [Eric Sunshine] ## 3.0.5 (2010-01-12) * Restored pre-3.0.3 behaviour of periods in identifiers. By default, a file can have multiple extensions (e.g. `content/foo.html.erb` will have the identifier `/foo/`), but if `allow_periods_in_identifiers` in the site configuration is true, a file can have only one extension (e.g. `content/blog/stuff.entry.html` will have the identifier `/blog/stuff.entry/`). ## 3.0.4 (2010-01-07) * Fixed a bug which would cause the `filesystem_compact` data source to incorrectly determine the content filename, leading to weird “Expected 1 content file but found 3” errors [Eric Sunshine] ## 3.0.3 (2010-01-06) * The `Blogging` helper now properly handles item reps without paths * The `relativize_paths` filter now only operates inside tags * The autocompiler now handles escaped paths * The `LinkTo` and `Tagging` helpers now output escaped HTML * Fixed `played_at` attribute assignment in the `LastFM` data source for tracks playing now, and added a `now_playing` attribute [Nicky Peeters] * The `filesystem_*` data sources can now handle dots in identifiers * Required enumerator to make sure `#enum_with_index` always works * `Array#stringify_keys` now properly recurses ## 3.0.2 (2009-11-07) * Children-only identifier patterns no longer erroneously also match parent (e.g.` /foo/*/` no longer matches `/foo/`) * The `create_site` command no longer uses those ugly HTML entities * Install message now mentions the IRC channel ## 3.0.1 (2009-10-05) * The proper exception is now raised when no matching compilation rules can be found * The autocompile command no longer has a duplicate `--port` option * The `#url_for` and `#feed_url` methods now check the presence of the `base_url` site configuration attribute * Several outdated URLs are now up-to-date * Error handling has been improved in general ## 3.0 (2009-08-14) New: * Multiple data sources * Dependency tracking between items * Filters can now optionally take arguments * `#create_page` and `#create_layout` methods in data sources * A new way to specify compilation/routing rules using a Rules file * A `coderay` filter ([CodeRay site](http://coderay.rubychan.de/)) * A `filesystem_compact` data source which uses less directories Changed: * Pages and textual assets are now known as “items” Removed: * Support for drafts * Support for binary assets * Support for templates * Everything that was deprecated in nanoc 2.x * `save_*`, `move_*` and `delete_*` methods in data sources * Processing instructions in metadata ## 2.2.2 (2009-05-18) * Removed `relativize_paths` filter; use `relativize_paths_in_html` or `relativize_paths_in_css` instead * Fixed bug which could cause nanoc to eat massive amounts of memory when an exception occurs * Fixed bug which would cause nanoc to complain about the open file limit being reached when using a large amount of assets ## 2.2.1 (2009-04-08) * Fixed bug which prevented `relative_path_to` from working * Split `relativize_paths` filter into two filter: `relativize_paths_in_html` and `relativize_paths_in_css` * Removed bundled mime-types library ## 2.2 (2009-04-06) New: * `--pages` and `--assets` compiler options * `--no-color` command-line option * `Filtering` helper * `#relative_path_to` function in `LinkTo` helper * `rainpress` filter ([Rainpress site](http://code.google.com/p/rainpress/)) * `relativize_paths` filter * The current layout is now accessible through the `@layout` variable * Much more informative stack traces when something goes wrong Changed: * The command-line option parser is now a lot more reliable * `#atom_feed` now takes optional `:content_proc`, `:excerpt_proc` and `:articles` parameters * The compile command show non-written items (those with `skip_output: true`) * The compile command compiles everything by default * Added `--only-outdated` option to compile only outdated pages Removed: * deprecated extension-based code ## 2.1.6 (2009-02-28) * The `filesystem_combined` data source now supports empty metadata sections * The `rdoc` filter now works for both RDoc 1.x and 2.x * The autocompiler now serves a 500 when an exception occurs outside compilation * The autocompiler no longer serves index files when the request path does not end with a slash * The autocompiler now always serves asset content correctly ## 2.1.5 (2009-02-01) * Added Ruby 1.9 compatibility * The `filesystem` and `filesystem_combined` data sources now preserve custom extensions ## 2.1.4 (2008-11-15) * Fixed an issue where the autocompiler in Windows would serve broken assets ## 2.1.3 (2008-09-27) * The `haml` and `sass` filters now correctly take their options from assets * The autocompiler now serves index files instead of 404s * Layouts named “index” are now handled correctly * The `filesystem_combined` data source now properly handles assets ## 2.1.2 (2008-09-08) * The utocompiler now compiles assets as well * The `sass` filter now takes options (just like the `haml` filter) * Haml/Sass options are now taken from the page *rep* instead of the page ## 2.1.1 (2008-08-18) * Fixed issue which would cause files not to be required in the right order ## 2.1 (2008-08-17) This is only a short summary of all changes in 2.1. For details, see the [nanoc web site](http://nanoc.stoneship.org/). Especially the blog and the updated manual will be useful. New: * New `rdiscount` filter ([RDiscount site](http://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount)) * New `maruku` filter ([Maruku site](https://github.com/bhollis/maruku/)) * New `erubis` filter ([Erubis site](http://www.kuwata-lab.com/erubis/)) * A better command-line frontend * A new filesystem data source named `filesystem_combined` * Routers, which decide where compiled pages should be written to * Page/layout mtimes can now be retrieved through `page.mtime`/`layout.mtime` Changed: * Already compiled pages will no longer be re-compiled unless outdated * Layout processors and filters have been merged * Layouts no longer rely on file extensions to determine the layout processor * Greatly improved source code documentation * Greatly improved unit test suite Removed: * Several filters have been removed and replaced by newer filters: * `eruby`: use `erb` or `erubis` instead * `markdown`: use `bluecloth`, `rdiscount` or `maruku` instead * `textile`: use `redcloth` instead ## 2.0.4 (2008-05-04) * Fixed `default.rb`’s `#html_escape` * Updated Haml filter and layout processor so that @page, @pages and @config are now available as instance variables instead of local variables ## 2.0.3 (2008-03-25) * The autocompiler now honors custom paths * The autocompiler now attempts to serve pages with the most appropriate MIME type, instead of always serving everything as `text/html` ## 2.0.2 (2008-01-26) * nanoc now requires Ruby 1.8.5 instead of 1.8.6 ## 2.0.1 (2008-01-21) * Fixed a “too many open files” error that could appear during (auto)compiling ## 2.0 (2007-12-25) New: * Support for custom layout processors * Support for custom data sources * Database data source * An auto-compiler * Pages have `parent` and `children` Changed: * The source has been restructured and cleaned up a great deal * Filters are defined in a different way now * The `eruby` filter now uses ERB instead of Erubis Removed: * The `filters` property; use `filters_pre` instead * Support for Liquid ## 1.6.2 (2007-10-23) * Fixed an issue which prevented the content capturing plugin from working ## 1.6.1 (2007-10-14) * Removed a stray debug message ## 1.6 (2007-10-13) * Added support for post-layout filters * Added support for getting a File object for the page, so you can now e.g. easily get the modification time for a given page (`@page.file.mtime`) * Cleaned up the source code a lot * Removed deprecated asset-copying functionality ## 1.5 (2007-09-10) * Added support for custom filters * Improved Liquid support -- Liquid is now a first-class nanoc citizen * Deprecated assets -- use something like rsync instead * Added `eruby_engine` option, which can be `erb` or `erubis` ## 1.4 (2007-07-06) * nanoc now supports ERB (as well as Erubis); Erubis no longer is a dependency * `meta.yaml` can now have `haml_options` property, which is passed to Haml * Pages can now have a `filename` property, which defaults to `index` [Dennis Sutch] * Pages now know in what order they should be compiled, eliminating the need for custom page ordering [Dennis Sutch] ## 1.3.1 (2007-06-30) * The contents of the `assets` directory are now copied into the output directory specified in `config.yaml` ## 1.3 (2007-06-24) * The `@pages` array now also contains uncompiled pages * Pages with `skip_output` set to true will not be outputted * Added new filters * Textile/RedCloth * Sass * nanoc now warns before overwriting in `create_site`, `create_page` and `create_template` (but not in compile) ## 1.2 (2007-06-05) * Sites now have an `assets` directory, whose contents are copied to the `output` directory when compiling [Soryu] * Added support for non-eRuby layouts (Markaby, Haml, Liquid, …) * Added more filters (Markaby, Haml, Liquid, RDoc [Dmitry Bilunov]) * Improved error reporting * Accessing page attributes using instance variables, and not through `@page`, is no longer possible * Page attributes can now be accessed using dot notation, i.e. `@page.title` as well as `@page[:title]` ## 1.1.3 (2007-05-18) * Fixed bug which would cause layoutless pages to be outputted incorrectly ## 1.1.2 (2007-05-17) * Backup files (files ending with a “~”) are now ignored * Fixed bug which would cause subpages not to be generated correctly ## 1.1 (2007-05-08) * Added support for nested layouts * Added coloured logging * `@page` now hold the page that is currently being processed * Index files are now called “content” files and are now named after the directory they are in [Colin Barrett] * It is now possible to access `@page` in the page’s content file ## 1.0.1 (2007-05-05) * Fixed a bug which would cause a “no such template” error to be displayed when the template existed but compiling it would raise an exception * Fixed bug which would cause pages not to be sorted by order before compiling ## 1.0 (2007-05-03) * Initial release