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Currently these types will be returned:</p> <ul> <li>:float</li> <li>:string</li> <li>:date</li> <li>:percentage</li> <li>:formula</li> </ul> <h3>Formulas</h3> <p>Formulas in Openoffice-Spreadsheets can be handled.</p> <p>oo.<strong>celltype</strong>(row,col) returns :formula if there is a formula in this cell.</p> <p>oo.<strong>formula?</strong>(row,col) returns true if there is a formula</p> <p>oo.<strong>formula</strong>(row,col) returns the formula in this cell in a string variable (like ”=<acronym title="[.A1:.M13]">SUM</acronym>”). You can do whatever you want with this expression. If there is no formula in this cell nil is returned.</p> <p>oo.<strong>cell</strong>(row,col) returns the computed result of the formula (as it was saved in the file, no recalculation is done in this Gem).</p> <p>oo.<strong>formulas</strong> returns all formulas in the selected spreadsheet in an array like this:</p> <pre> <code> [[1,2,"=SUM(.A1:.B1)"], [1,3,"=SIN(.C3)"], [1,4,"=COS(.D4)"]] </code> </pre> <p>Each entry consists of the elements row, col, formula.</p> <p>Note: oo.<strong>cell</strong>(row,col) is the same for ordinary cells and formulas. So you can use the computated value of a formula. If you have to distinguish if a cell is a formula use #<strong>formula</strong>?</p> <p>Please note: formulas in Excel-Spreadsheets cannot be handled (this is another gem, see: “Thanks”)</p> <h3><span class="caps">YAML</span>-Output</h3> <p>You can generate <span class="caps">YAML</span>-Output from your spreadsheet data. The method is called:</p> <p>oo.to_yaml # => produces <span class="caps">YAML</span> output from the entire default spreadsheet oo.to_yaml({“myattribute1” => “myvalue1”, “myattribute2” => “myvalue2”) # => <span class="caps">YAML</span> output with additional attributes oo.to_yaml({..}, 2,10, 300,10) # => only the rectangle from row 2, column 10 to row 300, column 10 will be returned</p> <p>If you omit one or more parameters the maximum boundaries of your spreadsheet will be used.</p> <p>With the <span class="caps">YAML</span> output you can import your data in a Ruby on Rails application in a manner that spreadsheet data can accessed in a Rails application.</p> <p>This is not limited to a Rails application – you can also do further evaluations with your data.</p> <h3>Using MS-Excel spreadsheets</h3> <p>You can also access MS-Excel spreadsheat.</p> Replace Openoffice with <pre> <code>oo = Excel.new("simple_spreadsheet.xls"). </code> </pre> <p>All methode are the same for OpenOffice and Excel-objects. The only difference is the setting of the default-worksheet. OpenOffice uses the name of the worksheet whereas Excel needs the index of the worksheet (1,2,3,..).</p> <p><span class="caps">EDIT</span>: since the release 0.4.2, default_sheet in Excel-object can be handled with names like the Openoffice-sheet.</p> <p>Formulas can only be handled in OpenOffice-spreadsheets.</p> <p>Features in OpenOffice and Excel:</p> <table class="border:1px solid black"> <tr> <td>feature</td> <td>Open Office</td> <td>Excel</td> </tr> <tr> <td>default_sheet</td> <td>as name</td> <td>as number or name (>=0.4.2)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>formulas</td> <td>yes</td> <td>no</td> </tr> <tr> <td>to_yaml</td> <td>yes</td> <td>yes</td> </tr> </table> <p>Old .sxc OpenOffice files are currently not supported – please load these files and save it as an “OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods)”.</p> <h3>Accessing Spreadsheet over the Web</h3> You can even read openoffice or excel-spreadsheets from a http-address: <pre> <code>oo = Excel.new("http://www.somedomain.com/simple_spreadsheet.xls"). oo = Openoffice.new("http://www.somedomain.com/simple_spreadsheet.ods"). </code> </pre> or a zipped file: <pre> <code>oo = Excel.new("http://www.somedomain.com/simple_spreadsheet.xls.zip",:zip). oo = Openoffice.new("http://www.somedomain.com/simple_spreadsheet.ods.zip",:zip). </code> </pre> after working with a spreadsheet from the web you have to call <pre> <code>oo.remove_tmp </code> </pre> <p>to delete the temporary local copy of the spreadsheet file. If you dont call this method you will have subdirectories names ‘oo_xxxxx’ which you can remove manually. Calling remove_tmp is not the best solution to clean temporary files – i will provide a better solution in the next releases.</p> <h3>Remote Access</h3> <p>You can even access your spreadsheet data from a remote machine via <span class="caps">SOAP</span>. The examples directory shows a little example how to do this. If you like, you can extend these functions or restrict the access to certain cells. Remote access with <span class="caps">SOAP</span> is nothing specific to roo, you can do this with every Rub object, but i thought it would nice to give an example what could be done with roo.</p> <h3>With Ruby on Rails</h3> <p>You can even use roo within your web application. On the project page there is an example named roorails.tgz, which shows a short example how you can display a spreadsheet table on a web page (see files app/controllers/spreadsheet_controller.rb and app/views/spreadsheet/index.rhtml).</p> <p>To display this example:</p> <ul> <li>unpack in any directory</li> <li>cd roorails</li> <li>ruby script/server</li> <li>point your browser to http://localhost:3000/spreadsheet/</li> </ul> <h2>Where is it used?</h2> <p>How do you use roo? What are you doing with roo?</p> <ul> <li>The author of this gem uses roo for the generation of weekly reports which are (automatically) sent to his customers (Thomas Preymesser, Homepage: www.thopre.com, Blog: thopre.wordpress.com, email me: thopre@gmail.com)</li> </ul> <p>If you have an interesting application where you use roo then write me a short description of your project and i will publish it here (write, if your email-address should be published or not).</p> <p>Or you can write directly in the project wiki at <a href="http://roo.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?Who's_Using_Roo">http://roo.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?Who’s_Using_Roo</a></p> <p>If you don’t want to publish the details you can also write me an email and state, that it should not be published – i am just curious to hear, where it is used.</p> <h2>Documentation</h2> <p><a href="rdoc/index.html">rdoc</a></p> <p>Only the Openoffice- and Excel-parts of this gem are currently working – the Google-Spreadheets are experimental and are currently <span class="caps">NOT</span> working. Don’t use this!</p> <h2>Feature Requests / Bugs</h2> <p>Submit Feature Requests and bugs here: <a href="http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?group_id=3729">http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?group_id=3729</a></p> <h2>Forum</h2> <p><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roo">http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roo</a></p> <h2>Wiki</h2> <p><a href="http://roo.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl">http://roo.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl</a></p> <h2>How to submit patches</h2> <p>Read the <a href="http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/">8 steps for fixing other people’s code</a> and for section <a href="http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/#8b-google-groups">8b: Submit patch to Google Groups</a>, use the Google Group above.</p> <p>The trunk repository is <code>svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/gorank/trunk</code> for anonymous access.</p> <h2>License</h2> <p>This code is free to use under the terms of Ruby</p> <h2>Contact</h2> <p>Comments are welcome. Send an email to <a href="mailto:thopre@gmail.com">Thomas Preymesser</a>.</p> <h2>Thanks</h2> <ul> <li><a href="http://rubyforge.org/users/nicwilliams/">Dr Nic Williams</a> for his wonderful gem ‘<a href="http://rubyforge.org/projects/newgem/">newgem</a>’ which makes it very convenient to create, manage and publish Ruby gems</li> <li>for the Excel-part the <a href="http://rubyforge.org/projects/spreadsheet/">spreadsheet</a> gem is used. My functions are a convenient wrapper around the functions of this gem</li> <li>Dirk Huth fürs Testen unter Windows</li> </ul> <p class="coda"> <a href="mailto:drnicwilliams@gmail.com">Dr Nic</a>, 26th August 2007<br> Theme extended from <a href="http://rb2js.rubyforge.org/">Paul Battley</a> </p> </div> <!-- insert site tracking codes here, like Google Urchin --> </body> </html>