module Pod class Builder def initialize(source_dir, sandbox_root, public_headers_root, spec, embedded, mangle) @source_dir = source_dir @sandbox_root = sandbox_root @public_headers_root = public_headers_root @spec = spec @embedded = embedded @mangle = mangle end def build(platform, library) if library build_static_library(platform) else build_framework(platform) end end def build_static_library(platform) UI.puts('Building static library') defines = compile(platform) platform_path = platform_path.mkdir unless platform_path.exist? build_library(platform, defines, platform_path +"lib#{}.a")) end def build_framework(platform) UI.puts('Building framework') defines = compile(platform) create_framework( copy_headers build_library(platform, defines, @fwk.versions_path + copy_license copy_resources(platform) end def link_embedded_resources target_path = @fwk.root_path +'Resources') target_path.mkdir unless target_path.exist? Dir.glob(@fwk.resources_path.to_s + '/*').each do |resource| resource = `ln -sf #{resource} #{target_path}` end end :private def build_library(platform, defines, output) static_libs = static_libs_in_sandbox if == :ios build_static_lib_for_ios(static_libs, defines, output) else build_static_lib_for_mac(static_libs, output) end end def build_static_lib_for_ios(static_libs, defines, output) return if static_libs.count == 0 `libtool -static -o #{@sandbox_root}/build/package.a #{static_libs.join(' ')}` xcodebuild(defines, '-sdk iphonesimulator', 'build-sim') sim_libs = static_libs_in_sandbox('build-sim') `libtool -static -o #{@sandbox_root}/build-sim/package.a #{sim_libs.join(' ')}` `lipo #{@sandbox_root}/build/package.a #{@sandbox_root}/build-sim/package.a -create -output #{output}` end def build_static_lib_for_mac(static_libs, output) return if static_libs.count == 0 `libtool -static -o #{output} #{static_libs.join(' ')}` end def build_with_mangling(platform) UI.puts 'Mangling symbols' defines = Symbols.mangle_for_pod_dependencies(, @sandbox_root) defines << " " << @spec.consumer(platform).compiler_flags.join(' ') if == :ios defines = "#{defines} ARCHS=\"x86_64 i386 arm64 armv7 armv7s\"" end UI.puts 'Building mangled framework' xcodebuild(defines) defines end def compile(platform) defines = "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='PodsDummy_Pods_#{}=PodsDummy_PodPackage_#{}'" defines << " " << @spec.consumer(platform).compiler_flags.join(' ') if == :ios defines = "#{defines} ARCHS=\"x86_64 i386 arm64 armv7 armv7s\"" end xcodebuild(defines) if dependency_count > 0 && @mangle return build_with_mangling(platform) end defines end def copy_headers headers_source_root = "#{@public_headers_root}/#{}" Dir.glob("#{headers_source_root}/**/*.h"). each { |h| `ditto #{h} #{@fwk.headers_path}/#{h.sub(headers_source_root, '')}` } # If custom 'module_map' is specified add it to the framework distribution # otherwise check if a header exists that is equal to '', if so # create a default 'module_map' one using it. if !@spec.module_map.nil? module_map_file = "#{@sandbox_root}/#{}/#{@spec.module_map}" module_map = if Pathname(module_map_file).exist? elsif File.exist?("#{@public_headers_root}/#{}/#{}.h") module_map = <<MAP framework module #{} { umbrella header "#{}.h" export * module * { export * } } MAP end unless module_map.nil? @fwk.module_map_path.mkpath unless @fwk.module_map_path.exist? File.write("#{@fwk.module_map_path}/module.modulemap", module_map) end end def copy_license license_file = @spec.license[:file] || 'LICENSE' license_file = "#{@sandbox_root}/#{}/#{license_file}" `cp "#{license_file}" .` if Pathname(license_file).exist? end def copy_resources(platform) bundles = Dir.glob("#{@sandbox_root}/build/*.bundle") `cp -rp #{@sandbox_root}/build/*.bundle #{@fwk.resources_path} 2>&1` resources = expand_paths(@spec.consumer(platform).resources) if resources.count == 0 && bundles.count == 0 @fwk.delete_resources return end if resources.count > 0 `cp -rp #{resources.join(' ')} #{@fwk.resources_path}` end end def create_framework(platform) @fwk =, platform, @embedded) @fwk.make end def dependency_count count = @spec.dependencies.count @spec.subspecs.each do |subspec| count += subspec.dependencies.count end count end def expand_paths(path_specs) do |path_spec| Dir.glob(File.join(@source_dir, path_spec)) end end def static_libs_in_sandbox(build_dir = 'build') Dir.glob("#{@sandbox_root}/#{build_dir}/libPods-*.a") end def xcodebuild(defines = '', args = '', build_dir = 'build') command = "xcodebuild #{defines} CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=#{build_dir} clean build #{args} -configuration Release -target Pods -project #{@sandbox_root}/Pods.xcodeproj 2>&1" output = `#{command}`.lines.to_a if $?.exitstatus != 0 puts, output) # Note: We use `Process.exit` here because it fires a `SystemExit` # exception, which gives the caller a chance to clean up before the # process terminates. # # See Process.exit end end end end