require File.dirname(File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), __FILE__)) + '/../../spec_helper' require File.dirname(File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), __FILE__)) + '/fixtures/classes.rb' describe "String#initialize" do ruby_version_is ""..."1.9" do it "is a private method" do "".private_methods.should include("initialize") end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "is a private method" do "".private_methods.should include(:initialize) end end it "replaces contents of self with the passed string" do s = "some string" id = s.object_id s.send :initialize, "another string" s.should == "another string" s.object_id.should == id end it "does not change self when not passed a string" do s = "some string" s.send :initialize s.should == "some string" end it "replaces the taint status of self with that of the passed string" do a = "an untainted string" b = "a tainted string".taint a.send :initialize, b a.tainted?.should == true end it "returns an instance of a subclass" do a ="blah") a.should be_kind_of(StringSpecs::MyString) a.should == "blah" end it "is called on subclasses" do s = s.special.should == nil s.should == "" s = "subclass" s.special.should == "subclass" s.should == "" end it "converts its argument to a string representation" do obj = mock 'foo' obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return('foo') obj end it "raises TypeError on inconvertible object" do lambda { 5 }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { nil }.should raise_error(TypeError) end ruby_version_is ""..."1.9" do it "raises a TypeError if self is frozen" do a = "hello".freeze a.send :initialize, a lambda { a.send :initialize, "world" }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "raises a RuntimeError if self is frozen" do a = "hello".freeze a.send :initialize, a lambda { a.send :initialize, "world" }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end