0.0.10 ----------- **FIXES** - make courier attributes on order optional. With the addition of the `has_courier?` method, you can now pass either `N/A` or a blank `order[:shipping_carrier]` to exclude courier from the order submission. 0.0.9 ----------- **FIXES** - pass separate value, `order[:shipping_carrier]`, to `CourierName` 0.0.8 ----------- **FIXES** - rename `State` to `County` as `State` was not recongnized by Seko 0.0.7 ----------- **NEW FEATURES** - add `State`, `CourierName`, and `CourierService` to order 0.0.6 ----------- **NEW FEATURES** - rename `submit_receipt` to `send_return_request` to be more semantic - add `requires_warehouse?` method for third-party use 0.0.5 ----------- **NEW FEATURES** - add `UnitPrice`, `CurrencyCode`, and `VAT` to order line items. 0.0.4 ----------- **NEW FEATURES** - add tracking for UPS - `get_carrier` method now parses tracking numbers with a RegEx and returns the appropriate carrier 0.0.3 ----------- **FIXES** - pass dashes when zipcode is blank 0.0.2 ----------- **FIXES** - update DPD tracking url 0.0.1 ----------- - initial release using Seko Logistics' SupplyStream iHub REST API v1 **Integrations** 1. **Inbound Product Master Upload and method** 2. **Inbound Companies Upload and method** 3. **Inbound Advanced Shipment Notification** 4. **Inbound Sales Order / Cancel Orders** 5. **Retrieve GRN’s** 6. **Retrieve Stock Quantity** 7. **Retrieve Tracking Details** 8. **Retrieve Sales Order Status** 9. **Retrieve Stock Adjustments** 10. **Retrieve Stock Movements**