command 'export' do |c| c.syntax= 'brief export [OPTIONS]' c.description = 'Export a parsed version of the document collection' c.option '--include-content', nil, 'whether to include the unparsed content' c.option '--include-rendered', nil, 'whether to include the rendered content' c.option '--config-path PATH', String, 'Path to the config file' c.action do |args, options| options.default :config_path => Pathname(Dir.pwd).join('brief.rb') briefcase = Pathname(options.config_path)) json = briefcase.present("default", content: !!options.include_content, rendered: !!options.include_rendered) output = args.first || "briefcase.json" Pathname(Dir.pwd).join(output).open("w+") {|fh| fh.write(json.to_json) } end end