require 'yaml' class PipelineCompiler include Thor::Shell def initialize(mainPipelinePath, globalAliasesPath, partialsFolder) loadGlobalAliases(globalAliasesPath) loadMainPipeline(mainPipelinePath) loadPartials(partialsFolder) end def merge pipeline = {} pipeline = parseToYaml(@mainPipeline) unless @mainPipeline == "" # that is our one level merger for the special keys we support @partials.each do |filename, partialContent| say_status 'ok', "merging partial #{filename}", :white partialAsHashmap = parseToYaml(partialContent) %w(jobs resources resource_types groups).each do |mergeKey| if partialAsHashmap.key?(mergeKey) pipeline[mergeKey] = [] unless pipeline.key?(mergeKey) pipeline[mergeKey].concat partialAsHashmap[mergeKey] partialAsHashmap.delete(mergeKey) end end # now put all the others which should not be conflicting. We might do this manually per key to inform # when we have conflicts .. since this will override existing keys pipeline.merge(partialAsHashmap) end raise "The pipeline-file is empty, most probably your baseFolder was wrong or it is empty" if pipeline.empty? pipeline end def parseToYaml(body) # add our global aliases before you transform to yaml to ensure we can lookup those YAML.load(body) end def loadGlobalAliases(globalAliasesPath) if File.exist?(globalAliasesPath) say_status 'success', "Global alias file found and loaded from #{globalAliasesPath}", :green @globalAliases = else say_status 'ok', "No global alias file found at #{globalAliasesPath}", :white @globalAliases = "" end end def loadMainPipeline(mainPipelinePath) if File.exist?(mainPipelinePath) say_status 'success', "Main pipeline file found and loaded from #{mainPipelinePath}", :green @mainPipeline = @globalAliases + "\n" + else say_status 'ok', "No Main pipeline file found at #{mainPipelinePath}", :white @mainPipeline = "" end end def loadPartials(partialsFolder) say_status 'warning', "Partial folder not found at #{partialsFolder}", :yellow unless Dir.exist?(partialsFolder) @partials = {} # our partials must start with _ Dir.glob("#{partialsFolder}/**/_*.yaml") do |f| content = @partials[f] = @globalAliases + "\n" + content if content end end def globalAliases @globalAliases end def mainPipeline @mainPipeline end end