_____ _ ______ _ / __ \ | | | ___ \ | | | / \/ ___ __| | ___| |_/ /_ __ __ _| | _____ _ __ | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ ___ \ '__/ _` | |/ / _ \ '__| | \__/\ (_) | (_| | __/ |_/ / | | (_| | < __/ | \____/\___/ \__,_|\___\____/|_| \__,_|_|\_\___|_| A great way to get started gathering user stories is to do a high-level brain dump of the sorts of things we might like to do. Here are some titles to get started: Start game - When a new game was started, the game generates secret code. The code should have 4 items. Code-breaker submits guess - The code-breaker propose a guess, and the system replies by marking the guess according to the marking algorithm. Code-breaker wins game - The code-breaker propose a guess that matches the secret code exactly. The system responds by marking the guess with four + signs. Code-breaker loses game - After some number of turns, the game tells the code-breaker that the game is over (need to decide how many turns and whether to reveal the code). Code-breaker plays again - After the game is won or lost, the system prompts the code-breaker to play again. If the code-breaker indicates yes, a new game begins. If the code-breaker indicates no, the system shuts down. Code-breaker requests hint - At any time during a game, the code-breaker can request a hint, at which point the system reveals one of the numbers in the secret code. Code-breaker saves score - After the game is won or lost, the code-breaker can opt to save information about the game: who (initials?), how many turns, and so on.