# Manifest documentation here: http://compass-style.org/help/tutorials/extensions/ # Install module template: compass create -r ezy -u ezy # Description description "Ezy Grid: a minimal grid framework with mammoth potential." # Import all files and folders discover :directories # Skip auto creating a config.rb no_configuration_file! # Skip compiling styles # skip_compilation! # Stylesheet Import file 'assets/sass/screen.scss', :to => :css # Javascript Import # file 'scripts.js', :like => :javascript, :to => 'scripts.js' # General File Import # file 'README.md', :to => "README.md" file 'index.html', :to => "index.html" # Compass Extension Help help %Q{ All documentation can be found here: http://raahede.github.io/ezy/ Go here for source code: http://github.com/raahede/ezy } # Compass Extension Welcome Message # Users will see this when they create a new project using this template. welcome_message %Q{ All documentation can be found here: http://raahede.github.io/ezy/ }