Class Stream

  extended by org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.Stream
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChunkStream, PointerContainingStream, StringsStream, UnknownStream

public abstract class Stream
extends java.lang.Object

Base of all Streams within a HDGF document. Streams are what hold the data (the metadata of a stream is held in the pointer that points to the stream). A stream may be stored compressed or un-compressed on the disk, but that doesn't appear to change their use.

Constructor Summary
protected Stream(Pointer pointer, StreamStore store)
          Creates a new Stream, having already used the pointer to build a store
Method Summary
 int _getContentsLength()
 StreamStore _getStore()
static Stream createStream(Pointer pointer, byte[] documentData, ChunkFactory chunkFactory, PointerFactory pointerFactory)
          Uses the pointer to locate a Stream within the document data, and creates it.
 Pointer getPointer()
protected  StreamStore getStore()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected Stream(Pointer pointer,
                 StreamStore store)
Creates a new Stream, having already used the pointer to build a store

Method Detail


public Pointer getPointer()


protected StreamStore getStore()


public StreamStore _getStore()


public int _getContentsLength()


public static Stream createStream(Pointer pointer,
                                  byte[] documentData,
                                  ChunkFactory chunkFactory,
                                  PointerFactory pointerFactory)
Uses the pointer to locate a Stream within the document data, and creates it.

pointer - The Pointer to create a stream for
documentData - The raw document data

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