# frozen_string_literal: true
module Primer
# `Dropdown` is a lightweight context menu for housing navigation and actions.
# They're great for instances where you don't need the full power (and code) of the SelectMenu.
class Dropdown < Primer::Component
# Required trigger for the dropdown. Has the same arguments as <%= link_to_component(Primer::ButtonComponent) %>,
# but it is locked as a `summary` tag.
renders_one :button, lambda { |**system_arguments, &block|
@button_arguments = system_arguments
@button_arguments[:button] = true
view_context.capture { block&.call }
# Required context menu for the dropdown.
# @param as [Symbol] When `as` is `:list`, wraps the menu in a `
` with a `- ` for each item.
# @param direction [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::Dropdown::Menu::DIRECTION_OPTIONS) %>
# @param scheme [Symbol] Pass `:dark` for dark mode theming
# @param header [String] Optional string to display as the header
# @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %>
renders_one :menu, "Primer::Dropdown::Menu"
# @example Default
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new) do |c| %>
# <% c.button do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(header: "Options") do |menu|
# menu.item { "Item 1" }
# menu.item { "Item 2" }
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @example With dividers
# @description
# Dividers can be used to separate a group of items. They don't have any content.
# @code
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new) do |c| %>
# <% c.button do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(header: "Options") do |menu|
# menu.item { "Item 1" }
# menu.item { "Item 2" }
# menu.item(divider: true)
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# menu.item { "Item 4" }
# menu.item(divider: true)
# menu.item { "Item 5" }
# menu.item { "Item 6" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @example With direction
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new(display: :inline_block)) do |c| %>
# <% c.button do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(header: "Options", direction: :s) do |menu|
# menu.item { "Item 1" }
# menu.item { "Item 2" }
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# menu.item { "Item 4" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @example With caret
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new(with_caret: true)) do |c| %>
# <% c.button do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(header: "Options") do |menu|
# menu.item { "Item 1" }
# menu.item { "Item 2" }
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# menu.item { "Item 4" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @example Customizing the button
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new) do |c| %>
# <% c.button(scheme: :primary, variant: :small) do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(header: "Options") do |menu|
# menu.item { "Item 1" }
# menu.item { "Item 2" }
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# menu.item { "Item 4" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @example Menu as list
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new) do |c| %>
# <% c.button do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(as: :list, header: "Options") do |menu|
# menu.item { "Item 1" }
# menu.item { "Item 2" }
# menu.item(divider: true)
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# menu.item { "Item 4" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @example Customizing menu items
# <%= render(Primer::Dropdown.new) do |c| %>
# <% c.button do %>
# Dropdown
# <% end %>
# <%= c.menu(header: "Options") do |menu|
# menu.item(tag: :button) { "Item 1" }
# menu.item(classes: "custom-class") { "Item 2" }
# menu.item { "Item 3" }
# end %>
# <% end %>
# @param overlay [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::DetailsComponent::OVERLAY_MAPPINGS.keys) %>
# @param with_caret [Boolean] Whether or not a caret should be rendered in the button.
# @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %>
def initialize(overlay: :default, with_caret: false, **system_arguments)
@with_caret = with_caret
@system_arguments = system_arguments
@system_arguments[:overlay] = overlay
@system_arguments[:reset] = true
@system_arguments[:classes] = class_names(
def render?
button.present? && menu.present?