 * Backbone.Notifier.js v0.2.5
 * Copyright 2012, Eyal Weiss
 * Backbone.Notifier.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
(function ($, Backbone, _) {
    var emptyFn = function () {},
        Notifier = Backbone.Notifier = Backbone.Model.extend({
            defaults: {
                'baseCls': 'notifier',
                'types': ['warning', 'error', 'info', 'success'], // available notification styles
                'dialog': false,		// whether display the notification with a title bar and a dialog style (sets 'hideOnClick' to false, unless defined)
                'theme': 'plastic',		// default theme for notifications (currently available: 'plastic' / 'clean').
                'message': '',			// message content
                'closeBtn': false,
                'title': undefined,		// notification title, if defined causes the notification to be 'dialog' (unless dialog is 'false')
                'hideOnClick': true,	// whether to hide the notifications on mouse click
                'type': null,       	// default notification style (null / 'warning' / 'error' / 'info' / 'success')
                'cls': null,      		// additional css class
                'ms': 10000,			// milliseconds before hiding
                'loader': false,		// whether to display loader animation in notifactions
                'destroy': false,		// notification or selector of nofications to hide on show
                'modal': false,			// whether to dark and block the UI behind the nofication
                'opacity': 1,			// opacity of nofications
                'offsetY': 0,				// distance between the notifications and the top/bottom edge
                'fadeInMs': 500,		// duration (milliseconds) of notification's fade-in effect
                'fadeOutMs': 500,		// duration (milliseconds) of notification's fade-out effect
                'position': 'top',		// default notifications position ('top' / 'center' / 'bottom')
                'screenOpacity': .65,	// opacity of dark screen background that goes behind for modals (between 0 to 1)
                'zIndex': 10000,		// minimal z-index for notifications
                'width': undefined,		// notification's width
                'modules': undefined	// modules to register immediately
            transitions: {
                top: {
                    'in': function (el, inner, options, duration, callback) {
                        el.css({display: 'block', top: -1000});
                        el.css({top: -inner.innerHeight()})
                            .animate({top: options.offsetY, opacity: options.opacity}, duration, callback || emptyFn);
                    'out': function (el, inner, options, duration, callback) {
                        el.animate({top: -inner.innerHeight(), opacity: 0}, duration, callback || emptyFn);
                center: {
                    'in': function (el, inner, options, duration, callback) {
                        el.css({top: options.offsetY - 40, display: 'block'})
                            .animate({ top: '50%', marginTop: -inner.innerHeight() / 2, opacity: options.opacity}, duration, callback || emptyFn);
                    'out': function (el, inner, options, duration, callback) {
                        el.animate({top: '0%', opacity: 0}, duration, callback || emptyFn);
                bottom: {
                    'in': function (el, inner, options, duration, callback) {
                        el.css({bottom: options.offsetY - 40, top: 'auto', display: 'block'})
                            .animate({bottom: inner.innerHeight() + options.offsetY, opacity: options.opacity}, duration, callback || emptyFn);
                    'out': function (el, inner, options, duration, callback) {
                        el.animate({bottom: -inner.height(), opacity: 0}, duration, callback || emptyFn);
            template: function (settings) {         //function(settings){ ... return html; }
                var strBuilder = [
                    '<div class="' + settings.wrapperCls + '">',
                    '<div class="' + settings.innerCls + '">',
                    (settings.title ? '<div class="' + settings.baseCls + '-title">' + settings.title + '</div>' : ''),
                    (settings.closeBtn ? '<button class="' + settings.baseCls + '-close" data-handler="destroy"><span>x</span></button>' : '')
                if (settings.dialog) {
                        '<div class="' + settings.baseCls + '-message">' + settings.message +
                            (settings.loader ? '<div class="' + settings.baseCls + '-loader"></div>' : '') +
                } else {
                        '<div class="' + settings.baseCls + '-message">' + settings.message + '</div>',
                        (settings.loader ? '<div class="' + settings.baseCls + '-loader"></div>' : '')
                if (settings.buttons) {
                    var btnPh = $('<div />');
                    _.each(settings.buttons, function (btn) {
                        btnPh.append($('<button/>', btn));
                    strBuilder.push('<div class="' + settings.baseCls + '-btns">' + btnPh.html() + '</div>');
                return strBuilder.join('');
            initEl: function () {
                var el = this.el ? this.el : 'body',
                    $el = _.isObject(el) ? el : $(el);
                if (!$el.length) {
                    return $($.proxy(this.initEl, this));
                this.$el = $el;
                this._cssPos = ($el.get(0) === document.body) ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
                ($el.get(0) !== document.body) && $el.css('position', 'relative');
                if (this._cssPos === 'absolute') {
                    $el.css('overflow', 'hidden');
            initialize: function (options) {
                var scope = this;
                this.el = options && options.el;
                this.initEl.call(this, options && options.el);

                this.current = {};
                scope.NotificationView = Backbone.View.extend({
                    defaults: scope.attributes,
                    on: function (eventName, handler) {
                        var fn = handler,
                            view = this;
                        if (_.isString(handler)) {
                            fn = function () {
                                view[handler].apply(view, arguments);
                        return Backbone.View.prototype.on.call(this, eventName, fn);

                var notifyFn = function (type, opts) {
                    if (_.isString(opts)) {
                        opts = {message: opts};
                    var o = _.extend({}, {'type': ''}, opts);
                    o.type = o.type ? type + ' ' + o.type : type;
                    return scope.notify(o);

                var createNotifyFn = function (type) {
                    scope[type] = scope[type] || function (opts) {
                        return notifyFn(type, opts);

                _.each(scope.attributes.types, function (type) {

                if (scope.attributes) {
                    var initialModules = this.attributes.modules;
                    initialModules && $.each(initialModules, function (mName, m) {
                        m.name = _.isArray(initialModules) ? m.name : mName;
                    scope.attributes.modules = undefined;
            calcZIndex: function () {
                if (this._cssPos === 'absolute') {
                    return this.attributes.zIndex;
                var z = this.attributes.zIndex + 1,
                    scope = this;
                _.each(scope.current, function (view) {
                    z = view.zIndex > z ? view.zIndex : z;
                return ++z;
            destroyAll: function (keyFilter, valueFilter) {
                var i = 0,
                    scope = this;
                if (_.isFunction(keyFilter)) {
                    _.each(scope.current, function (view) {
                        if (keyFilter(view)) {
                } else if (keyFilter !== undefined) {
                    _.each(scope.current, function (view) {
                        if (view.settings[keyFilter] === valueFilter) {
                } else {
                    _.each(scope.current, function (view) {
                return i;
            getWrapperCls: function (settings) {
                var c = (settings.baseCls + ' ') +
                    (settings.type ? settings.type + ' ' : '') +
                    ('theme-' + settings.theme + ' ') +
                    (settings.dialog ? 'dialog ' : '') +
                    ('pos-' + settings.position + ' ') +
                    (settings.buttons ? 'with-buttons ' : '') +
                    (settings.loader ? 'with-loader ' : '') +
                    (settings.closeBtn ? 'with-close-btn ' : '');
                return $.trim(c).split(' ').join(' ' + settings.baseCls + '-') +
                    ' ' + (settings.cls || '');
            getSettings: function (options) {
                if (_.isString(options)) {
                    options = {message: options};
                var settings = $.extend({}, this.attributes, options);
                if (settings.title && options.dialog === undefined) {
                    settings.dialog = true;
                if ((settings.modal || settings.dialog) && options.hideOnClick === undefined) {
                    settings.hideOnClick = false;
                if (settings.dialog && options.ms === undefined) {
                    settings.ms = null;
                if (settings.dialog && options.position === undefined) {
                    settings.position = 'center';
                return settings;
            notify: function (options) {
                options = options || {};
                if (options.el) {
                    this.el = options && options.el;
                    this.initEl.call(this, options && options.el);
                var scope = this,
                    settings = this.getSettings(options);
                if (_.isObject(settings.destroy)) {
                    if (settings.destroy instanceof scope.NotificationView) {
                    } else {
                        scope.destroyAll.apply(scope, _.isArray(settings.destroy) ? settings.destroy : [settings.destroy]);
                } else if (settings.destroy === true) {
                var zIndex = options.zIndex || scope.calcZIndex.call(scope);

                settings.wrapperCls = scope.getWrapperCls(settings);
                settings.innerCls = settings.baseCls + '-inner';

                var msgEl = $(scope.template(settings)),
                    msgInner = msgEl.find('.' + settings.innerCls);
                settings.width && msgInner.css({width: settings.width});
                Notifier._modulesBinder.trigger('beforeAppendMsgEl', scope, settings, msgEl, msgInner);
                msgEl.css({display: 'none', opacity: 0, position: scope._cssPos, zIndex: settings.modal ? ++zIndex : zIndex}).prependTo(scope.$el);
                var msgView = new scope.NotificationView({
                    el: msgEl
                msgView.settings = settings;

                if (settings.buttons || msgInner.find('button').length) {
                    msgInner.on('click', 'button[data-handler]', function () {
                        var handler = $(this).data('handler'),
                            fn = _.isFunction(handler) ? handler : msgView[handler];
                        fn.apply(msgView, arguments);
                    msgInner.on('button click', function (e) {
                        msgView.trigger('click:' + $(e.target).data('role'));

                var removeFn = msgView.destroy = function (e) {
                    if (_.isObject(e) && e.preventDefault) {
                    msgView.trigger('beforeHide', msgView, msgEl);
                    settings.modal && msgView.screenEl.fadeOut(300, function () {
                        msgView.trigger('screenHide', msgView, msgEl);

                    Notifier._modulesBinder.trigger('beforeHideMsgEl', scope, settings, msgEl, msgInner, msgView);
                    var outAnimFn = $.isFunction(settings.out) ? settings.out : scope.transitions[settings.position].out;
                    outAnimFn.call(scope, msgEl, msgInner, settings, settings.fadeOutMs, function () {
                        msgView.trigger('destroy', msgView, msgEl);
                        Notifier._modulesBinder.trigger('afterDestroyMsgEl', scope, settings, msgEl, msgInner, msgView);
                        _.isFunction(e) && e.call(msgView, msgView, msgEl);
                    if (msgView.timeoutId) {
                    delete msgView.timeoutId;
                    delete scope.current[msgView.cid];

                var preventDefaultFn = function (e) {
                    if (e) {

                if (settings.modal) {
                    msgView.screenEl = $('<div/>', {
                        'class': settings.baseCls + '-screen ' + settings.baseCls + '-theme-' + settings.theme,
                        css: { position: scope._cssPos, top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', opacity: 0, zIndex: zIndex - 1  }
                        .click(function (e) {
                            return false;
                        }).fadeTo(300, settings.screenOpacity);


                if (settings.ms > 0 || settings.ms === 0) {
                    msgView.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
                        msgView.trigger('timeout', msgView, msgEl);
                    }, settings.ms);

                msgInner.click(settings.hideOnClick ? removeFn : preventDefaultFn);

                settings.css && msgInner.css(settings.css);
                var animateFn = $.isFunction(settings['in']) ? settings['in'] : scope.transitions[settings.position]['in'];
                scope.current[msgView.cid] = msgView;
                msgView.zIndex = zIndex;

                Notifier._modulesBinder.trigger('beforeAnimateInMsgEl', scope, settings, msgEl, msgInner, msgView);
                animateFn.call(scope, msgEl, msgInner, settings, settings.fadeInMs, function () {
                    Notifier._modulesBinder.trigger('afterAnimateInMsgEl', scope, settings, msgEl, msgInner, msgView);
                return msgView;

    // ====================== Modules mechanism ======================
    Notifier.getModule = function (moduleName) {
        return (_.isObject(moduleName)) ? moduleName : Notifier.modules[moduleName];

    var modulesBinder = {},
        shift = Array.prototype.shift;
    _.extend(modulesBinder, Backbone.Events);
    Notifier._modulesBinder = modulesBinder;

    Notifier.regModule = function (moduleName, m) {
        if (arguments.length === 1) {
            m = $.isFunction(moduleName) ? moduleName() : moduleName;
            moduleName = m.name;
        } else {
            m = $.isFunction(m) ? m() : m;
            m.name = moduleName;
        if (!moduleName) {
            throw('module name is not defined.');
        if (m.extend) {
            $.each(m.extend, function (k, v) {
                var orig = Notifier.prototype[k];
                if (_.isFunction(v) || orig === undefined) {
                    Notifier.prototype[k] = function () {
                        return v.apply({scope: this, supr: orig, module: m}, arguments);
                } else if (!_.isObject(v)) {
                    Notifier.prototype[k] = v;
                } else {
                    Notifier.prototype[k] = $.extend(true, {}, orig, v);
        (Notifier.modules = Notifier.modules || {})[moduleName] = m;
        $.isFunction(m.register) && m.register.call(m, Notifier);
        m.enabled && Notifier.enableModule(m);
        return m;

    Notifier.enableModule = function (moduleName) {
        var m = Notifier.getModule(moduleName);
        if (m) {
            m._handlers = m._handlers || {};
            m.events && $.each(m.events, function (k, fn) {
                var handler = m._handlers[k] = function () {
                    var notifier = shift.call(arguments);
                    fn.apply({module: m, scope: notifier}, arguments);
                Notifier._modulesBinder.on(k, handler);
            m.enabled = true;
            $.isFunction(m.enable) && m.enable.call(m, Notifier);
            return m;

//		console.log('module "'  + moduleName + '" is not registered.');
        return false;

    Notifier.disableModule = function (moduleName) {
        var m = Notifier.getModule(moduleName);
        if (m) {
            $.each(m._handlers, function (k, fn) {
                Notifier._modulesBinder.off(k, fn);
            m.enabled = false;
            $.isFunction(m.disable) && m.disable.call(m, Notifier);
            return m;
//		console.log('module "'  + moduleName + '" is not registered.');
        return false;

})(jQuery, Backbone, _);

 * Backbone.Notifier Template Module v0.0.1
 * Copyright 2012, Eyal Weiss
 * Backbone.Notifier Template Module be freely distributed under the MIT license.
(function(Notifier, $, _){

		name: 'template',
		enabled: true,
		extend: {
			template: function(settings){
				if (settings.data) {
					var compiled = _.template(settings.message);
					settings.message = compiled(settings.data);
				return this.supr.call(this.scope, settings);

})(Backbone.Notifier, jQuery, _);