== 0.1.2 2008-09-08 * Preemptive peer reaping. Peers now automatically "expire" from the local registry when they haven't been heard from in a while. * Non-significant fixes. == 0.1.1 2008-09-05 * Figuring out how to deploy properly with hoe :) == 0.1.0 2008-09-05 * Renamed Journeta::JournetaEngine to Journeta::Engine * Added Engine.known_peers * Peer handler interface changed from 'handle(event)' to 'call(event)' to support raw Proc objects. * examples/network_status.rb * Documentation updates. == 0.0.5 2008-08-22 * Documentation updates. == 0.0.4 2008-08-22 * Graphical instant messenger example. * examples/instant_messenger_gui.rb (requires the wxruby gem) * Will talk to the command line example seemlessly. * Linux bug fixes. * Ruby 1.8.6 support == 0.0.3 2008-08-21 * Linux support. * Added peer 'groups' support to avoid peer message spamming. * Major refactoring to make outbound messages sent asynchonously to the sending thread. * Example and documentation updates. * Shared network queue example added! * examples/queue_client.rb * examples/queue_server.rb * Renaming.. * Session -> Peer * Event -> Presence == 0.0.2 2008-08-19 * First working RubyForge release: * See README.txt for general info. * Adding functional chat room example. (See examples/) == 0.0.1 2007-07-25 * Initial release: * Basic port from original Java code. * NOT YET FUNCTIONAL!