# # This file is part of the ballast gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun@cowtech.it>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Ballast::Operation do describe ".perform" do it "should call the superclass implementation with no changes if the first arg is of the right class" do context = Ballast::Context.new expect(Ballast::Context).not_to receive(:build) Ballast::Operation.perform(context) Ballast::Operation.perform(nil, context: context) end it "should create a context on the fly if the first arg is NOT of the right class" do expect(Ballast::Context).to receive(:build).with("OWNER", {}).and_return("ONTHEFLY") Ballast::Operation.perform("OWNER") end end describe "#initialize" do it "should save the context and then call #setup" do expect_any_instance_of(Ballast::Operation).to receive(:setup) subject = Ballast::Operation.new("CONTEXT") expect(subject.context).to eq("CONTEXT") end end describe "#in_em_thread" do it "should yield the block in EM::Synchrony thread" do counter = 0 allow(EM).to receive(:reactor_running?).and_return(true) expect(EM::Synchrony).to receive(:defer){|&block| block.call } Ballast::Operation.new({}).in_em_thread { counter = 1 } expect(counter).to eq(1) end end describe "#setup_response" do it "should save instance variables into the context response" do subject = Ballast::Operation.new(Ballast::Context.build(nil, response: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})) subject.instance_variable_set(:@first, "A") subject.instance_variable_set(:@second, "B") subject.instance_variable_set(:@third, "C") subject.setup_response expect(subject.response).to eq({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, first: "A", second: "B", third: "C"}.with_indifferent_access) end it "should not do anything if interactor failed" do subject = Ballast::Operation.new(Ballast::Context.build(nil, response: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})) expect(subject).to receive(:success?).and_return(false) subject.instance_variable_set(:@first, "A") subject.instance_variable_set(:@second, "B") subject.instance_variable_set(:@third, "C") subject.setup_response expect(subject.response).to eq({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}.with_indifferent_access) end end describe "#import_response" do before(:each) do @subject = Ballast::Operation.new(Ballast::Context.build(nil, response: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})) @target = Object.new @target.instance_variable_set(:@c, 1) @target.instance_variable_set(:@d, 2) end it "should load instance variables from the context response" do @subject.import_response(@target, :a, :b) expect(@target.instance_variable_get(:@a)).to eq(1) expect(@target.instance_variable_get(:@b)).to eq(2) end it "should overwrite a variable by default" do expect { @subject.import_response(@target, :c) }.not_to raise_error expect(@target.instance_variable_get(:@c)).to eq(3) end it "should raise an error if a variable is already defined and overwrite is disabled" do expect { @subject.import_response(@target, :c, overwrite: false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#perform_with_handling" do before(:each) do @subject = Ballast::Operation.new({}) end it "should yield the block" do expect(@subject).to receive(:setup_response) counter = 0 @subject.perform_with_handling { counter = 1 } expect(counter).to eq(1) end it "should propagate debug dumps" do expect { @subject.perform_with_handling { "DEBUG".for_debug } }.to raise_error(Lazier::Exceptions::Debug) end it "should handle BaseError" do expect(@subject).to receive(:setup_response) expect(@subject).to receive(:fail!).with("RESPONSE") expect { @subject.perform_with_handling { raise Ballast::Errors::BaseError.new("RESPONSE") } }.not_to raise_error end it "should propagate the error otherwise" do expect { @subject.perform_with_handling { raise RuntimeError.new("ERROR") } }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe "#fail!" do it "should append the error and mark the failure" do subject = Ballast::Operation.new(Ballast::Context.build(nil)) subject.fail!("NO") expect(subject.failure?).to be(true) expect(subject.errors).to eq(["NO"]) end end describe "#import_error" do before(:each) do @subject = Ballast::Operation.new(Ballast::Context.build(nil, errors: [{status: 401, error: "Unauthorized"}, {status: 403, error: "Forbidden"}])) end it "should set the flash of the target" do target = OpenStruct.new(flash: {}) @subject.import_error(target) expect(target.flash[:error]).to eq("Unauthorized") end it "should set instance variable if request to" do target = OpenStruct.new(flash: {}) @subject.import_error(target, false) expect(target.instance_variable_get(:@error)).to eq({status: 401, error: "Unauthorized"}.with_indifferent_access) end it "should import all errors if requested to" do target = OpenStruct.new(flash: {}) @subject.import_error(target, true, false) @subject.import_error(target, false, false) expect(target.flash[:error]).to eq(["Unauthorized", "Forbidden"]) expect(target.instance_variable_get(:@error)).to eq([{status: 401, error: "Unauthorized"}.with_indifferent_access, {status: 403, error: "Forbidden"}.with_indifferent_access]) end end describe "#resolve_error" do it "should format AJAX error" do subject = Ballast::Operation.new({}) expect(subject.resolve_error(nil)).to eq({status: 500, error: "Oops! We're having some issue. Please try again later."}) expect(subject.resolve_error("A")).to eq({status: 500, error: "Oops! We're having some issue. Please try again later."}) expect(subject.resolve_error("A", {500 => "ERROR"})).to eq({status: 500, error: "ERROR"}) expect(subject.resolve_error(OpenStruct.new(response: 403))).to eq({status: 403, error: "Oops! We're having some issue. Please try again later."}) expect(subject.resolve_error(OpenStruct.new(response: 403), {403 => "ERROR"})).to eq({status: 403, error: "ERROR"}) end end describe "method_missing" do it "should forward call to the owner" do subject = Ballast::Operation.new(OpenStruct.new(owner: " ABC ")) expect(subject.strip).to eq("ABC") expect { subject.not_strip }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end