require "shopify_cli" module ShopifyCLI ## # ShopifyCLI::PartnersAPI provides easy access to the partners dashboard CLI # schema. # class PartnersAPI < API autoload :Organizations, "shopify_cli/partners_api/organizations" class << self ## # issues a graphql query or mutation to the Shopify Partners Dashboard CLI Schema. # It loads a graphql query from a file so that you do not need to use large # unwieldy query strings. It also handles authentication for you as well. # # #### Parameters # - `ctx`: running context from your command # - `query_name`: name of the query you want to use, loaded from the `lib/graphql` directory. # - `**variables`: a hash of variables to be supplied to the query or mutation # # #### Raises # # * http 404 will raise a ShopifyCLI::API::APIRequestNotFoundError # * http 400..499 will raise a ShopifyCLI::API::APIRequestClientError # * http 500..599 will raise a ShopifyCLI::API::APIRequestServerError # * All other codes will raise ShopifyCLI::API::APIRequestUnexpectedError # # #### Returns # # * `resp` - graphql response data hash. This can be a different shape for every query. # # #### Example # # ShopifyCLI::PartnersAPI.query(@ctx, 'all_organizations') # def query(ctx, query_name, **variables) CLI::Kit::Util.begin do api_client(ctx).query(query_name, variables: variables) end.retry_after(API::APIRequestUnauthorizedError, retries: 1) do ctx).reauthenticate end rescue API::APIRequestUnauthorizedError => e if (request_info = auth_failure_info(ctx, e)) ctx.puts(ctx.message("core.api.error.failed_auth_debugging", request_info)) end ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.api.error.failed_auth")) rescue API::APIRequestNotFoundError ctx.puts(ctx.message("core.partners_api.error.account_not_found", ShopifyCLI::TOOL_NAME)) end def partners_url_for(organization_id, api_client_id) if ShopifyCLI::Shopifolk.acting_as_shopify_organization? organization_id = "internal" end "https://#{Environment.partners_domain}/#{organization_id}/apps/#{api_client_id}" end private def api_client(ctx) new( ctx: ctx, token: IdentityAuth.fetch_or_auth_partners_token(ctx: ctx), url: "https://#{Environment.partners_domain}/api/cli/graphql", ) end def auth_failure_info(ctx, error) if error.response headers = %w(www-authenticate x-request-id) request_info = { |h| "#{h}: #{error.response[h]}" if error.response.key?(h) }.join("\n") ctx.debug("Full headers: #{error.response.each_header.to_h}") request_info end rescue => e ctx.debug("Couldn't fetch auth failure information from #{error}: #{e}") end end def auth_headers(token) { Authorization: "Bearer #{token}" } end end end