module Pvcglue class Packages class Manager < Pvcglue::Packages def initialize(minion = nil, options = {}) minion = if minion.nil? super end def installed? get_minion_state(:manager_installed_at) end def install! connection.mkdir_p(user_name, manager_dir, nil, nil, 700) connection.ssh!(user_name, '', 'git config --global pvc_manager') connection.ssh!(user_name, '', 'git config --global --global pvc_manager@pvc.local') connection.ssh!(user_name, '', "git init #{Pvcglue::Manager.manager_dir}") # TODO: Create example configuration file, if none exists connection.write_to_file(user_name, "#{}\n", manager_test_filename) connection.ssh!(user_name, '', %Q(cd #{manager_dir} && git status)) git_commit! connection.ssh!(user_name, '', %Q(cd #{manager_dir} && git status)) # connection.ssh!(user_name, '', %Q(cd #{manager_dir} && git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s" && echo)) set_minion_state(:manager_installed_at, end def post_install_check? return false unless connection.file_exists?(user_name, manager_dir) return false unless working_directory_clean? connection.file_exists?(user_name, manager_test_filename) end def manager_dir Pvcglue::Manager.manager_dir end def manager_test_filename File.join(manager_dir, 'install.log') end def self.get_configuration new.get_configuration end def self.configuration_exists? new.configuration_exists? end def configuration_exists? connection.file_exists?(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name) end def get_configuration # if connection.file_exists?(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name) # data = connection.read_from_file(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name) # else # # raise(Thor::Error, "Remote manager file not found: #{::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name}") # raise("Remote manager file not found: #{::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name}") # end data = '' # to use `data` in block if Pvcglue.command_line_options[:cloud_manager_override] data =[:cloud_manager_override]) else Pvcglue.filter_verbose do data = connection.read_from_file(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name) end end = TOML.parse(data) end def self.push_configuration new.push_configuration end def push_configuration raise('Not supported for local manager') if Pvcglue.command_line_options[:cloud_manager_override] test_data = TOML.parse(test_data) # At least make sure it's valid TOML # TODO: More in-depth validations connection.upload_file(user_name,, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name, nil, nil, '600') git_commit! raise('Error saving configuration') unless working_directory_clean? # TODO: Turn delete back on # File.delete( end def git_commit! connection.ssh!(user_name, '', %Q(cd #{manager_dir} && git add -A && git commit --allow-empty --author="pvc-$PVCGLUE_USER <>" -m "Change configuration")) end def working_directory_clean? connection.run_get_stdout!(user_name, '', %Q(cd #{manager_dir} && git status)) =~ /working directory clean/ end def self.pull_configuration new.pull_configuration # new( end def pull_configuration # TODO: Rename to edit_config_start, and create Thor commands to match if connection.file_exists?(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name) data = connection.read_from_file(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Manager.manager_file_name) else template ='pvc_manager.toml.erb')) data = template.render(self, minion: minion) end file_name = if File.exist?(file_name) backup_file_name = ::Pvcglue.configuration.versioned_filename(file_name) File.rename(file_name, backup_file_name)"Existing local configuration file saved to #{backup_file_name}") end File.write(file_name, data) puts "Configuration saved to #{file_name}. Now edit it and push it back up." end def load_secrets connection.read_from_file_if_exists?(user_name, ::Pvcglue::Env.stage_env_file_name) end def save_secrets(data) connection.write_to_file(user_name, data, ::Pvcglue::Env.stage_env_file_name, nil, nil, 600) git_commit! end end end end