# # Author: cary@rightscale.com # Copyright 2014 RightScale, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This contains a bunch or random helper shims # Probably should be broken out into separate classes # module RightApiHelper class API15 < Base # If the cloud reports ssh keys, then we assume it requires them to launch # servers. def requires_ssh_keys?(cloud) begin cloud.show.ssh_keys true rescue RightApi::ApiError => e false # assume cloud does not require them end end # Find SSH key # # EC2 and Eucalyptus require an SSH key to launch a server. RightScale # manages SSH keys for each user so just grabbing the first one is fine, # however older configurations might relay on specific keys. You will # need to grab the resource UUID from the RightScale dashboard for the key # that you want to use. def find_ssh_key_by_uuid_or_first(cloud, ssh_uuid = nil) ssh_key = nil if ssh_uuid # grab specific ssh key sshkey = find_cloud_resource(cloud, :ssh_keys, :by_resource_uid, ssh_uuid) else # grab first key found keys = cloud.show.ssh_keys ssh_key = keys.index.first if keys end ssh_key end # If the cloud reports security groups then we assume it requires them to launch # servers. def requires_security_groups?(cloud) begin cloud.show.security_groups true rescue RightApi::ApiError => e false # assume cloud does not require them end end def user_data(server) @user_data ||= server.show.current_instance(:view=>"extended").show.user_data end def data_request_url(userdata) data_hash = {} entry = userdata.split('&').select { |entry| entry =~ /RS_rn_auth/i } raise "ERROR: user data token not found. " + "Does your MCI have a provides:rs_agent_type=right_link tag?" unless entry token = entry.first.split('=')[1] "#{api_url}/servers/data_injection_payload/#{token}" end def delete_server(name) server = find_server_by_name(name) begin server.terminate server_wait_for_state(server, "terminated") rescue end server.destroy end def list_servers(filter_by, filter_value) list_resources(:servers, filter_by, filter_value) end def list_deployments(filter_by=nil, filter_value=nil) list_resources(:deployments, filter_by, filter_value) end def list_clouds(filter_by=nil, filter_value=nil) list_resources(:clouds, filter_by, filter_value) end def list_servertemplates(filter_by, filter_value) list_resources(:server_templates, filter_by, filter_value) end def list_security_groups(cloud, filter_by, filter_value) list_subresources(cloud, :security_groups, filter_by, filter_value) end def list_multi_cloud_images(server_template, filter_by, filter_value) list_subresources(server_template, :multi_cloud_images, filter_by, filter_value) end def find_security_group_by_name(cloud, security_group_name) find_cloud_resource(cloud, :security_groups, :by_name, security_group_name) end def find_security_group_by_id(cloud, security_group_uid) find_cloud_resource(cloud, :security_groups, :by_resource_uid, security_group_uid) end def find_server_by_name(name) find_resource(:servers, :by_name, name) end def find_deployment_by_name(name) find_resource(:deployments, :by_name, name) end # returns:: String if cloud is found, nil if not found def find_cloud_by_name(name) find_resource(:clouds, :by_name, name) end def find_mci_by_name(name) find_resource(:multi_cloud_images, :by_name, name) end def find_servertemplate(name_or_id) server_template = nil; id = nil; name = nil # detect if user passed in a name or an id # there is probably a cleaner way to do this, but I am lazy ATM. begin id = Integer(name_or_id) rescue Exception => e name = name_or_id # Cannot be case to integer, assume a name was passed end if name @log.debug "ServerTemplate name detected." # find ServerTemplate by name st_list = list_resources(:server_templates, :by_name, name) revisions = st_list.map { |st| st.revision } # check for duplicate revisions duplicates = (revisions.size != revisions.uniq.size) raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: Duplicate ServerTemplate with the name of '#{name}' detected " + "in account -- there can be only one. Please fix via the RightScale dashboard and retry." if duplicates # always use latest revision latest_rev = revisions.sort.last server_template = st_list.select { |st| st.revision == latest_rev}.first raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: Unable to find ServerTemplate with the name of '#{name}' found " unless server_template else @log.debug "Looking up ServerTemplate by ID." # find ServerTemplate by id server_template = @client.server_templates.index(:id => id) end server_template end def create_deployment(name) @client.deployments.create(:deployment => { :name => name, :decription => "Created by the Vagrant"}) end def destroy_deployment(deployment) deployment.destroy end def create_server(deployment, server_template, mci, cloud, name, ssh_key = nil, groups = nil) # check params unless st_href = server_template.show.href raise "ERROR: ServerTemplate parameter not initialized properly" end unless mci.nil? unless mci_href = mci.show.href raise "ERROR: Multi Cloud Image parameter not initialized properly" end end unless d_href = deployment.show.href raise "ERROR: Deployment parameter not initialized properly" end unless c_href = cloud.show.href raise "ERROR: Deployment parameter not initialized properly" end if ssh_key unless ssh_key_href = ssh_key.show.href raise "ERROR: ssh_key parameter not initialized properly" end end security_group_hrefs = nil if groups security_group_hrefs = [] groups.each do |group| unless group_href = group.show.href raise "ERROR: ssh_key parameter not initialized properly" end security_group_hrefs << group_href end end instance_hash = { :cloud_href => c_href, :server_template_href => st_href } instance_hash[:ssh_key_href] = ssh_key_href if ssh_key instance_hash[:security_group_hrefs] = security_group_hrefs if security_group_hrefs # Use the MCI if provided otherwise let the API choose the default MCI # in the ServerTemplate. instance_hash[:multi_cloud_image_href] = mci_href unless mci_href.nil? # create server in deployment using specfied ST server = @client.servers.create({ :server => { :name => name, :decription => "Created by the right_provision_api", #TODO: pass this as a param :deployment_href => d_href, :instance => instance_hash } }) end def is_provisioned?(server) server.show.api_methods.include?(:current_instance) end # @param(Hash) inputs Hash input name/value pairs i.e. { :name => "text:dummy"} def launch_server(server, inputs = { :name => "text:dummy"}) server_name = server.show.name server.launch(inputs) # TODO: parse inputs from Vagrantfile # XXX: need to create a new server object after launch -- why? API bug? find_server_by_name(server_name) end def terminate_server(server) server.terminate end # Only use this *before* you launch the server def set_server_inputs(server, inputs) server.show.next_instance.show.inputs.multi_update({"inputs" => inputs}) end def server_wait_for_state(server, target_state, delay = 10) current_state = server_state(server) while current_state != target_state raise "Unexpected sever state: #{current_state}" if is_bad?(current_state) puts "Server #{current_state}. Waiting for instance to be in #{target_state} state..." sleep delay current_state = server_state(server) end end def set_bad_states(list_array) @bad_states = list_array end def is_bad?(state) @bad_states ||= [] @bad_states.select{|s| state =~ /#{s}/}.size > 0 end def server_ready?(server) server_state(server) == "operational" end def server_cloud_name(server) instance = instance_from_server(server) cloud = cloud_from_instance(instance) cloud.show.name end def server_info(server) server.show.current_instance.show(:view => 'extended') end private def server_state(server) instance_from_server(server).show.state end def instance_from_server(server) server_data = server.show if is_provisioned?(server) begin server_data.current_instance rescue server_data.next_instance end else server_data.next_instance end end def cloud_from_instance(instance) instance.show.cloud end def find_resource(api_resource, filter_key, filter_value) resource = nil list = list_resources(api_resource, filter_key, filter_value) raise "More than one #{api_resource} with the #{filter_key} of '#{filter_value}'. " + "Please resolve via the RightScale dashboard and retry." if list.size > 1 resource = list.first unless list.empty? resource end def list_resources(api_resource, filter_key=nil, filter_value=nil) raise ArgumentError.new("api_resource must be a symbol") unless api_resource.kind_of?(Symbol) key = filter_key.to_s.delete("by_") # convert :by_name to "name" filter = {} filter = {:filter => ["#{key}==#{filter_value}"]} if filter_value list = @client.send(api_resource).index(filter) list end def index_resource(api_resource, index_key, index_value) raise ArgumentError.new("api_resource must be a symbol") unless api_resource.kind_of?(Symbol) arry = @client.send(api_resource).index(index_key => index_value) arry end def find_cloud_resource(cloud, api_resource, filter_key, filter_value) resource = nil list = list_subresources(cloud, api_resource, filter_key, filter_value) raise "More than one #{api_resource} with the #{filter_key} of '#{filter_value}'. " + "Please resolve via the RightScale dashboard and retry." if list.size > 1 resource = list.first unless list.empty? resource end def list_subresources(api_resource, subresource, filter_key, filter_value) raise ArgumentError.new("subresource must be a symbol") unless subresource.kind_of?(Symbol) key = filter_key.to_s.sub(/by_/,"") # convert :by_name to "name" filter = {} filter = {:filter => ["#{key}==#{filter_value}"]} if filter_value list = api_resource.show.send(subresource).index(filter) list end end end