#encoding: UTF-8 require "redis" require "logger" require "json" require "thread" require "redis/stream/inspect" require "redis/stream/config" require "redis/stream/data_cache" class Redis module Stream class Client include Redis::Stream::Inspect attr_reader :logger, :name, :group, :consumer_id, :cache, :redis, :non_blocking # Initialize: setup rstream # @param [String] stream_name name of the rstream # @param [String] group name of the rstream group # @param [Object] options options can contain redis[host, port, db] and logger keys # # Example: Redis::Stream::Client.new("resolver", "stream", {"logger" => Logger.new(STDOUT)}) # if group is nil or not supplied then no rstream group will be setup def initialize(stream_name, group_name = nil, name = rand(36 ** 7).to_s(36), options = {}) default_options = {"host" => "", "port" => 6379, "db" => 0, "config_file_path" => '.', "logger" => Logger.new(STDOUT)} options = default_options.merge(options) Redis::Stream::Config.path = options['config_file_path'] host = options["host"] port = options["port"] db = options["db"] @logger = options["logger"] @cache = options.include?('caching') && options['caching'] ? Redis::Stream::DataCache.new : nil @name = name @state = Redis::Stream::State::IDLE @stream = stream_name @group = group_name if options.include?('redis') @logger.info("Taking REDIS as a parameter") @redis = options['redis'] elsif Redis::Stream::Config.file_exists? && Redis::Stream::Config.include?(:redis) @logger.info("Taking REDIS from config file") @redis = Redis.new(Redis::Stream::Config[:redis]) else @logger.info("Instantiating REDIS") @redis = Redis.new(host: host, port: port, db: db) end @consumer_id = "#{@name}-#{@group}-#{Process.pid}" @non_blocking = nil # @send_queue = [] raise "No redis" if @redis.nil? @state = Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING if options.include?("sync_start") && options["sync_start"] setup_stream @last_id = info['last-generated-id'] rescue '0' @logger.info "#{@consumer_id} - Last ID = #{@last_id}" end # add: add a message to the stream # @param [Object] data Any data you want to transmit # @param [String] to Name of the consumer can be "*" or "" or nil for any consumer # @param [String] group Name of the consumer group can be "*" or "" or nil for any group # @param [Stream::Type] type Type of message # # no passthrough variable here. The passthrough is available in the start method def add(data = {}, options = {}) raise "Client isn't running" unless @state.eql?(Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING) default_options = {"to" => "*", "group" => "*", "type" => Redis::Stream::Type::ACTION, "cache_key" => nil} options = default_options.merge(options) type = options["type"] to = options["to"] group = options["group"] payload = build_payload(data, options) add_id = @redis.xadd(@stream, payload) # @send_queue << add_id @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - send to '#{to}' in group '#{group}' with id '#{add_id}' of type '#{type}'") add_id end # sync_add: same as add command but synchronous. Blocks call until a message arrives # @param [Object] data Any data you want to transmit # @param [String] to Name of the consumer can be "*" or "" or nil for any consumer # @param [String] group Name of the consumer group can be "*" or "" or nil for any group # @param [Stream::Type] type Type of message # @param [Integer] time_out Time out after x seconds # @param [Boolean] passthrough Receive all messages also the ones intended for other consumers def sync_add(data = {}, options = {}) raise "Client isn't running" unless @state.eql?(Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING) default_options = {"to" => "*", "group" => "*", "type" => Redis::Stream::Type::ACTION, "time_out" => 5, "passthrough" => false, "cache_key" => nil} options = default_options.merge(options) to = options["to"] group = options["group"] passthrough = options["passthrough"] time_out = options["time_out"] #@state = Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING data_out = nil add_id = add(data, "to" => to, "group" => group, "type" => options["type"], "cache_key" => options["cache_key"]) time = Time.now loop do timing = ((Time.now - time)).to_i if timing > time_out @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - Time out(#{time_out}) for '#{to}' in group '#{group}'") #@send_queue.delete(add_id) if @send_queue.include?(add_id) break end break if (data_out = read_next_message_from_stream(false, passthrough)) end #@state = Redis::Stream::State::STOPPED data_out end # on_message: execute this block everytime a new message is received def on_message(&block) @on_message_callback = block end # start: start listening for stream messages # # @param [Boolean] block Should the thread be blocked. # @param [Boolean] passthrough Receive all messages also the ones intended for other consumers def start(block = true, passthrough = false) raise "#{@consumer_id} already running" if @state == Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING @state = Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING #sanitize if block while @state == Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING read_next_message_from_stream(true, passthrough) end else @non_blocking = Thread.new do while @state == Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING read_next_message_from_stream(true, passthrough) end @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - ending thread") end end end #stop: stop listening for new messages def stop @state = Redis::Stream::State::STOPPED @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - stopping") @non_blocking.join unless @non_blocking.nil? ensure del_consumer del_group end #running?: Are we still in the running state def running? t = @non_blocking.nil? ? true : @non_blocking.alive? t && @state.eql?(Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING) end #remove dead and non existing consumers and groups def sanitize groups.each do |group| consumers(group["name"]).each do |consumer| if @consumer_id != consumer["name"] result = sync_add({}, "to" => consumer["name"], "group" => group["name"], "type" => Redis::Stream::Type::PING, "time_out" => 1) if result.nil? del_consumer(group['name'], consumer['name']) end end end end end private def build_payload(data, options) to = options['to'] group = options['group'] type = options['type'] payload = nil unless @cache.nil? if options["cache_key"].nil? cache_key = @cache.build_key(data) if @cache.include?(cache_key) if data && data.include?('from_cache') && data['from_cache'].eql?(0) @cache.delete(cache_key) @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - invalidating cache with key #{cache_key}") else payload = { type: type, from: to, from_group: group, to: @consumer_id, to_group: @group, payload: @cache[cache_key].to_json } @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - fetching from cache with key #{cache_key}") end end else @cache[options["cache_key"]] = data end end if payload.nil? payload = { type: type, from: @consumer_id, from_group: @group, to: to, to_group: group, payload: data.to_json } end payload end #setup stream def setup_stream if @group begin @redis.xgroup(:create, @stream, @group, '$', mkstream: true) @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - Group #{@group} created") rescue Redis::CommandError => e @logger.error("#{@consumer_id} - Group #{@group} exists") @logger.error("#{@consumer_id} - #{e.message}") end end Signal.trap('INT') { @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - Caught CTRL+c") stop } at_exit do stop if @state == Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - Done") end @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - Listening for incoming requests") end #handle_incoming: process incoming message # @param [Object] message def handle_incoming(message) if callback = @on_message_callback timing = Time.now begin callback.call(message) rescue Exception => e @logger.error("#{@consumer_id} - #{e.message} - #{message["payload"].to_json}") ensure @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - message from '#{message["from"]}' handled in #{((Time.now.to_f - timing.to_f).to_f * 1000.0).to_i}ms") end end end #read message from the stream # @param [Boolean] async return the message if synchronous else call handle_incoming # @param [Boolean] passthrough Receive all messages also the ones intended for other consumers def read_next_message_from_stream(async = true, passthrough = false) if @state == Redis::Stream::State::RUNNING result = @redis.xread(@stream, @lastid, block: 1000, count: 1) if @group.nil? result = @redis.xreadgroup(@group, @consumer_id, @stream, '>', block: 1000, count: 1) if @group unless result.empty? id, data_out = result[@stream][0] ack_count = @redis.xack(@stream, @group, id) if @group begin data_out["payload"] = JSON.parse(data_out["payload"]) rescue Exception => e @logger.error("#{@consumer_id} error parsing payload: #{e.message}") end # if @send_queue.include?(id) # @send_queue.delete(id) # @logger.warning("#{@consumer_id} - send queue is not empty: #{@send_queue.join(',')}") if @send_queue.length > 0 # unless passthrough # #@logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - ignoring self") # return false # end # end if (data_out["from"].eql?(@consumer_id)) return false end unless (data_out["to"].nil? || data_out["to"].eql?('') || data_out["to"].eql?('*') || data_out["to"].eql?(@consumer_id)) && (data_out["to_group"].nil? || data_out["to_group"].eql?('') || data_out["to_group"].eql?('*') || data_out["to_group"].eql?(@group)) @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - ignoring message from '#{data_out["from"]}' to '#{data_out["to"]}-#{data_out["to_group"]}'") return false end @logger.info("#{@consumer_id} - received from '#{data_out["from"]}' of type '#{data_out['type']}' to '#{data_out["to"]}' in group '#{data_out["to_group"]}' with message id '#{id}' - with ack #{ack_count}") if data_out["type"].eql?(Redis::Stream::Type::PING) add(data_out["payload"].to_s, "to" => data_out["from"], "group" => "*", "type" => Redis::Stream::Type::PONG) return false end if data_out["type"].eql?(Redis::Stream::Type::PONG) return false end return data_out unless async handle_incoming(data_out) end end rescue Exception => e return false end end end end