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Smeltet Skallen

I just accidentaly found a fairly popular Youtube channel whose videos only consist of a couple of kids around 10 going to Wallmart or Toysrus to buy tons of toys and then doing lame reviews as they unbox the stuff.
Also, all comments are written by little kids asking stuff like “do the legs move?”

I’m weirded out and I don’t know exactly why.


Ostrogothic Spangenhelm (Sassanidian type), Migration Period,  East Roman Empire, 5th - 7th Century AD
An early medieval helmet of the East Roman (Byzantine) provinces. Helmet is of rounded shape, with two decorated bands crossing over top, and one going across base. This helmet was likely used by the Ostrogoths who migrated to the area in the 5th century.


Ostrogothic Spangenhelm (Sassanidian type), Migration Period,  East Roman Empire, 5th - 7th Century AD

An early medieval helmet of the East Roman (Byzantine) provinces. Helmet is of rounded shape, with two decorated bands crossing over top, and one going across base. This helmet was likely used by the Ostrogoths who migrated to the area in the 5th century.