param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$conda_version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$python_version, [Parameter()][string]$install_path = "." ) function Invoke-WebRequestExitOnError { param([string]$url, [string]$filename) Write-Debug "Invoke-WebRequest $url" try { Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $filename $url } catch { throw "failed to download $url" } } function Get-Python { param([string]$conda_base_url, [string]$filename, [string]$python_version, [string]$install_path) $path = Join-Path "." "${filename}" $url = "${filename}" if (($FORCE_DOWNLOAD -eq 1) -and (Test-Path $path)) { Remove-Item $path } if (!(Test-Path $path)) { Invoke-WebRequestExitOnError $url $path } $full_path = Resolve-Path $install_path $dst = Join-Path $full_path "python-$python_version" $cmd_args = "/InstallationType=JustMe /AddToPath=0 RegisterPython=0 /S /D=${dst}" $result = Start-Process -FilePath ${path} -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait -ArgumentList $cmd_args if ($FORCE_DOWNLOAD -eq 1) { # This delay exists because we've observed cases where deleting the file fails because # Windows says it is still in use. This seems to fix the issue. Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Remove-Item $path } if ($result.ExitCode -ne 0) { $msg = "Failed to run Python installer: ExitCode=${result.ExitCode}" Write-Error $msg exit $result.ExitCode } } ### MAIN ### # # Example usage: # .\install_python.ps1 4.12.0 3.9 # # Anaconda recommends only running this distribution in an Anaconda shell. # pip will fail with SSL errors in a non-Anaconda PowerShell. # Anaconda says to workaround the issue by setting this environment variable: # $env:CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE = 1 # Refer to # To test the install run these commands: # .\python-3.9\python --version # .\python-3.9\Scripts\pip list # # To enable debug prints run this in the shell: # $DebugPreference="Continue" # # To prevent re-download of the Python package set the environment variable # FORCE_DOWNLOAD to 0. # # If you get the error "running scripts is disabled on this system" then follow # the provided link or run the command below to change the security policy for # the current shell: # Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process $python_version_fields = $python_version -split "\." if ($python_version_fields.length -ne 2) { $msg = "failed to run [$command]: ExitCode={0}" -f $result.ExitCode Write-Error "Python version must be major.minor, such as '3.9'" exit 1 } $python_major_minor = -join $python_version_fields[0..1] $conda_base_url = "" $conda_package_name = "Miniconda3-py${python_major_minor}_${conda_version}-Windows-x86_64.exe" if (Test-Path env:FORCE_DOWNLOAD) { $FORCE_DOWNLOAD = $env:FORCE_DOWNLOAD } else { $FORCE_DOWNLOAD = 1 } Write-Debug "FORCE_DOWNLOAD=${FORCE_DOWNLOAD}" if (!(Test-Path $install_path)) { mkdir $install_path } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Get-Python $conda_base_url $conda_package_name $python_version $install_path