module EY module Serverside # Really simple and hacked implementation that works for the 99.9999% of the cases class HashWithIndifferentAccess def initialize(hash = {}) @internal = {} hash.each do |k, v| @internal[k.to_s] = v end end def [](name) @internal[name.to_s] end def []=(name, value) @internal[name.to_s] = value end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if @internal.key?(method.to_s) @internal[method.to_s] else @internal.send(method, args, &block) end end end class Deploy::Configuration require 'json' DEFAULT_CONFIG ={ "branch" => "master", "strategy" => "Git", "bundle_without" => "test development" }) attr_reader :configuration alias :c :configuration attr_writer :release_path def initialize(options={}) opts = options.dup @release_path = opts[:release_path] config = JSON.parse(opts.delete("config") || "{}") @configuration = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(config).merge(opts) end # Delegate to the configuration objects def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) c.key?(meth.to_s) ? c[meth.to_s] : super end def respond_to?(meth, include_private=false) c.key?(meth.to_s) ? true : super end def [](key) if respond_to?(key.to_sym) send(key.to_sym) else c[key] end end def has_key?(key) if respond_to?(key.to_sym) true else c.has_key?(key) end end def to_json configuration.to_json end def node EY::Serverside.node end def app configuration['app'].to_s end def revision, 'REVISION')) end def repository_cache configuration['repository_cache'] || File.join(deploy_to, "/shared/cached-copy") end def deploy_to configuration['deploy_to'] || "/data/#{app}" end def migrate? !!configuration['migrate'] end def migration_command configuration['migrate'] == "migrate" ? DEFAULT_CONFIG["migrate"] : configuration['migrate'] end def bundle_without configuration['bundle_without'] end def user configuration['user'] || ENV['USER'] end def group configuration['group'] || user end def role node['instance_role'] end def current_role current_roles.first end def copy_exclude @copy_exclude ||= Array(configuration.fetch("copy_exclude", [])) end def environment configuration['framework_env'] end def latest_release all_releases.last end def previous_release(current=latest_release) index = all_releases.index(current) all_releases[index-1] end def oldest_release all_releases.first end def all_releases Dir.glob("#{release_dir}/*").sort end def binstubs_path release_path + '/ey_bundler_binstubs' end def framework_envs "RAILS_ENV=#{environment} RACK_ENV=#{environment} NODE_ENV=#{environment} MERB_ENV=#{environment}" end def current_path File.join(deploy_to, "current") end def shared_path File.join(deploy_to, "shared") end def bundled_gems_path File.join(shared_path, "bundled_gems") end def gemfile_path File.join(release_path, "Gemfile") end def ruby_version_file File.join(bundled_gems_path, "RUBY_VERSION") end def ruby_version_command "ruby -v" end def system_version_file File.join(bundled_gems_path, "SYSTEM_VERSION") end def system_version_command "uname -m" end def release_dir File.join(deploy_to, "releases") end def release_path @release_path ||= File.join(release_dir,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) end def exclusions { |e| %|--exclude="#{e}"| }.join(' ') end end end end