DEFENSIO_ENV = "test" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/defensio" require 'test/unit' require 'mocha' require 'redgreen' require 'ostruct' # You must run this script as following: # $ DEFENSIO_KEY= ruby test/defensio_test.rb class DefensioTest < Test::Unit::TestCase API_HOST = "" API_VERSION = 2.0 OWNER_URL = "" FORMAT = :yaml HEADERS = {"User-Agent" => "Defensio-Ruby #{Defensio::LIB_VERSION}", "Content-Type" => "text/yaml"} # API METHOD TESTS -- Useful to learn how to use the library def test_get_user status, body = @d.get_user assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] end def test_post_get_put_document # POST data = { :content => "This is a simple test", :platform => "my_awesome_app", :type => "comment" } status, body = @d.post_document(data) assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert body["signature"].is_a?(String) # Keep some variables around original_allow_result = body["allow"] signature = body["signature"] # Give Defensio some time to process sleep 0.5 # GET status, body = @d.get_document(signature) assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert_equal signature, body["signature"] # PUT status, body = @d.put_document(signature, :allow => !original_allow_result) assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert_equal signature, body["signature"] assert_equal !original_allow_result, body["allow"] # PUT (back to original value) status, body = @d.put_document(signature, :allow => original_allow_result) assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert_equal signature, body["signature"] assert_equal original_allow_result, body["allow"] end def test_get_basic_stats status, body = @d.get_basic_stats assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert body["unwanted"]["total"].is_a?(Integer) end def test_get_extended_stats status, body = @d.get_extended_stats(:from =>, 9, 1), :to =>, 9, 3)) assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert body["data"].is_a?(Array) assert body["data"][0]["date"].is_a?(Date) if body["data"].size > 0 end def test_post_profanity_filter status, body = @d.post_profanity_filter("field1"=>"hello world", "other_field"=>"hello again") assert body.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "success", body["status"] assert body["filtered"].is_a?(Hash) assert body["filtered"].keys.include?("field1") assert body["filtered"].keys.include?("other_field") end def test_handle_post_document_async_callback__string result = { "defensio-result" => { "api-version" => API_VERSION, "status" => "success", "message" => nil, "signature" => "123456", "allow" => false, "classification" => "malicious", "spaminess" => 0.95, "profanity-match" => true } } assert_equal Hash, @d.class.handle_post_document_async_callback(result.to_yaml).class end def test_handle_post_document_async_callback__request_object post_data = { "defensio-result" => { "api-version" => API_VERSION, "status" => "success", "message" => nil, "signature" => "123456", "allow" => false, "classification" => "malicious", "spaminess" => 0.95, "profanity-match" => true } } fake_request_object = => result = @d.class.handle_post_document_async_callback(fake_request_object) assert_equal Hash, result.class assert_equal "success", result["status"] fake_request_object = => result = @d.handle_post_document_async_callback(fake_request_object) assert_equal Hash, result.class assert_equal "success", result["status"] end def test_handle_post_document_async_callback__invalid_object_type assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @d.class.handle_post_document_async_callback(nil) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @d.handle_post_document_async_callback(nil) } end # OTHER TESTS def test_api_path assert_equal "/#{API_VERSION}/users/#{@api_key}.yaml", @d.send(:api_path) assert_equal "/#{API_VERSION}/users/#{@api_key}/documents.yaml", @d.send(:api_path, "documents") assert_equal "/#{API_VERSION}/users/#{@api_key}/documents/abcdefghijklmnop.yaml", @d.send(:api_path, "documents", "abcdefghijklmnop") end def test_parse_body parsed = {"hello"=>"world"} assert_equal parsed, @d.send(:parse_body, "---\ndefensio-result:\n hello: world") end # HELPERS AND SETUP def setup if ENV['DEFENSIO_KEY'].nil? puts "You must set the DEFENSIO_KEY environment variable before running tests. Example:" puts "$ DEFENSIO_KEY= ruby test/defensio_test.rb" puts "Fail. Epic Fail." exit 1 end @api_key = ENV['DEFENSIO_KEY'] @d = end end