class RailsApp def initialize(name, path, options = {}) @name = name @path = File.expand_path("../../railsapps/#{path}", __FILE__) @runner = options.fetch(:runner) @using_asset_pipeline = options.fetch(:asset_pipeline) @digests = options.fetch(:digests) @sprockets = options[:sprockets] reset end def to_s() @name end def using_asset_pipeline?() @using_asset_pipeline end def digested?() @digests end def sprockets3_or_later?() @sprockets && @sprockets >= 3 end def read_email(mail_name) result = run("puts Mailer.#{mail_name}.to_s") raise "No email returned. Did the rails application crash?" if result.strip.empty? Mail.read_from_string(result) end def read_delivered_email(mail_name, options = {}) deliver = options[:force_delivery] ? "deliver!" : "deliver" result = run("mail = AutoMailer.#{mail_name}; mail.delivery_method(:test); mail.#{deliver}; puts mail.to_s") raise "No email returned. Did the rails application crash?" if result.strip.empty? Mail.read_from_string(result) end def read_providers result = run(<<-RUBY).strip providers = Rails.application.config.roadie.asset_providers puts { |p| }.join(',') RUBY raise "No output present. Did the application crash?" if result.empty? result.split(",") end def reset @extra_code = "" run_in_app_context 'rm -rf tmp/cache' end def before_mail(code) @extra_code << "\n" << code << "\n" end private def run(code)'code') do |file| file << @extra_code unless @extra_code.empty? file << code file.close run_file_in_app_context file.path end end def run_file_in_app_context(file_path) run_in_app_context "#{runner_script} #{file_path.shellescape}" end def run_in_app_context(command) Bundler.with_clean_env do Dir.chdir @path do IO.popen(command).read end end end def runner_script case @runner when :script then "script/rails runner" when :bin then "bin/rails runner" else raise "Unknown runner type: #{@runner}" end end end