# # Author:: Jay Mundrawala # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef" require "chef/util/dsc/configuration_generator" describe Chef::Util::DSC::ConfigurationGenerator do let(:conf_man) do node = Chef::Node.new Chef::Util::DSC::ConfigurationGenerator.new(node, "tmp") end describe "#validate_configuration_name!" do it "should not raise an error if a name contains all upper case letters" do conf_man.send(:validate_configuration_name!, "HELLO") end it "should not raise an error if the name contains all lower case letters" do conf_man.send(:validate_configuration_name!, "hello") end it "should not raise an error if no special characters are used except _" do conf_man.send(:validate_configuration_name!, "hello_world") end %w{! @ # $ % ^ & * & * ( ) - = + \{ \} . ? < > \\ /}.each do |sym| it "raises an Argument error if it configuration name contains #{sym}" do expect do conf_man.send(:validate_configuration_name!, "Hello#{sym}") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "#get_merged_configuration_flags" do context "when strings are used as switches" do it "should merge the hash if there are no restricted switches" do merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "flag" => "a" }, "hello") expect(merged).to include(:flag) expect(merged[:flag]).to eql("a") expect(merged).to include(:outputpath) end it "should raise an ArgumentError if you try to override outputpath" do expect do conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "outputpath" => "a" }, "hello") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be case insensitive for switches that are not allowed" do expect do conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "OutputPath" => "a" }, "hello") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be case insensitive to switches that are allowed" do merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "FLAG" => "a" }, "hello") expect(merged).to include(:flag) end end context "when symbols are used as switches" do it "should merge the hash if there are no restricted switches" do merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { flag: "a" }, "hello") expect(merged).to include(:flag) expect(merged[:flag]).to eql("a") expect(merged).to include(:outputpath) end it "should raise an ArgumentError if you try to override outputpath" do expect do conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { outputpath: "a" }, "hello") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be case insensitive for switches that are not allowed" do expect do conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { OutputPath: "a" }, "hello") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be case insensitive to switches that are allowed" do merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { FLAG: "a" }, "hello") expect(merged).to include(:flag) end end context "when there are no flags" do it "should supply an output path if configuration_flags is an empty hash" do merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, {}, "hello") expect(merged).to include(:outputpath) expect(merged.length).to eql(1) end it "should supply an output path if configuration_flags is an empty hash" do merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, nil, "hello") expect(merged).to include(:outputpath) expect(merged.length).to eql(1) end end # What should happen if configuration flags contains duplicates? # flagA => 'a', flaga => 'a' # or # flagA => 'a', flaga => 'b' # end describe "#write_document_generation_script" do let(:file_like_object) { double("file like object") } it "should write the input to a file" do allow(File).to receive(:open).and_yield(file_like_object) allow(File).to receive(:join) do |a, b| [a, b].join("++") end allow(file_like_object).to receive(:write) conf_man.send(:write_document_generation_script, "file", "hello", {}) expect(file_like_object).to have_received(:write) end end describe "#find_configuration_document" do it "should find the mof file" do # These tests seem way too implementation specific. Unfortunately, File and Dir # need to be mocked because they are OS specific allow(File).to receive(:join) do |a, b| [a, b].join("++") end allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with("tmp++hello") { ["f1", "f2", "hello.mof", "f3"] } expect(conf_man.send(:find_configuration_document, "hello")).to eql("tmp++hello++hello.mof") end it "should return nil if the mof file is not found" do allow(File).to receive(:join) do |a, b| [a, b].join("++") end allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with("tmp++hello") { %w{f1 f2 f3} } expect(conf_man.send(:find_configuration_document, "hello")).to be_nil end end describe "#configuration_code" do it "should build dsc" do dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", {}) found_configuration = false dsc.split(";").each do |command| if command.downcase =~ /\s*configuration\s+'hello'\s*\{\s*node\s+'localhost'\s*\{\s*archive\s*\{\s*\}\s*\}\s*\}\s*/ found_configuration = true end end expect(found_configuration).to be_truthy end context "with imports" do it "should import all resources when a module has an empty list" do dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => [] }) expect(dsc).to match(/Import-DscResource -ModuleName FooModule\s*\n/) end it "should import all resources when a module has a list with *" do dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => ["FooResource", "*", "BarResource"] }) expect(dsc).to match(/Import-DscResource -ModuleName FooModule\s*\n/) end it "should import specific resources when a module has list without * that is not empty" do dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => %w{FooResource BarResource} }) expect(dsc).to match(/Import-DscResource -ModuleName FooModule -Name FooResource,BarResource/) end it "should import multiple modules with multiple import statements" do dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => %w{FooResource BarResource}, "BazModule" => [] }) expect(dsc).to match(/Import-DscResource -ModuleName FooModule -Name FooResource,BarResource/) expect(dsc).to match(/Import-DscResource -ModuleName BazModule\s*\n/) end end end end