import {MDCSelect} from '@material/select'; import {VBaseComponent} from './base-component'; import {eventHandlerMixin} from './mixins/event-handler'; export function initSelects() { console.log('\tSelects'); var components = document.querySelectorAll('.mdc-select'); for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (!component.vComponent) { let vSelect = new VSelect(component, MDCSelect.attachTo(component)); component.vComponent = vSelect; var selectInput = component.querySelector('select'); selectInput.vComponent = vSelect; } } } export class VSelect extends eventHandlerMixin(VBaseComponent) { constructor(element, mdcComponent) { super(element); = element.querySelector('select'); this.mdcComponent = mdcComponent; } prepareSubmit(form, params) { // On actual post/submit the form is passed and we are not expected to return our value if (!form) { params.push([,]); } } validate() { return true; } name(){ } value(){ } }