require 'conjur/authn' require 'conjur/config' describe Conjur::Authn do let(:netrc) { '' } before do Conjur::Authn.instance_variable_set("@netrc", netrc) end describe "credentials from environment" do shared_examples_for "is_not_written_to_netrc" do it "are not written to netrc" do expect(Conjur::Authn).not_to receive(:write_credentials) Conjur::Authn.get_credentials end end let(:api) { Conjur::Authn.connect } before do Conjur::Authn.instance_variable_set("@credentials", nil) end after do Conjur::Authn.instance_variable_set("@credentials", nil) end let(:encoded_token) { nil } before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CONJUR_AUTHN_TOKEN").and_return encoded_token allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN").and_return "the-login" allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY").and_return "the-api-key" end context "login and API key" do it "are used to authn" do expect(Conjur::Authn.get_credentials).to eq([ "the-login", "the-api-key" ]) expect(api.username).to eq('the-login') expect(api.api_key).to eq('the-api-key') end it_should_behave_like "is_not_written_to_netrc" end context "token" do let(:token) { { "data" => "the-token-login" } } let(:encoded_token) { Base64.strict_encode64(token.to_json) } before { allow_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:validate_token) } it "is used to authn" do expect(api.username).to eq('the-token-login') expect(api.api_key).to_not be expect(api.token).to eq(token) end it_should_behave_like "is_not_written_to_netrc" end end describe "netrc" do describe "fail_if_world_readable" do let(:path) { "the-path" } around { |example| host_os = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] = os begin ensure RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] = host_os end } context "on Windows" do let(:os) { "mswin" } it "bypasses the readability check" do Conjur::Authn.send :fail_if_world_readable, path end end context "on Linux" do let(:os) { "linux" } it "raises an error if the file is world readable" do expect(File).to receive(:world_readable?).with(path).and_return(true) expect { Conjur::Authn.send :fail_if_world_readable, path }.to raise_error("netrc (the-path) shouldn't be world-readable") end end end context "loading" do let(:netrc) { nil } before do allow(Conjur::Config).to receive(:[]).with(:netrc_path).and_return path end context "with specified netrc_path" do let(:path) { "/a/dummy/netrc/path" } it "consults Conjur::Config for netrc_path" do expect(Netrc).to receive(:read).with(path).and_return netrc = double("netrc") expect(Conjur::Authn.netrc).to eq(netrc) end end context "without specified netrc_path" do let(:path) { nil } it "uses default netrc path" do expect(Netrc).to receive(:read).with(no_args).and_return netrc = double("netrc") expect(Conjur::Authn.netrc).to eq(netrc) end end end end end