# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/inputs/rabbitmq" require "thread" require 'logstash/event' Thread.abort_on_exception = true describe LogStash::Inputs::RabbitMQ do let(:klass) { LogStash::Inputs::RabbitMQ } let(:host) { "localhost" } let(:port) { 5672 } let(:exchange_type) { "topic" } let(:exchange) { "myexchange" } let(:queue) { "myqueue" } let(:rabbitmq_settings) { { "host" => host, "port" => port, "queue" => queue, "prefetch_count" => 123 } } let(:instance) { klass.new(rabbitmq_settings) } let(:hare_info) { instance.instance_variable_get(:@hare_info) } context "when connected" do let(:connection) { double("MarchHare Connection") } let(:channel) { double("Channel") } let(:exchange) { double("Exchange") } let(:channel) { double("Channel") } let(:queue) { double("queue") } # Doing this in a before block doesn't give us enough control over scope before do allow(instance).to receive(:connect!).and_call_original allow(::MarchHare).to receive(:connect).and_return(connection) allow(connection).to receive(:create_channel).and_return(channel) allow(connection).to receive(:on_shutdown) allow(connection).to receive(:on_blocked) allow(connection).to receive(:on_unblocked) allow(channel).to receive(:exchange).and_return(exchange) allow(channel).to receive(:queue).and_return(queue) allow(channel).to receive(:prefetch=) allow(queue).to receive(:build_consumer).with(:on_cancellation => anything) allow(queue).to receive(:subscribe_with).with(any_args) allow(queue).to receive(:bind).with(any_args) end it "should default the codec to JSON" do expect(instance.codec).to be_a(LogStash::Codecs::JSON) end describe "#connect!" do subject { hare_info } context "without an exchange declared" do before do instance.register instance.setup! end it "should set the queue correctly" do expect(subject.queue).to eql(queue) end it "should set the prefetch value correctly" do expect(channel).to have_received(:prefetch=).with(123) end end context "with an exchange declared" do let(:exchange) { "exchange" } let(:key) { "routing key" } let(:rabbitmq_settings) { super.merge("exchange" => exchange, "key" => key, "exchange_type" => "fanout") } before do allow(instance).to receive(:declare_exchange!) end context "on run" do before do instance.register instance.setup! end it "should bind to the exchange" do expect(queue).to have_received(:bind).with(exchange, :routing_key => key) end it "should declare the exchange" do expect(instance).to have_received(:declare_exchange!) end end context "but not immediately available" do before do i = 0 allow(queue).to receive(:bind).with(any_args) do i += 1 raise "foo" if i == 1 end end it "should reconnect" do instance.register instance.setup! expect(queue).to have_received(:bind).with(any_args).twice() end end context "initially unable to subscribe" do before do i = 0 allow(queue).to receive(:subscribe_with).with(any_args) do i += 1 raise "sub error" if i == 1 end it "should retry the subscribe" do expect(queue).to have_receive(:subscribe_with).twice() end end end end end end end describe "with a live server", :integration => true do let(:klass) { LogStash::Inputs::RabbitMQ } let(:config) { {"host" => "", "auto_delete" => true, "codec" => "plain" } } let(:instance) { klass.new(config) } let(:hare_info) { instance.instance_variable_get(:@hare_info) } let(:output_queue) { Queue.new } # Spawn a connection in the bg and wait up (n) seconds def spawn_and_wait(instance) instance.register output_queue # materialize in this thread Thread.new { instance.run(output_queue) } 20.times do instance.connected? ? break : sleep(0.1) end # Extra time to make sure the consumer can attach # Without this there's a chance the shutdown code will execute # before consumption begins. This is tricky to do more elegantly sleep 4 end let(:test_connection) { MarchHare.connect(instance.send(:rabbitmq_settings)) } let(:test_channel) { test_connection.create_channel } before do # Materialize the instance in the current thread to prevent dupes # If you use multiple threads with lazy evaluation weird stuff happens instance spawn_and_wait(instance) test_channel # Start up the test client as well end after do instance.stop() test_channel.close test_connection.close end context "using defaults" do it "should start, connect, and stop cleanly" do expect(instance.connected?).to be_truthy end end it "should have the correct prefetch value" do expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@hare_info).channel.prefetch).to eql(256) end describe "receiving a message with a queue + exchange specified" do let(:config) { super.merge("queue" => queue_name, "exchange" => exchange_name, "exchange_type" => "fanout", "metadata_enabled" => true) } let(:event) { output_queue.pop } let(:exchange) { test_channel.exchange(exchange_name, :type => "fanout") } let(:exchange_name) { "logstash-input-rabbitmq-#{rand(0xFFFFFFFF)}" } #let(:queue) { test_channel.queue(queue_name, :auto_delete => true) } let(:queue_name) { "logstash-input-rabbitmq-#{rand(0xFFFFFFFF)}" } after do exchange.delete end context "when the message has a payload but no message headers" do before do exchange.publish(message) end let(:message) { "Foo Message" } it "should process the message and store the payload" do expect(event.get("message")).to eql(message) end it "should save an empty message header hash" do expect(event).to include("@metadata") expect(event.get("@metadata")).to include("rabbitmq_headers") expect(event.get("[@metadata][rabbitmq_headers]")).to eq({}) end end context "when message properties are available" do before do # Don't test every single property but select a few with # different characteristics to get sufficient coverage. exchange.publish("", :properties => { :app_id => app_id, :timestamp => Java::JavaUtil::Date.new(epoch * 1000), :priority => priority, }) end let(:app_id) { "myapplication" } # Randomize the epoch we test with but limit its range to signed # ints to not assume all protocols and libraries involved use # unsigned ints for epoch values. let(:epoch) { rand(0x7FFFFFFF) } let(:priority) { 5 } it "should save message properties into a @metadata field" do expect(event).to include("@metadata") expect(event.get("@metadata")).to include("rabbitmq_properties") props = event.get("[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties") expect(props["app-id"]).to eq(app_id) expect(props["delivery-mode"]).to eq(1) expect(props["exchange"]).to eq(exchange_name) expect(props["priority"]).to eq(priority) expect(props["routing-key"]).to eq("") expect(props["timestamp"]).to eq(epoch) end end context "when message headers are available" do before do exchange.publish("", :properties => { :headers => headers }) end let (:headers) { { "arrayvalue" => [true, 123, "foo"], "boolvalue" => true, "intvalue" => 123, "stringvalue" => "foo", } } it "should save message headers into a @metadata field" do expect(event).to include("@metadata") expect(event.get("@metadata")).to include("rabbitmq_headers") expect(event.get("[@metadata][rabbitmq_headers]")).to include(headers) end end end describe LogStash::Inputs::RabbitMQ do it_behaves_like "an interruptible input plugin" end end