#Mailchimp Marketing API

#No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)

OpenAPI spec version: 3.0.2
Contact: apihelp@mailchimp.com
Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git
Swagger Codegen version: 2.4.12


require 'uri'

module MailchimpMarketing
  class ConversationsApi
    attr_accessor :api_client

    def initialize(api_client)
      @api_client = api_client
    # Get a list of conversations
    # Get a list of conversations for the account.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Integer] :count The number of records to return. [Default value](/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/#Parameters) is **10**. [Maximum value](/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/#Parameters) is **1000** (default to 10)
    # @option opts [Integer] :offset The number of records from a collection to skip. Iterating over large collections with this parameter can be slow.  [Default value](/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/#Parameters) is **0**. (default to 0)
    # @option opts [String] :has_unread_messages Whether the conversation has any unread messages.
    # @option opts [String] :list_id The unique id for the list.
    # @option opts [String] :campaign_id The unique id for the campaign.
    # @return [TrackedConversations]
    def list(opts = {})
      data, _status_code, _headers = list_with_http_info(opts)

    # Get a list of conversations
    # Get a list of conversations for the account.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Integer] :count The number of records to return. [Default value](/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/#Parameters) is **10**. [Maximum value](/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/#Parameters) is **1000**
    # @option opts [Integer] :offset The number of records from a collection to skip. Iterating over large collections with this parameter can be slow.  [Default value](/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/#Parameters) is **0**.
    # @option opts [String] :has_unread_messages Whether the conversation has any unread messages.
    # @option opts [String] :list_id The unique id for the list.
    # @option opts [String] :campaign_id The unique id for the campaign.
    # @return [Array<(TrackedConversations, Fixnum, Hash)>] TrackedConversations data, response status code and response headers
    def list_with_http_info(opts = {})
      # resource path
      local_var_path = '/conversations'

      # query parameters
      query_params = {}
      query_params[:'fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'fields'].nil?
      query_params[:'exclude_fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'exclude_fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'exclude_fields'].nil?
      query_params[:'count'] = opts[:'count'] if !opts[:'count'].nil?
      query_params[:'offset'] = opts[:'offset'] if !opts[:'offset'].nil?
      query_params[:'has_unread_messages'] = opts[:'has_unread_messages'] if !opts[:'has_unread_messages'].nil?
      query_params[:'list_id'] = opts[:'list_id'] if !opts[:'list_id'].nil?
      query_params[:'campaign_id'] = opts[:'campaign_id'] if !opts[:'campaign_id'].nil?

      # header parameters
      header_params = {}
      # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
      header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/problem+json'])
      # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
      header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])

      # form parameters
      form_params = {}

      # http body (model)
      post_body = nil
      auth_names = ['basicAuth']
      data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
        :header_params => header_params,
        :query_params => query_params,
        :form_params => form_params,
        :body => post_body,
        :auth_names => auth_names,
        :return_type => 'TrackedConversations')
      return data, status_code, headers
    # Get information about a conversation
    # Get details about an individual conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @return [Conversation]
    def get(conversation_id = {}, opts = {})
      data, _status_code, _headers = get_with_http_info(conversation_id, opts)

    # Get information about a conversation
    # Get details about an individual conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @return [Array<(Conversation, Fixnum, Hash)>] Conversation data, response status code and response headers
    def get_with_http_info(conversation_id, opts = {})
      # resource path
      local_var_path = '/conversations/{conversation_id}'.sub('{' + 'conversation_id' + '}', conversation_id.to_s)

      # query parameters
      query_params = {}
      query_params[:'fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'fields'].nil?
      query_params[:'exclude_fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'exclude_fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'exclude_fields'].nil?

      # header parameters
      header_params = {}
      # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
      header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/problem+json'])
      # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
      header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])

      # form parameters
      form_params = {}

      # http body (model)
      post_body = nil
      auth_names = ['basicAuth']
      data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
        :header_params => header_params,
        :query_params => query_params,
        :form_params => form_params,
        :body => post_body,
        :auth_names => auth_names,
        :return_type => 'Conversation')
      return data, status_code, headers
    # Get conversation messages
    # Get messages from a specific conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [String] :is_read Whether a conversation message has been marked as read.
    # @option opts [DateTime] :before_timestamp Restrict the response to messages created before the set time. We recommend [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.
    # @option opts [DateTime] :since_timestamp Restrict the response to messages created after the set time. We recommend [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.
    # @return [CollectionOfConversationMessages]
    def get_conversation_messages(conversation_id = {}, opts = {})
      data, _status_code, _headers = get_conversation_messages_with_http_info(conversation_id, opts)

    # Get conversation messages
    # Get messages from a specific conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [String] :is_read Whether a conversation message has been marked as read.
    # @option opts [DateTime] :before_timestamp Restrict the response to messages created before the set time. We recommend [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.
    # @option opts [DateTime] :since_timestamp Restrict the response to messages created after the set time. We recommend [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.
    # @return [Array<(CollectionOfConversationMessages, Fixnum, Hash)>] CollectionOfConversationMessages data, response status code and response headers
    def get_conversation_messages_with_http_info(conversation_id, opts = {})
      # resource path
      local_var_path = '/conversations/{conversation_id}/messages'.sub('{' + 'conversation_id' + '}', conversation_id.to_s)

      # query parameters
      query_params = {}
      query_params[:'fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'fields'].nil?
      query_params[:'exclude_fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'exclude_fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'exclude_fields'].nil?
      query_params[:'is_read'] = opts[:'is_read'] if !opts[:'is_read'].nil?
      query_params[:'before_timestamp'] = opts[:'before_timestamp'] if !opts[:'before_timestamp'].nil?
      query_params[:'since_timestamp'] = opts[:'since_timestamp'] if !opts[:'since_timestamp'].nil?

      # header parameters
      header_params = {}
      # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
      header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/problem+json'])
      # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
      header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])

      # form parameters
      form_params = {}

      # http body (model)
      post_body = nil
      auth_names = ['basicAuth']
      data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
        :header_params => header_params,
        :query_params => query_params,
        :form_params => form_params,
        :body => post_body,
        :auth_names => auth_names,
        :return_type => 'CollectionOfConversationMessages')
      return data, status_code, headers
    # Get a specific conversation message
    # Get an individual message in a conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param message_id The unique id for the conversation message.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @return [ConversationMessage]
    def get_conversation_message(conversation_id = {}, message_id = {}, opts = {})
      data, _status_code, _headers = get_conversation_message_with_http_info(conversation_id, message_id, opts)

    # Get a specific conversation message
    # Get an individual message in a conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param message_id The unique id for the conversation message.
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @option opts [Array<String>] :exclude_fields A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.
    # @return [Array<(ConversationMessage, Fixnum, Hash)>] ConversationMessage data, response status code and response headers
    def get_conversation_message_with_http_info(conversation_id, message_id, opts = {})
      # resource path
      local_var_path = '/conversations/{conversation_id}/messages/{message_id}'.sub('{' + 'conversation_id' + '}', conversation_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'message_id' + '}', message_id.to_s)

      # query parameters
      query_params = {}
      query_params[:'fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'fields'].nil?
      query_params[:'exclude_fields'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'exclude_fields'], :csv) if !opts[:'exclude_fields'].nil?

      # header parameters
      header_params = {}
      # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
      header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/problem+json'])
      # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
      header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])

      # form parameters
      form_params = {}

      # http body (model)
      post_body = nil
      auth_names = ['basicAuth']
      data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
        :header_params => header_params,
        :query_params => query_params,
        :form_params => form_params,
        :body => post_body,
        :auth_names => auth_names,
        :return_type => 'ConversationMessage')
      return data, status_code, headers
    # Post a new conversation message
    # Post a new message to a conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param body 
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @return [ConversationMessage]
    def create_conversation_message(conversation_id = {}, body = {}, opts = {})
      data, _status_code, _headers = create_conversation_message_with_http_info(conversation_id, body, opts)

    # Post a new conversation message
    # Post a new message to a conversation.
    # @param conversation_id The unique id for the conversation.
    # @param body 
    # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
    # @return [Array<(ConversationMessage, Fixnum, Hash)>] ConversationMessage data, response status code and response headers
    def create_conversation_message_with_http_info(conversation_id, body, opts = {})
      # resource path
      local_var_path = '/conversations/{conversation_id}/messages'.sub('{' + 'conversation_id' + '}', conversation_id.to_s)

      # query parameters
      query_params = {}

      # header parameters
      header_params = {}
      # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
      header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/problem+json'])
      # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
      header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])

      # form parameters
      form_params = {}

      # http body (model)
      post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(body)
      auth_names = ['basicAuth']
      data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path,
        :header_params => header_params,
        :query_params => query_params,
        :form_params => form_params,
        :body => post_body,
        :auth_names => auth_names,
        :return_type => 'ConversationMessage')
      return data, status_code, headers