title: jumbo-jekyll-theme (the advanced enterprise ready Jekyll theme) url: http://jumbojekyll.co.uk baseurl: "" description: |- The jumbo-jekyll-theme is an advanced enterprise ready Jekyll theme used across the Linaro static websites. destination: _site permalink: /blog/:title/ theme: jumbo-jekyll-theme highlighter: rouge markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM syntax_highlighter: rouge encoding: utf-8 safe: false exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - .asset_pipeline - .gitignore - .git - .asset-cache - _static-site - .sass-cache - _site - jumbo-jekyll-theme*.gem - jumbo-jekyll-theme*.gemspec sass: style: compressed load_paths: - assets/css plugins: - japr - jekyll_picture_tag - jekyll-tidy collections: authors: output: true permalink: /author/:name/ liquid: error_mode: strict defaults: - scope: path: "" values: layout: flow - scope: type: posts path: "_posts" values: layout: post is_post: true comments: true - scope: path: "" type: "authors" values: layout: author include: ["_pages"] # ----------- THEME / WEBSITE CONFIG --------------------- # Blog images/thumbs dir blog_images_dir: assets/images/content/ # Email email: contact@linaro.org # Company Address address: - Harston Mill - Royston Rd, Harston - Cambridge, United Kingdom - CB22 7GG # Support for http2 preload features http2_resources: - rel: preload as: font type: font/woff2 href: /assets/fonts/lato/Lato-regular.woff2 google_analytics: enabled: true cookies_popup_title: Cookies & Privacy Policy cookies_popup_description: > Cookies enable you to use this website to the full extent and to personalize your experience on our sites. They tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, help us measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches and give us insights into user behavior so we can improve our communications with you. privacy_url: /privacy/ enabled: true code: UAXXXXXXB # Set the site-wide default social media share image. social_media_share_image: /assets/images/social-media-image.png # Set the default favicon favicon: /assets/images/favicon.png # Site Name - your brand name name: Jumbo Jekyll Theme # The blog filler element blog_filler_element: blog/blog_filler_element.html # Placeholder avatar avatar_placeholder: /assets/images/avatar-placeholder.jpg # Blog Post Image Placholder post_placeholder: /assets/images/test/background-image1.jpg # Social Media Links social_media_channels: github: url: https://github.com/Linaro linkedin: url: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1026961 facebook: url: http://facebook.com/LinaroOrg youtube: url: https://www.youtube.com/linaroorg twitter: url: https://twitter.com/linaroorg instagram: url: https://instagram.com/linaroorg # Disqus Comments Setup disqus: enabled: true shortname: http-www-jumbojekyll-co-uk # Edit on GitHub Settings edit-on-github: enabled: true repo: https://www.github.com/linaro-marketing/jumbo-jekyll-theme # docs: https://www.github.com/Linaro/website # Shema.org settings used in the schema.html include. schema: "@type": "Corporation" "name": "Linaro" "url": "https://www.linaro.org" "logo": "https://www.linaro.org/assets/images/content/linaro-logo.png" "contactPoint": "@type": "ContactPoint" "telephone": "01223 400060" "contactType": "customer service" "availableLanguage": "en" "sameAs": - "https://facebook.com/LinaroOrg" - "https://twitter.com/LinaroOrg" - "https://instagram.com/LinaroOrg" - "https://www.linkedin.com/company/1026961/" - "https://youtube.com/LinaroOrg" - "https://github.com/linaro" - "https://www.linaro.org" # FESS search label search_label: Linaro # ----------- JEKYLL PLUGINS --------------------- # -------- jekyll-tidy -------- jekyll_tidy: # Toggle compression of HTML compress_html: true # JS Path added to exclude to stop errors. exclude: ["assets/**/*.js", "robots.txt", "admin/config.yml"] autopages: enabled: false # -------- jekyll_relative_links -------- jekyll_relative_links: process_all_collections: true verbose: 1 relative_links: enabled: true collections: false # -------- jekyll_relative_links -------- readme_index: enabled: true remove_originals: false # -------- jekyll_picture_tag -------- picture: nomarkdown: false source: "assets/images" output: "assets/images" relative_url: true # -------- japr -------- asset_pipeline: bundle: true compress: true output_path: assets/js gzip: false