# Requirements ... otherwise know as what I want to do. Some people would call it a roadmap; but, where I'm going "we don't need no stinking roads!" Yes, test driven development (TDD) is important. There is a place for TDD. Its not in prototyping. The prototype is used to figure out what the requirements are. Once you have a prototype then you have requirements. With requirements come contracts for APIs. The contracts drive the test specifications which in turn drives the design. So what is it that I want to do? * collect technical analysis indicators to apply to a stock or a set of stocks. * define an abstraction for a stock * evaluate different trading strategies. * make billions on the sock market - if you have kids you know what the sock market is. * play around with some interesting gems * evaluate Ruby 3.3 YJIT against Crystal * look at carious ways to support plugin components * learn something about options trading in risk mitigation for security trades ## Making this thing an Application Framework * using ActiveRecord with initial models of Stock, Portfolio and Activity - Portfolio has many stocks with FK: ticker - Sotkc has many activities with FK: ticker - Activity has unique constraint on (ticker, date) * using gem csv_importer to bring in data to load into the various tables * using sqlite3 because I have limited resources for rdbms ## finance.yahoo.com API v7 is used to download historical data as CSV. It requires a cookie. v8 gets some company info and stock prices in JSON. It might require a cookie as well Most reliable way of getting data is the scrape the website. The gem financial_data_pull attempts to do it but it is too old. ## Extract Indicators After sleeping on it, I think the original plan with the fin_tech gem is a better idea for how to package the indicators. I'm going to keep the name FinTech for now while I think of something better. These are indicators; but I want them to be class-level methods with established contracts in their API.