@cache Feature: Create and maintain a .onceover cache Onceover should be able to cache things in the .onceover directory for speed increases and debugging of external modules. This cache should remain up-to-date and should exactly mirror what would be created on the Puppet master. Background: Given onceover executable Scenario: Creating a cache Given control repo "caching" When I run onceover command "run spec" Then the cache should exist And the cache should contain all controlrepo files Scenario: Runnone onnceover in the caching repo Given control repo "caching" When I run onceover command "run spec --classes role::webserver" Then I should not see any errors Scenario: Creating a new file Given existing control repo "caching" When I create a file "example.txt" And I run onceover command "run spec" Then "example.txt" should be cached correctly Scenario: Deleting a file Given existing control repo "caching" When I delete a file "deleteme.txt" And I run onceover command "run spec" Then "deleteme.txt" should be deleted from the cache Scenario: Caching hidden files Given existing control repo "caching" When I create a file ".hidden/.hiddenfile" And I run onceover command "run spec" Then ".hidden/.hiddenfile" should be cached correctly