require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "Remoter" do before(:each) do setup @cloud = cloud :app do;end @tc = @tc.parent = @cloud ::File.stub!(:exists?).with("#{File.expand_path(Base.base_keypair_path)}/id_rsa-fake_keypair").and_return true @sample_instances_list = [{:ip => "", :name => "master"}, {:ip => "", :name => "node1"}] end describe "ssh_string" do it "should have the ssh command" do @tc.ssh_string.should =~ /ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l '#{Base.user}' -i/ end it "should have the keypair in the ssh_string" do @tc.ssh_string.should =~ /#{@tc.keypair}/ end end describe "ssh_array" do it "should have StrictHostKeyChecking set to no" do @tc.ssh_array.include?("-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no").should == true end it "should have the user set to the base user class" do @tc.ssh_array.include?("-l '#{Base.user}'").should == true end it "should have the keypair path in the ssh_array" do @tc.ssh_array.include?('-i "'+@tc.full_keypair_path+'"').should == true end end describe "rsync_command" do before(:each) do @ri = @ri.stub!(:ip).and_return "" end it "should have rsync in the rsync_command" do @tc.rsync_command.should == "rsync -azP --exclude cache -e '#{@tc.ssh_string}'" end it "should be able to rsync storage commands" do @tc.rsync_storage_files_to_command(@ri).should == "#{@tc.rsync_command} #{Base.storage_directory}/" end end describe "launch_and_configure_master!" do before(:each) do @tc.stub!(:wait).and_return true stub_list_from_remote_for(@tc) @tc.stub!(:maximum_instances).and_return 5 @tc.stub!(:list_of_pending_instances).and_return [] @tc.stub!(:list_of_nonterminated_instances).and_return [] @tc.stub!(:list_of_running_instances).and_return [] @tc.stub!(:master).and_return ris.first @tc.stub!(:after_launched).and_return true @tc.stub!(:verbose).and_return false Provisioner.stub!(:provision_master).and_return true Provisioner.stub!(:reconfigure_master).and_return true Provisioner.stub!(:clear_master_ssl_certs).and_return true end it "should have the method launch_master!" do @tc.respond_to?(:launch_and_configure_master!).should == true end it "should test if it can start a new instance" do @tc.should_receive(:can_start_a_new_instance?).once.and_return false end it "should test if the master is running" do @tc.should_receive(:is_master_running?).and_return false end it "should ask to request_launch_new_instances when the master is not running and we can start a new instance" do @tc.should_receive(:request_launch_master_instance) @tc.stub!(:can_start_a_new_instance?).and_return true @tc.stub!(:is_master_running?).and_return false end it "should tell the provisioner to provision_master" do Provisioner.should_receive(:provision_master).once.and_return true end after(:each) do @tc.launch_and_configure_master! end end describe "expansions and contractions" do before(:each) do @tc = stub_list_from_remote_for @tc # sets the list of instances to 2 end describe "list_of_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime" do before(:each) do @tc.stub!(:minimum_runtime).and_return 3000 end it "should not be empty" do @tc.list_of_running_instances.size.should == 2 @tc.list_of_running_instances.first.elapsed_runtime.should be > 3000 @tc.list_of_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime.size.should be > 0 end it "should return a RemoteInstance" do @tc.list_of_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime.first.should be_instance_of(PoolParty::Remote::RemoteInstance) end it "are_any_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime? should be true" do @tc.are_any_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime?.should == true end end describe "are_too_few_instances_running?" do it "should be false if the number of running instances is larger than the minimum instances" do @tc.stub!(:minimum_instances).and_return 1 @tc.are_too_few_instances_running?.should == false end it "should be true if the number of running instances is smaller than the minimum instances" do @tc.stub!(:minimum_instances).and_return 5 @tc.are_too_few_instances_running?.should == true end end describe "are_too_many_instances_running?" do it "should be true if the number of running instances is larger than the maximum instances" do @tc.stub!(:maximum_instances).and_return 1 @tc.are_too_many_instances_running?.should == true end it "should be false if the number of running instances is smaller than the maximum instances" do @tc.stub!(:maximum_instances).and_return 5 @tc.are_too_many_instances_running?.should == false end end end end