module Sequel extension :pg_array, :pg_array_ops module Plugins # This plugin allows you to create associations where the foreign keys # are stored in a PostgreSQL array column in one of the tables. The # model with the table containing the array column has a # pg_array_to_many association to the associated model, and the # model with the table containing the primary key referenced by # elements in the array column has a many_to_pg_array association # to the associated model. # # # Database schema: # # tags albums # # :id (int4) <--\ :id # # :name \-- :tag_ids (int4[]) # # :name # # class Album # plugin :pg_array_associations # pg_array_to_many :tags # end # class Tag # plugin :pg_array_associations # many_to_pg_array :albums # end # # These association types work similarly to Sequel's other association # types, so you can use them as you would any other association. Unlike # other associations, they do not support composite keys. # # One thing that is different is that the modification methods for # pg_array_to_many associations do not affect the database, since they # operate purely on the receiver. For example: # # album = Album[1] # album.add_tag(Tag[2]) # # does not save the album. This allows you to call add_tag repeatedly # and the save after to combine all changes into a single query. Note # that the many_to_pg_array association modification methods do save, so: # # tag = Tag[2] # tag.add_album(Album[1]) # # will save the changes to the album. # # They support some additional options specific to this plugin: # # :array_type :: This overrides the type of the array. By default, the type # is determined by looking at the db_schema for the model, and if that fails, # it defaults to :integer. # :raise_on_save_failure :: Do not raise exceptions for hook or validation failures when saving associated # objects in the add/remove methods (return nil instead). # :save_after_modify :: For pg_array_to_many associations, this makes the # the modification methods save the current object, # so they operate more similarly to the one_to_many # and many_to_many association modification methods. # :uniq :: Similar to many_to_many associations, this can be used to # make sure the returned associated object array has uniq values. # # Note that until PostgreSQL gains the ability to enforce foreign key # constraints in array columns, this plugin is not recommended for # production use unless you plan on emulating referential integrity # constraints via triggers. # # This plugin should work on all supported PostgreSQL versions, except # the remove_all modification method for many_to_pg_array associations, which # requires the array_remove method added in PostgreSQL 9.3. # # This plugin requires that the underlying database have the pg_array # extension loaded. module PgArrayAssociations # The AssociationReflection subclass for many_to_pg_array associations. class ManyToPgArrayAssociationReflection < Sequel::Model::Associations::AssociationReflection Sequel::Model::Associations::ASSOCIATION_TYPES[:many_to_pg_array] = self def array_type cached_fetch(:array_type) do if (sch = associated_class.db_schema) && (s = sch[self[:key]]) && (t = s[:db_type]) t else :integer end end end # The array column in the associated model containing foreign keys to # the current model. def associated_object_keys [self[:key]] end # many_to_pg_array associations can have associated objects as long as they have # a primary key. def can_have_associated_objects?(obj) obj.get_column_value(self[:primary_key]) end # Assume that the key in the associated table uses a version of the current # model's name suffixed with _ids. def default_key :"#{underscore(demodulize(self[:model].name))}_ids" end # Always use the ruby eager_graph limit strategy if association is limited. def eager_graph_limit_strategy(_) :ruby if self[:limit] end # Always use the ruby eager limit strategy def eager_limit_strategy cached_fetch(:_eager_limit_strategy) do :ruby if self[:limit] end end # Don't use a filter by associations limit strategy def filter_by_associations_limit_strategy nil end # Handle silent failure of add/remove methods if raise_on_save_failure is false. def handle_silent_modification_failure? self[:raise_on_save_failure] == false end # The hash key to use for the eager loading predicate (left side of IN (1, 2, 3)) def predicate_key cached_fetch(:predicate_key){qualify_assoc(self[:key_column])} end # The column in the current table that the keys in the array column in the # associated table reference. def primary_key self[:primary_key] end # Destroying the associated object automatically removes the association, # since the association is stored in the associated object. def remove_before_destroy? false end private # The predicate condition to use for the eager_loader. def eager_loading_predicate_condition(keys) Sequel.pg_array_op(predicate_key).overlaps(Sequel.pg_array(keys, array_type)) end def filter_by_associations_add_conditions_dataset_filter(ds) key = qualify(associated_class.table_name, self[:key]){unnest(key)}.exclude(key=>nil) end def filter_by_associations_conditions_key qualify(self[:model].table_name, primary_key) end # Only consider an association as a reciprocal if it has matching keys # and primary keys. def reciprocal_association?(assoc_reflect) super && self[:key] == assoc_reflect[:key] && primary_key == assoc_reflect.primary_key end def reciprocal_type :pg_array_to_many end def use_placeholder_loader? false end end # The AssociationReflection subclass for pg_array_to_many associations. class PgArrayToManyAssociationReflection < Sequel::Model::Associations::AssociationReflection Sequel::Model::Associations::ASSOCIATION_TYPES[:pg_array_to_many] = self def array_type cached_fetch(:array_type) do if (sch = self[:model].db_schema) && (s = sch[self[:key]]) && (t = s[:db_type]) t else :integer end end end # An array containing the primary key for the associated model. def associated_object_keys Array(primary_key) end # pg_array_to_many associations can only have associated objects if # the array field is not nil or empty. def can_have_associated_objects?(obj) v = obj.get_column_value(self[:key]) v && !v.empty? end # pg_array_to_many associations do not need a primary key. def dataset_need_primary_key? false end # Use a default key name of *_ids, for similarity to other association types # that use *_id for single keys. def default_key :"#{singularize(self[:name])}_ids" end # Always use the ruby eager_graph limit strategy if association is limited. def eager_graph_limit_strategy(_) :ruby if self[:limit] end # Always use the ruby eager limit strategy def eager_limit_strategy cached_fetch(:_eager_limit_strategy) do :ruby if self[:limit] end end # Don't use a filter by associations limit strategy def filter_by_associations_limit_strategy nil end # Handle silent failure of add/remove methods if raise_on_save_failure is false # and save_after_modify is true. def handle_silent_modification_failure? self[:raise_on_save_failure] == false && self[:save_after_modify] end # A qualified version of the associated primary key. def predicate_key cached_fetch(:predicate_key){qualify_assoc(primary_key)} end # The primary key of the associated model. def primary_key cached_fetch(:primary_key){associated_class.primary_key || raise(Error, "no primary key specified for #{associated_class.inspect}")} end # The method to call to get value of the primary key of the associated model. def primary_key_method cached_fetch(:primary_key_method){primary_key} end def filter_by_associations_conditions_expression(obj) ds = filter_by_associations_conditions_dataset.where(filter_by_associations_conditions_subquery_conditions(obj)) Sequel.function(:coalesce, Sequel.pg_array(filter_by_associations_conditions_key).overlaps(ds), Sequel::SQL::Constants::FALSE) end private def filter_by_associations_add_conditions_dataset_filter(ds) pk = qualify(associated_class.table_name, primary_key){array_agg(pk)}.exclude(pk=>nil) end def filter_by_associations_conditions_key qualify(self[:model].table_name, self[:key]) end # Only consider an association as a reciprocal if it has matching keys # and primary keys. def reciprocal_association?(assoc_reflect) super && self[:key] == assoc_reflect[:key] && primary_key == assoc_reflect.primary_key end def reciprocal_type :many_to_pg_array end def use_placeholder_loader? false end end module ClassMethods # Create a many_to_pg_array association, for the case where the associated # table contains the array with foreign keys pointing to the current table. # See associate for options. def many_to_pg_array(name, opts=OPTS, &block) associate(:many_to_pg_array, name, opts, &block) end # Create a pg_array_to_many association, for the case where the current # table contains the array with foreign keys pointing to the associated table. # See associate for options. def pg_array_to_many(name, opts=OPTS, &block) associate(:pg_array_to_many, name, opts, &block) end private # Setup the many_to_pg_array-specific datasets, eager loaders, and modification methods. def def_many_to_pg_array(opts) name = opts[:name] model = self pk = opts[:eager_loader_key] = opts[:primary_key] ||= model.primary_key raise(Error, "no primary key specified for #{inspect}") unless pk opts[:key] = opts.default_key unless opts.has_key?(:key) key = opts[:key] key_column = opts[:key_column] ||= opts[:key] opts[:after_load].unshift(:array_uniq!) if opts[:uniq] opts[:dataset] ||= lambda do opts.associated_dataset.where(Sequel.pg_array_op(opts.predicate_key).contains(Sequel.pg_array([get_column_value(pk)], opts.array_type))) end opts[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |eo| id_map = eo[:id_map] eager_load_results(opts, Hash[eo].merge!(:loader=>false)) do |assoc_record| if pks ||= assoc_record.get_column_value(key) pks.each do |pkv| next unless objects = id_map[pkv] objects.each do |object| object.associations[name].push(assoc_record) end end end end end join_type = opts[:graph_join_type] select = opts[:graph_select] opts[:cartesian_product_number] ||= 1 if opts.include?(:graph_only_conditions) conditions = opts[:graph_only_conditions] graph_block = opts[:graph_block] else conditions = opts[:graph_conditions] conditions = nil if conditions.empty? graph_block = proc do |j, lj, js| Sequel.pg_array_op(Sequel.deep_qualify(j, key_column)).contains([Sequel.deep_qualify(lj, opts.primary_key)]) end if orig_graph_block = opts[:graph_block] pg_array_graph_block = graph_block graph_block = proc do |j, lj, js| Sequel.&(,lj,js),, lj, js)) end end end opts[:eager_grapher] ||= proc do |eo| ds = eo[:self] ds = ds.graph(eager_graph_dataset(opts, eo), conditions, Hash[eo].merge!(:select=>select, :join_type=>eo[:join_type]||join_type, :qualify=>:deep, :from_self_alias=>eo[:from_self_alias]), &graph_block) ds end return if opts[:read_only] save_opts = {:validate=>opts[:validate]} save_opts[:raise_on_failure] = opts[:raise_on_save_failure] != false opts[:adder] ||= proc do |o| if array = o.get_column_value(key) array << get_column_value(pk) else o.set_column_value("#{key}=", Sequel.pg_array([get_column_value(pk)], opts.array_type)) end end opts[:remover] ||= proc do |o| if (array = o.get_column_value(key)) && !array.empty? array.delete(get_column_value(pk)) end end opts[:clearer] ||= proc do opts.associated_dataset.where(Sequel.pg_array_op(key).contains([get_column_value(pk)])).update(key=>Sequel.function(:array_remove, key, get_column_value(pk))) end end # Setup the pg_array_to_many-specific datasets, eager loaders, and modification methods. def def_pg_array_to_many(opts) name = opts[:name] opts[:key] = opts.default_key unless opts.has_key?(:key) key = opts[:key] key_column = opts[:key_column] ||= key opts[:eager_loader_key] = nil opts[:after_load].unshift(:array_uniq!) if opts[:uniq] opts[:dataset] ||= lambda do opts.associated_dataset.where(opts.predicate_key=>get_column_value(key).to_a) end opts[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |eo| rows = eo[:rows] id_map = {} pkm = opts.primary_key_method rows.each do |object| if associated_pks = object.get_column_value(key) associated_pks.each do |apk| (id_map[apk] ||= []) << object end end end eager_load_results(opts, Hash[eo].merge!(:id_map=>id_map)) do |assoc_record| if objects = id_map[assoc_record.get_column_value(pkm)] objects.each do |object| object.associations[name].push(assoc_record) end end end end join_type = opts[:graph_join_type] select = opts[:graph_select] opts[:cartesian_product_number] ||= 1 if opts.include?(:graph_only_conditions) conditions = opts[:graph_only_conditions] graph_block = opts[:graph_block] else conditions = opts[:graph_conditions] conditions = nil if conditions.empty? graph_block = proc do |j, lj, js| Sequel.pg_array_op(Sequel.deep_qualify(lj, key_column)).contains([Sequel.deep_qualify(j, opts.primary_key)]) end if orig_graph_block = opts[:graph_block] pg_array_graph_block = graph_block graph_block = proc do |j, lj, js| Sequel.&(,lj,js),, lj, js)) end end end opts[:eager_grapher] ||= proc do |eo| ds = eo[:self] ds = ds.graph(eager_graph_dataset(opts, eo), conditions, Hash[eo].merge!(:select=>select, :join_type=>eo[:join_type]||join_type, :qualify=>:deep, :from_self_alias=>eo[:from_self_alias]), &graph_block) ds end return if opts[:read_only] save_opts = {:validate=>opts[:validate]} save_opts[:raise_on_failure] = opts[:raise_on_save_failure] != false if opts[:save_after_modify] save_after_modify = proc do |obj| end end opts[:adder] ||= proc do |o| opk = o.get_column_value(opts.primary_key) if array = get_column_value(key) modified!(key) array << opk else set_column_value("#{key}=", Sequel.pg_array([opk], opts.array_type)) end if save_after_modify end opts[:remover] ||= proc do |o| if (array = get_column_value(key)) && !array.empty? modified!(key) array.delete(o.get_column_value(opts.primary_key)) if save_after_modify end end opts[:clearer] ||= proc do if (array = get_column_value(key)) && !array.empty? modified!(key) array.clear if save_after_modify end end end end module DatasetMethods private # Support filtering by many_to_pg_array associations using a subquery. def many_to_pg_array_association_filter_expression(op, ref, obj) pk = ref.qualify(model.table_name, ref.primary_key) key = ref[:key] expr = case obj when Sequel::Model if (assoc_pks = obj.get_column_value(key)) && !assoc_pks.empty? Sequel.expr(pk=>assoc_pks.to_a) end when Array if (assoc_pks ={|o| o.get_column_value(key)}.flatten.compact.uniq) && !assoc_pks.empty? Sequel.expr(pk=>assoc_pks) end when Sequel::Dataset Sequel.expr(pk=>{Sequel.pg_array_op(ref.qualify(obj.model.table_name, ref[:key_column])).unnest}) end expr = Sequel::SQL::Constants::FALSE unless expr expr = add_association_filter_conditions(ref, obj, expr) association_filter_handle_inversion(op, expr, [pk]) end # Support filtering by pg_array_to_many associations using a subquery. def pg_array_to_many_association_filter_expression(op, ref, obj) key = ref.qualify(model.table_name, ref[:key_column]) expr = case obj when Sequel::Model if pkv = obj.get_column_value(ref.primary_key_method) Sequel.pg_array_op(key).contains(Sequel.pg_array([pkv], ref.array_type)) end when Array if (pkvs ={|o| o.get_column_value(ref.primary_key_method)}.compact) && !pkvs.empty? Sequel.pg_array(key).overlaps(Sequel.pg_array(pkvs, ref.array_type)) end when Sequel::Dataset Sequel.function(:coalesce, Sequel.pg_array_op(key).overlaps({array_agg(ref.qualify(obj.model.table_name, ref.primary_key))}), Sequel::SQL::Constants::FALSE) end expr = Sequel::SQL::Constants::FALSE unless expr expr = add_association_filter_conditions(ref, obj, expr) association_filter_handle_inversion(op, expr, [key]) end end end end end