# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'spec_helper' include TwitterCldr::Localized describe LocalizedNumber do describe '#initialize' do let(:decimal) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en) } let(:currency) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en, :type => :currency) } it 'uses nil type by default (defers decision to data reader)' do expect(decimal.type).to eq(nil) end it 'uses provided type if there is one' do expect(currency.type).to eq(:currency) end it 'sets up object with correct locale, falls back to default locale' do expect(LocalizedNumber.new(10, :es).locale).to eq(:es) expect(LocalizedNumber.new(10, :blarg).locale).to eq(TwitterCldr::DEFAULT_LOCALE) end end describe 'type conversion methods' do let(:number) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en) } let(:currency) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en, :type => :currency) } LocalizedNumber.types.each do |type| describe "#to_#{type}" do let(:method) { "to_#{type}" } it 'creates a new object' do expect(number.send(method).object_id).not_to eq(number.object_id) end it 'creates an object of the appropriate type, but does not change the type of the original object' do new_number = currency.send(method) expect(new_number.type).to eq(type) expect(currency.type).to eq(:currency) end it 'creates a new object with the same base object and locale' do percent = LocalizedNumber.new(42, :fr, :type => :percent) new_percent = percent.send(method) expect(new_percent.locale).to eq(:fr) expect(new_percent.base_obj).to eq(42) end end end end describe '#to_s' do it 'raises ArguemntError if unsupported type is passed' do expect do LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en, :type => :foo).to_s end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Type foo is not supported') end context 'decimals' do let(:number) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en) } it 'should default precision to zero' do expect(number.to_s).to eq("10") end it 'should not overwrite precision when explicitly passed' do expect(number.to_s(:precision => 2)).to eq("10.00") end end context 'currencies' do let(:number) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en, :type => :currency) } it "should default to a precision of 2" do expect(number.to_s(:precision => 2)).to eq("$10.00") end it 'should not overwrite precision when explicitly passed' do expect(number.to_s(:precision => 1)).to eq("$10.0") end end context 'percentages' do let(:number) { LocalizedNumber.new(10, :en, :type => :percent) } it "should default to a precision of 0" do expect(number.to_s).to eq("10%") end it 'should not overwrite precision when explicitly passed' do expect(number.to_s(:precision => 1)).to eq("10.0%") end end context 'short decimals' do let(:number) { LocalizedNumber.new(1000, :en, :type => :short_decimal) } it "should default to a precision of 0" do expect(number.to_s).to eq("1K") end it 'should not overwrite precision when explicitly passed' do expect(number.to_s(:precision => 1)).to eq("1.0K") end end context 'long decimals' do let(:number) { LocalizedNumber.new(1000, :en, :type => :long_decimal) } it "should default to a precision of 0" do expect(number.to_s).to eq("1 thousand") end it 'should not overwrite precision when explicitly passed' do expect(number.to_s(:precision => 1)).to eq("1.0 thousand") end end end describe '#plural_rule' do it 'returns the appropriate plural rule for the number' do expect(1.localize(:ru).plural_rule).to eq(:one) expect(2.localize(:ru).plural_rule).to eq(:other) expect(5.localize(:ru).plural_rule).to eq(:many) end it 'takes FastGettext.locale into account' do FastGettext.locale = :es expect(1.localize.plural_rule).to eq(:one) expect(2.localize.plural_rule).to eq(:other) expect(5.localize.plural_rule).to eq(:other) end end describe 'formatters for every locale' do it "makes sure currency formatters for every locale don't raise errors" do TwitterCldr.supported_locales.each do |locale| expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_currency.to_s }.not_to raise_error expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_currency.to_s(:precision => 3) }.not_to raise_error expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_currency.to_s(:precision => 3, :currency => "EUR") }.not_to raise_error end end it "makes sure decimal formatters for every locale don't raise errors" do TwitterCldr.supported_locales.each do |locale| expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_decimal.to_s }.not_to raise_error expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_decimal.to_s(:precision => 3) }.not_to raise_error end end it "makes sure percentage formatters for every locale don't raise errors" do TwitterCldr.supported_locales.each do |locale| expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_percent.to_s }.not_to raise_error expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_percent.to_s(:precision => 3) }.not_to raise_error end end it "makes sure basic number formatters for every locale don't raise errors" do TwitterCldr.supported_locales.each do |locale| expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_s }.not_to raise_error expect { 1337.localize(locale).to_s(:precision => 3) }.not_to raise_error end end end end