describe MangoPay::Client do include_context 'users' include_context 'payins' describe 'FETCH' do it 'fetches the current client details' do clnt = MangoPay::Client.fetch expect(clnt['ClientId']).to eq(MangoPay.configuration.client_id) end end describe 'FETCH' do it "fetches the client headquarter's phone number" do client = MangoPay::Client.fetch expect(client['HeadquartersPhoneNumber']).to_not be_nil end end describe 'UPDATE' do it 'updates the current client details' do clnt = MangoPay::Client.fetch before = clnt['PrimaryThemeColour'] after = before == '#aaaaaa' ? '#bbbbbb' : '#aaaaaa' # change the color clnt['PrimaryThemeColour'] = after clnt['HeadquartersAddress'] = { AddressLine1: 'Rue Dandelion, n. 17', City: 'Lyon', Country: 'FR', PostalCode: '150770' } clnt['TechEmails'] = [''] phoneNumber = rand(99999999).to_s clnt['HeadquartersPhoneNumber'] = phoneNumber updated = MangoPay::Client.update(clnt) expect(updated['ClientId']).to eq(MangoPay.configuration.client_id) expect(updated['PrimaryThemeColour']).to eq(after) expect(updated['HeadquartersPhoneNumber']).to eq(phoneNumber) end end describe 'UPLOAD LOGO' do it 'accepts Base64 encoded file content' do fnm = __FILE__.sub('.rb', '.png') bts =, 'rb') { |f| } b64 = Base64.encode64(bts) ret = MangoPay::Client.upload_logo(b64) expect(ret).to be_nil end it 'accepts file path' do fnm = __FILE__.sub('.rb', '.png') ret = MangoPay::Client.upload_logo(nil, fnm) expect(ret).to be_nil end it 'fails when input string is not base64-encoded' do file = 'any file content...' expect { MangoPay::Client.upload_logo(file) }.to raise_error { |err| expect(err).to be_a MangoPay::ResponseError expect(err.code).to eq '400' expect(err.type).to eq 'param_error' } end end describe 'fetch_wallets' do it 'fetches all client wallets' do wlts = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallets expect(wlts).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(wlts).not_to be_empty end it 'fetches all client fees wallets' do wlts = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallets('fees') expect(wlts).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(wlts).not_to be_empty expect(( { |m| m['FundsType'] }).uniq).to eq(['FEES']) end it 'fetches all client credit wallets' do wlts = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallets('credit') expect(wlts).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(wlts).not_to be_empty expect(( { |m| m['FundsType'] }).uniq).to eq(['CREDIT']) end end describe 'fetch_wallet' do it 'fetches one of client wallets by funds type (fees) and currency' do wlt = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallet('fees', 'EUR') expect(wlt).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(wlt['FundsType']).to eq('FEES') expect(wlt['Currency']).to eq('EUR') end it 'fetches one of client wallets by funds type (credit) and currency' do wlt = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallet('credit', 'EUR') expect(wlt).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(wlt['FundsType']).to eq('CREDIT') expect(wlt['Currency']).to eq('EUR') end end describe 'fetch_wallets_transactions' do it 'fetches transactions for all client wallets' do trns = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallets_transactions expect(trns).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(trns).not_to be_empty end end describe 'fetch_wallets_transactions' do it 'fetches transactions of one of client wallets by funds type (fees) and currency' do trns = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallet_transactions('fees', 'EUR') expect(trns).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(trns).not_to be_empty #expect(( {|m| m['DebitedWalletId']}).uniq).to eq(['FEES_EUR']) end it 'fetches transactions of one of client wallets by funds type (credit) and currency' do trns = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallet_transactions('credit', 'EUR') expect(trns).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(trns).not_to be_empty #expect(( {|m| m['CreditedWalletId']}).uniq).to eq(['CREDIT_EUR']) end end # describe 'validate' do # it 'validates card' do # client = MangoPay::Client.fetch # completed = new_card_registration_completed # card_id = completed['CardId'] # client_id = client['ClientId'] # # card = MangoPay::Client.validate(client_id, card_id) # expect(client).not_to be_nil # expect(card).not_to be_nil # end # end describe 'create_bank_account' do it 'creates a new bank account' do bank_account = MangoPay::Client.create_bank_account(Type: 'IBAN', OwnerName: 'John', OwnerAddress: { AddressLine1: 'Le Palais Royal', AddressLine2: '8 Rue de Montpensier', City: 'Paris', Region: '', PostalCode: '75001', Country: 'FR' }, IBAN: 'FR7630004000031234567890143', BIC: 'BNPAFRPP', Tag: 'Test bank account') expect(bank_account).not_to be_nil expect(bank_account['Id']).not_to be_nil end end describe 'create_payout' do it 'creates a new payout' do wallets = MangoPay::Client.fetch_wallets('FEES') bank_account = MangoPay::Client.create_bank_account(Type: 'IBAN', OwnerName: 'John', OwnerAddress: { AddressLine1: 'Le Palais Royal', AddressLine2: '8 Rue de Montpensier', City: 'Paris', Region: '', PostalCode: '75001', Country: 'FR' }, IBAN: 'FR7630004000031234567890143', BIC: 'BNPAFRPP', Tag: 'Test bank account') pay_out = MangoPay::Client.create_payout(BankAccountId: bank_account['Id'], DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 12 }, DebitedWalletId: wallets[0]['Id'], BankWireRef: 'invoice 7282', PayoutModeRequested: 'STANDARD', Tag: 'bla') expect(pay_out).not_to be_nil expect(pay_out['Id']).not_to be_nil end end end