{:uriI"¼file:///Users/izik/www/sparse/izi_lightup/vendor/assets/javascripts/loadCSS.js?type=application/javascript&pipeline=self&id=32835c97d4479ee3c13be75cc98796e71a090e8c5763af077f35d80775da0281:ET:load_pathI"A/Users/izik/www/sparse/izi_lightup/vendor/assets/javascripts;T: filenameI"L/Users/izik/www/sparse/izi_lightup/vendor/assets/javascripts/loadCSS.js;T: nameI" loadCSS;T:logical_pathI"loadCSS.self.js;T:content_typeI"application/javascript;T: sourceI"e /*! loadCSS: load a CSS file asynchronously. [c]2016 @scottjehl, Filament Group, Inc. Licensed MIT */ (function(w){ "use strict"; /* exported loadCSS */ var loadCSS = function( href, before, media ){ // Arguments explained: // `href` [REQUIRED] is the URL for your CSS file. // `before` [OPTIONAL] is the element the script should use as a reference for injecting our stylesheet before // By default, loadCSS attempts to inject the link after the last stylesheet or script in the DOM. However, you might desire a more specific location in your document. // `media` [OPTIONAL] is the media type or query of the stylesheet. By default it will be 'all' var doc = w.document; var ss = doc.createElement( "link" ); var ref; if( before ){ ref = before; } else { var refs = ( doc.body || doc.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ] ).childNodes; ref = refs[ refs.length - 1]; } var sheets = doc.styleSheets; ss.rel = "stylesheet"; ss.href = href; // temporarily set media to something inapplicable to ensure it'll fetch without blocking render ss.media = "only x"; // wait until body is defined before injecting link. This ensures a non-blocking load in IE11. function ready( cb ){ if( doc.body ){ return cb(); } setTimeout(function(){ ready( cb ); }); } // Inject link // Note: the ternary preserves the existing behavior of "before" argument, but we could choose to change the argument to "after" in a later release and standardize on ref.nextSibling for all refs // Note: `insertBefore` is used instead of `appendChild`, for safety re: http://www.paulirish.com/2011/surefire-dom-element-insertion/ ready( function(){ ref.parentNode.insertBefore( ss, ( before ? ref : ref.nextSibling ) ); }); // A method (exposed on return object for external use) that mimics onload by polling document.styleSheets until it includes the new sheet. var onloadcssdefined = function( cb ){ var resolvedHref = ss.href; var i = sheets.length; while( i-- ){ if( sheets[ i ].href === resolvedHref ){ return cb(); } } setTimeout(function() { onloadcssdefined( cb ); }); }; function loadCB(){ if( ss.addEventListener ){ ss.removeEventListener( "load", loadCB ); } ss.media = media || "all"; } // once loaded, set link's media back to `all` so that the stylesheet applies once it loads if( ss.addEventListener ){ ss.addEventListener( "load", loadCB); } ss.onloadcssdefined = onloadcssdefined; onloadcssdefined( loadCB ); return ss; }; // commonjs if( typeof exports !== "undefined" ){ exports.loadCSS = loadCSS; } else { w.loadCSS = loadCSS; } }( typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this )); ;T: metadata{ :dependencieso:Set: @hash} I"environment-version;TTI"environment-paths;TTI"rails-env;TTI"Zprocessors:type=application/javascript&file_type=application/javascript&pipeline=self;TTI"Zfile-digest:///Users/izik/www/sparse/izi_lightup/vendor/assets/javascripts/loadCSS.js;TTF: requiredo;;}F: stubbedo;;}F: linkso;;}F: charsetI" utf-8;F: digest"%ÉàC¼8ž'<[—K÷é‘Šsé§n¡Ýü: lengthie :dependencies_digest"%þ¶WÅ lX'ŠÇ›jX”Â≛Ų¡.û£ì³wþýã:idI"E32835c97d4479ee3c13be75cc98796e71a090e8c5763af077f35d80775da0281;F: mtimel+åM_