require 'open-uri' require 'uri' require 'yaml' gem 'launchy', '= 2.0.5' require 'launchy' gem 'yajl-ruby', '= 1.1.0' require 'yajl' $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require "ext/string" class Gitcycle API = if ENV['ENV'] == 'development' "" else "" end def initialize(args=nil) if ENV['CONFIG'] @config_path = File.expand_path(ENV['CONFIG']) else @config_path = File.expand_path("~/.gitcycle.yml") end load_config load_git start(args) if args end def create_branch(url_or_title) require_git && require_config params = {} if url_or_title.strip[0..3] == 'http' if url_or_title.include?('') params = { 'branch[lighthouse_url]' => url_or_title } elsif url_or_title.include?('') params = { 'branch[issue_url]' => url_or_title } end else params = { 'branch[name]' => url_or_title, 'branch[title]' => url_or_title } end puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green branch = get('branch', params) name = branch['name'] unless branch['exists'] branch['home'] = @git_login branch['source'] = branches(:current => true) unless yes?("Would you like to eventually merge this feature into #{branch['source']}?") branch['source'] = q("What branch would you like to eventually merge this feature into?") end unless branches(:match => branch['source']) end unless yes?("Would you like to name your branch '#{name}'?") name = q("\nWhat would you like to name your branch?") name = name.gsub(/[\s\W]/, '-') end unless branches(:match => name) puts "\nCreating '#{name}' from '#{branch['source']}'.\n".green run("git branch #{name}") end end if branches(:match => name) puts "Checking out branch '#{name}'.\n".green run("git checkout #{name}") else puts "Tracking branch '#{name}'.\n".green run("git fetch && git checkout -b #{name} origin/#{name}") end unless branch['exists'] puts "Pushing '#{name}'.".green run("git push origin #{name}") puts "Sending branch information to gitcycle.".green get('branch', 'branch[home]' => branch['home'], 'branch[name]' => branch['name'], 'branch[rename]' => name != branch['name'] ? name : nil, 'branch[source]' => branch['source'] ) end puts "\n" end def discuss(*issues) require_git && require_config if issues.empty? branch = create_pull_request if branch == false puts "Branch not found.\n".red elsif branch['issue_url'] puts "Opening issue: #{branch['issue_url']}\n".green['issue_url']) else puts "You must push code before opening a pull request.\n".red end else puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green get('branch', 'issues' => issues, 'scope' => 'repo').each do |branch| if branch['issue_url'] puts "Opening issue: #{branch['issue_url']}\n".green['issue_url']) end end end end def pull require_git && require_config puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green branch = get('branch', 'branch[name]' => branches(:current => true), 'include' => [ 'repo' ], 'create' => 0 ) if branch merge_remote_branch( :owner => branch['repo']['owner'], :repo => branch['repo']['name'], :branch => branch['source'] ) else puts "Branch not found.\n".red end end def qa(*issues) require_git && require_config if issues.empty? puts "\n" get('qa_branch').each do |branches| puts "qa_#{branches['source']}".green branches['branches'].each do |branch| puts " #{"issue ##{branch['issue']}".yellow}\t#{branch['user']}/#{branch['branch']}" end puts "\n" end elsif issues.first == 'fail' || issues.first == 'pass' branch = branches(:current => true) label = issues.first.capitalize if branch =~ /^qa_/ puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green qa_branch = get('qa_branch', :source => branch.gsub(/^qa_/, '')) puts "Checking out #{qa_branch['source']}.".green run("git checkout #{qa_branch['source']}") if issues[1..-1].empty? if issues.first = 'pass' puts "Merging '#{branch}' into '#{qa_branch['source']}'.\n".green run("git merge #{branch}") run("git push origin #{qa_branch['source']}") end puts "\nLabeling all issues as '#{label}'.\n".green get('label', 'qa_branch[source]' => branch.gsub(/^qa_/, ''), 'labels' => [ label ] ) branches = qa_branch['branches'] else issues = [1..-1] branches = qa_branch['branches'].select do |b| issues.include?(b['issue']) end branches.each do |branch| if issues.first = 'pass' merge_remote_branch( :user => branch['user'], :repo => branch['repo'].split(':'), :branch => branch['branch'] ) end puts "\nLabeling issue #{branch['issue']} as '#{label}'.\n".green get('label', 'qa_branch[source]' => branch.gsub(/^qa_/, ''), 'issue' => branch['issue'], 'labels' => [ label ] ) end end if issues.first = 'pass' puts "\nMarking Lighthouse tickets as 'pending-approval'.\n".green branches = branches.collect do |b| { :name => b['branch'], :repo => b['repo'], :user => b['user'] } end get('ticket_resolve', 'branches' => Yajl::Encoder.encode(branches)) end else puts "\nYou are not in a QA branch.\n".red end elsif issues.first == 'resolved' branch = branches(:current => true) if branch =~ /^qa_/ puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green qa_branch = get('qa_branch', :source => branch.gsub(/^qa_/, '')) if qa_branch branches = qa_branch['branches'] conflict = branches.detect { |branch| branch['conflict'] } if conflict puts "Committing merge resolution of #{conflict['branch']} (issue ##{conflict['issue']}).\n".green run("git add . && git add . -u && git commit -a -m 'Merge conflict resolution of #{conflict['branch']} (issue ##{conflict['issue']})'") puts "Pushing merge resolution of #{conflict['branch']} (issue ##{conflict['issue']}).\n".green run("git push origin qa_#{qa_branch['source']}") create_qa_branch( :preserve => true, :range => (branches.index(conflict)+1..-1), :qa_branch => qa_branch ) else puts "Couldn't find record of a conflicted merge.\n".red end else puts "Couldn't find record of a conflicted merge.\n".red end else puts "\nYou aren't on a QA branch.\n".red end else create_qa_branch(:issues => issues) end end def ready(*issues) require_git && require_config if issues.empty? branch = create_pull_request if branch == false puts "Branch not found.\n".red elsif branch['issue_url'] puts "\nLabeling issue as 'Pending Review'.\n".green get('label', 'branch[name]' => branches(:current => true), 'labels' => [ 'Pending Review' ] ) puts "Opening issue: #{branch['issue_url']}\n".green['issue_url']) end else puts "\nLabeling issues as 'Pending Review'.\n".green get('label', 'issues' => issues, 'labels' => [ 'Pending Review' ], 'scope' => 'repo' ) end end def reviewed(*issues) require_git && require_config if issues.empty? puts "\nLabeling issue as 'Pending QA'.\n".green get('label', 'branch[name]' => branches(:current => true), 'labels' => [ 'Pending QA' ] ) else puts "\nLabeling issues as 'Pending QA'.\n".green get('label', 'issues' => issues, 'labels' => [ 'Pending QA' ], 'scope' => 'repo' ) end end def setup(login, repo, token) repo = "#{login}/#{repo}" unless repo.include?('/') @config[repo] = [ login, token ] save_config puts "\nConfiguration saved.\n".green end def start(args=[]) command = args.shift if command.nil? puts "\nNo command specified\n".red elsif self.respond_to?(command) send(command, *args) elsif args.empty? create_branch(command) else puts "\nCommand '#{command}' not found.\n".red end end private def branches(options={}) b = `git branch#{" -a" if options[:all]}` if options[:current] b.match(/\*\s+(.+)/)[1] elsif options[:match] b.match(/([\s]+|origin\/)(#{options[:match]})/)[2] rescue nil else b end end def checkout_remote_branch(options={}) owner = options[:owner] repo = options[:repo] branch = options[:branch] $remotes ||= {} unless $remotes[owner] $remotes[owner] = true puts "Adding remote repo '#{owner}/#{repo}'.\n".green run("git remote rm #{owner}") if remotes(:match => owner) run("git remote add #{owner}{owner}/#{repo}.git") end puts "\nFetching remote branch '#{branch}'.\n".green run("git fetch #{owner}") puts "\nMerging remote branch '#{branch}' from '#{owner}/#{repo}'.\n".green run("git merge #{owner}/#{branch}") end def create_pull_request puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green branch = get('branch', 'branch[name]' => branches(:current => true), 'create' => 0 ) if branch && !branch['issue_url'] puts "Creating GitHub pull request.\n".green branch = get('branch', 'branch[create_pull_request]' => true, 'branch[name]' => branch['name'], 'create' => 0 ) end branch end def create_qa_branch(options) issues = options[:issues] range = options[:range] || (0..-1) if (issues && !issues.empty?) || options[:qa_branch] if options[:qa_branch] qa_branch = options[:qa_branch] else puts "\nRetrieving branch information from gitcycle.\n".green qa_branch = get('qa_branch', 'issues' => issues) end source = qa_branch['source'] name = "qa_#{source}" unless qa_branch['branches'].empty? unless options[:preserve] if branches(:current => source) # Do nothing elsif branches(:match => source) puts "Checking out source branch '#{source}'.\n".green run("git checkout #{source}") else puts "Tracking source branch '#{source}'.\n".green run("git fetch && git checkout -b #{source} origin/#{source}") end if branches(:match => name, :all => true) puts "Deleting old QA branch '#{name}'.\n".green run("git branch -D #{name}") run("git push origin :#{name}") end puts "Creating QA branch '#{name}'.\n".green run("git branch #{name} && git checkout #{name}") puts "\n" end qa_branch['branches'][range].each do |branch| issue = branch['issue'] owner, repo = branch['repo'].split(':') home = branch['home'] branch = branch['branch'] output = merge_remote_branch( :owner => home, :repo => repo, :branch => branch ) if output.include?('CONFLICT') puts "Conflict occurred when merging '#{branch}' (issue ##{issue}).\n".red answer = q("Would you like to (s)kip or (r)esolve?") issues = qa_branch['branches'].collect { |b| b['issue'] } if answer.downcase[0..0] == 's' run("git reset --hard HEAD") issues.delete(issue) puts "\nSending QA branch information to gitcycle.\n".green get('qa_branch', 'issues' => issues, 'conflict' => issue) else puts "\nSending conflict information to gitcycle.\n".green get('qa_branch', 'issues' => issues, 'conflict' => issue) puts "Type 'gitc qa resolved' when finished resolving.\n".yellow exit end else puts "Pushing QA branch '#{name}'.\n".green run("git push origin #{name}") end end puts "\nType '".yellow + "gitc qa pass".green + "' to approve all issues in this branch.\n".yellow puts "Type '".yellow + "gitc qa fail".red + "' to reject all issues in this branch.\n".yellow end end end def get(path, hash={}) hash.merge!( :login => @login, :token => @token ) params = '' hash[:session] = 0 hash.each do |k, v| if v && v.is_a?(::Array) params << "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.inspect)}&" elsif v params << "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.to_s)}&" end end params.chop! # trailing & json = open("#{API}/#{path}.json?#{params}").read Yajl::Parser.parse(json) end def load_config if File.exists?(@config_path) @config = YAML.load( else @config = {} end end def load_git path = "#{Dir.pwd}/.git/config" if File.exists?(path) @git_url =\[remote "origin"\][^\[]*url = ([^\n]+)/m)[1] @git_repo = @git_url.match(/\/(.+)\./)[1] @git_login = @git_url.match(/:(.+)\//)[1] @login, @token = @config["#{@git_login}/#{@git_repo}"] rescue [ nil, nil ] end end def merge_remote_branch(options={}) owner = options[:owner] repo = options[:repo] branch = options[:branch] $remotes ||= {} unless $remotes[owner] $remotes[owner] = true puts "Adding remote repo '#{owner}/#{repo}'.\n".green run("git remote rm #{owner}") if remotes(:match => owner) run("git remote add #{owner}{owner}/#{repo}.git") end puts "\nFetching remote branch '#{branch}'.\n".green run("git fetch #{owner}") puts "\nMerging remote branch '#{branch}' from '#{owner}/#{repo}'.\n".green run("git merge #{owner}/#{branch}") end def remotes(options={}) b = `git remote` if options[:match] b.match(/^(#{options[:match]})$/)[1] rescue nil else b end end def require_config unless @login && @token puts "\nGitcycle configuration not found.".red puts "Are you in the right repository?".yellow puts "Have you set up this repository at\n".yellow exit end end def require_git unless @git_url && @git_repo && @git_login puts "\norigin entry within '.git/config' not found!".red puts "Are you sure you are in a git repository?\n".yellow exit end end def save_config, 'w') do |f| f.write(YAML.dump(@config)) end end def q(question, extra='') puts "#{question.yellow}#{extra}" $input ? $input.shift : $stdin.gets.strip end def run(cmd) if ENV['RUN'] == '0' puts cmd else `#{cmd}` end end def yes?(question) q(question, " (#{"y".green}/#{"n".red})").downcase[0..0] == 'y' end end