/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #include "git2/config.h" #include "git2/sys/config.h" #include "git2/types.h" #include "git2/index.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "buf_text.h" #include "vector.h" #include "posix.h" #include "config_file.h" #include "config.h" #include "repository.h" #include "submodule.h" #include "tree.h" #include "iterator.h" #include "path.h" #include "index.h" #define GIT_MODULES_FILE ".gitmodules" static git_cvar_map _sm_update_map[] = { {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "checkout", GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT}, {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "rebase", GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_REBASE}, {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "merge", GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_MERGE}, {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "none", GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_NONE}, {GIT_CVAR_FALSE, NULL, GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_NONE}, {GIT_CVAR_TRUE, NULL, GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT}, }; static git_cvar_map _sm_ignore_map[] = { {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "none", GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE}, {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "untracked", GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNTRACKED}, {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "dirty", GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_DIRTY}, {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "all", GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL}, {GIT_CVAR_FALSE, NULL, GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE}, {GIT_CVAR_TRUE, NULL, GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL}, }; static git_cvar_map _sm_recurse_map[] = { {GIT_CVAR_STRING, "on-demand", GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_ONDEMAND}, {GIT_CVAR_FALSE, NULL, GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_NO}, {GIT_CVAR_TRUE, NULL, GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_YES}, }; enum { CACHE_OK = 0, CACHE_REFRESH = 1, CACHE_FLUSH = 2 }; enum { GITMODULES_EXISTING = 0, GITMODULES_CREATE = 1, }; static kh_inline khint_t str_hash_no_trailing_slash(const char *s) { khint_t h; for (h = 0; *s; ++s) if (s[1] != '\0' || *s != '/') h = (h << 5) - h + *s; return h; } static kh_inline int str_equal_no_trailing_slash(const char *a, const char *b) { size_t alen = a ? strlen(a) : 0; size_t blen = b ? strlen(b) : 0; if (alen > 0 && a[alen - 1] == '/') alen--; if (blen > 0 && b[blen - 1] == '/') blen--; return (alen == 0 && blen == 0) || (alen == blen && strncmp(a, b, alen) == 0); } __KHASH_IMPL( str, static kh_inline, const char *, void *, 1, str_hash_no_trailing_slash, str_equal_no_trailing_slash) static int submodule_alloc(git_submodule **out, git_repository *repo, const char *name); static git_config_backend *open_gitmodules(git_repository *repo, int gitmod); static git_config *gitmodules_snapshot(git_repository *repo); static int get_url_base(git_buf *url, git_repository *repo); static int lookup_head_remote_key(git_buf *remote_key, git_repository *repo); static int lookup_default_remote(git_remote **remote, git_repository *repo); static int submodule_load_each(const git_config_entry *entry, void *payload); static int submodule_read_config(git_submodule *sm, git_config *cfg); static int submodule_load_from_wd_lite(git_submodule *); static void submodule_get_index_status(unsigned int *, git_submodule *); static void submodule_get_wd_status(unsigned int *, git_submodule *, git_repository *, git_submodule_ignore_t); static void submodule_update_from_index_entry(git_submodule *sm, const git_index_entry *ie); static void submodule_update_from_head_data(git_submodule *sm, mode_t mode, const git_oid *id); static int submodule_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(((git_submodule *)a)->name, ((git_submodule *)b)->name); } static int submodule_config_key_trunc_puts(git_buf *key, const char *suffix) { ssize_t idx = git_buf_rfind(key, '.'); git_buf_truncate(key, (size_t)(idx + 1)); return git_buf_puts(key, suffix); } /* * PUBLIC APIS */ static void submodule_set_lookup_error(int error, const char *name) { if (!error) return; giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) ? "no submodule named '%s'" : "submodule '%s' has not been added yet", name); } typedef struct { const char *path; char *name; } fbp_data; static int find_by_path(const git_config_entry *entry, void *payload) { fbp_data *data = payload; if (!strcmp(entry->value, data->path)) { const char *fdot, *ldot; fdot = strchr(entry->name, '.'); ldot = strrchr(entry->name, '.'); data->name = git__strndup(fdot + 1, ldot - fdot - 1); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(data->name); } return 0; } /** * Release the name map returned by 'load_submodule_names'. */ static void free_submodule_names(git_strmap *names) { git_buf *name = 0; if (names == NULL) return; git_strmap_foreach_value(names, name, { git__free(name); }); git_strmap_free(names); return; } /** * Map submodule paths to names. * TODO: for some use-cases, this might need case-folding on a * case-insensitive filesystem */ static int load_submodule_names(git_strmap *out, git_config *cfg) { const char *key = "submodule\\..*\\.path"; git_config_iterator *iter; git_config_entry *entry; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; int rval; int error = 0; if ((error = git_config_iterator_glob_new(&iter, cfg, key)) < 0) return error; while (git_config_next(&entry, iter) == 0) { const char *fdot, *ldot; fdot = strchr(entry->name, '.'); ldot = strrchr(entry->name, '.'); git_buf_put(&buf, fdot + 1, ldot - fdot - 1); git_strmap_insert(out, entry->value, git_buf_detach(&buf), rval); if (rval < 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_NOMEMORY, "error inserting submodule into hash table"); return -1; } } git_config_iterator_free(iter); return 0; } int git_submodule_lookup( git_submodule **out, /* NULL if user only wants to test existence */ git_repository *repo, const char *name) /* trailing slash is allowed */ { int error; unsigned int location; git_submodule *sm; assert(repo && name); if (repo->submodule_cache != NULL) { khiter_t pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(repo->submodule_cache, name); if (git_strmap_valid_index(repo->submodule_cache, pos)) { if (out) { *out = git_strmap_value_at(repo->submodule_cache, pos); GIT_REFCOUNT_INC(*out); } return 0; } } if ((error = submodule_alloc(&sm, repo, name)) < 0) return error; if ((error = git_submodule_reload(sm, false)) < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); return error; } if ((error = git_submodule_location(&location, sm)) < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); return error; } /* If it's not configured or we're looking by path */ if (location == 0 || location == GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD) { git_config_backend *mods; const char *pattern = "submodule\\..*\\.path"; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; fbp_data data = { NULL, NULL }; git_buf_puts(&path, name); while (path.ptr[path.size-1] == '/') { path.ptr[--path.size] = '\0'; } data.path = path.ptr; mods = open_gitmodules(repo, GITMODULES_EXISTING); if (mods) error = git_config_file_foreach_match(mods, pattern, find_by_path, &data); git_config_file_free(mods); if (error < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); git_buf_free(&path); return error; } if (data.name) { git__free(sm->name); sm->name = data.name; sm->path = git_buf_detach(&path); /* Try to load again with the right name */ if ((error = git_submodule_reload(sm, false)) < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); return error; } } git_buf_free(&path); } if ((error = git_submodule_location(&location, sm)) < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); return error; } /* If we still haven't found it, do the WD check */ if (location == 0 || location == GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD) { git_submodule_free(sm); error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; /* If it's not configured, we still check if there's a repo at the path */ if (git_repository_workdir(repo)) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; if (git_buf_join3(&path, '/', git_repository_workdir(repo), name, DOT_GIT) < 0) return -1; if (git_path_exists(path.ptr)) error = GIT_EEXISTS; git_buf_free(&path); } submodule_set_lookup_error(error, name); return error; } if (out) *out = sm; else git_submodule_free(sm); return 0; } static void submodule_free_dup(void *sm) { git_submodule_free(sm); } static int submodule_get_or_create(git_submodule **out, git_repository *repo, git_strmap *map, const char *name) { int error = 0; khiter_t pos; git_submodule *sm = NULL; pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(map, name); if (git_strmap_valid_index(map, pos)) { sm = git_strmap_value_at(map, pos); goto done; } /* if the submodule doesn't exist yet in the map, create it */ if ((error = submodule_alloc(&sm, repo, name)) < 0) return error; pos = kh_put(str, map, sm->name, &error); /* nobody can beat us to adding it */ assert(error != 0); if (error < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); return error; } git_strmap_set_value_at(map, pos, sm); done: GIT_REFCOUNT_INC(sm); *out = sm; return 0; } static int submodules_from_index(git_strmap *map, git_index *idx, git_config *cfg) { int error; git_iterator *i = NULL; const git_index_entry *entry; git_strmap *names = 0; git_strmap_alloc(&names); if ((error = load_submodule_names(names, cfg))) goto done; if ((error = git_iterator_for_index(&i, git_index_owner(idx), idx, NULL)) < 0) goto done; while (!(error = git_iterator_advance(&entry, i))) { khiter_t pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(map, entry->path); git_submodule *sm; if (git_strmap_valid_index(map, pos)) { sm = git_strmap_value_at(map, pos); if (S_ISGITLINK(entry->mode)) submodule_update_from_index_entry(sm, entry); else sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_NOT_SUBMODULE; } else if (S_ISGITLINK(entry->mode)) { khiter_t name_pos; const char *name; name_pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(names, entry->path); if (git_strmap_valid_index(names, name_pos)) { name = git_strmap_value_at(names, name_pos); } else { name = entry->path; } if (!submodule_get_or_create(&sm, git_index_owner(idx), map, name)) { submodule_update_from_index_entry(sm, entry); git_submodule_free(sm); } } } if (error == GIT_ITEROVER) error = 0; done: git_iterator_free(i); free_submodule_names(names); return error; } static int submodules_from_head(git_strmap *map, git_tree *head, git_config *cfg) { int error; git_iterator *i = NULL; const git_index_entry *entry; git_strmap *names = 0; git_strmap_alloc(&names); if ((error = load_submodule_names(names, cfg))) goto done; if ((error = git_iterator_for_tree(&i, head, NULL)) < 0) goto done; while (!(error = git_iterator_advance(&entry, i))) { khiter_t pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(map, entry->path); git_submodule *sm; if (git_strmap_valid_index(map, pos)) { sm = git_strmap_value_at(map, pos); if (S_ISGITLINK(entry->mode)) submodule_update_from_head_data(sm, entry->mode, &entry->id); else sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_NOT_SUBMODULE; } else if (S_ISGITLINK(entry->mode)) { khiter_t name_pos; const char *name; name_pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(names, entry->path); if (git_strmap_valid_index(names, name_pos)) { name = git_strmap_value_at(names, name_pos); } else { name = entry->path; } if (!submodule_get_or_create(&sm, git_tree_owner(head), map, name)) { submodule_update_from_head_data( sm, entry->mode, &entry->id); git_submodule_free(sm); } } } if (error == GIT_ITEROVER) error = 0; done: git_iterator_free(i); free_submodule_names(names); return error; } /* If have_sm is true, sm is populated, otherwise map an repo are. */ typedef struct { git_config *mods; git_strmap *map; git_repository *repo; } lfc_data; int git_submodule__map(git_repository *repo, git_strmap *map) { int error = 0; git_index *idx = NULL; git_tree *head = NULL; const char *wd = NULL; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_submodule *sm; git_config *mods = NULL; uint32_t mask; assert(repo && map); /* get sources that we will need to check */ if (git_repository_index(&idx, repo) < 0) giterr_clear(); if (git_repository_head_tree(&head, repo) < 0) giterr_clear(); wd = git_repository_workdir(repo); if (wd && (error = git_buf_joinpath(&path, wd, GIT_MODULES_FILE)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* clear submodule flags that are to be refreshed */ mask = 0; mask |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_INDEX | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_FLAGS | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_OID_VALID | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES; mask |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_HEAD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_OID_VALID; mask |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_CONFIG; if (mask != 0) mask |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_FLAGS | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID; /* add submodule information from .gitmodules */ if (wd) { lfc_data data = { 0 }; data.map = map; data.repo = repo; if ((mods = gitmodules_snapshot(repo)) == NULL) goto cleanup; data.mods = mods; if ((error = git_config_foreach( mods, submodule_load_each, &data)) < 0) goto cleanup; } /* add back submodule information from index */ if (mods && idx) { if ((error = submodules_from_index(map, idx, mods)) < 0) goto cleanup; } /* add submodule information from HEAD */ if (mods && head) { if ((error = submodules_from_head(map, head, mods)) < 0) goto cleanup; } /* shallow scan submodules in work tree as needed */ if (wd && mask != 0) { git_strmap_foreach_value(map, sm, { submodule_load_from_wd_lite(sm); }); } cleanup: git_config_free(mods); /* TODO: if we got an error, mark submodule config as invalid? */ git_index_free(idx); git_tree_free(head); git_buf_free(&path); return error; } int git_submodule_foreach( git_repository *repo, git_submodule_cb callback, void *payload) { git_vector snapshot = GIT_VECTOR_INIT; git_strmap *submodules; git_submodule *sm; int error; size_t i; if ((error = git_strmap_alloc(&submodules)) < 0) return error; if ((error = git_submodule__map(repo, submodules)) < 0) goto done; if (!(error = git_vector_init( &snapshot, kh_size(submodules), submodule_cmp))) { git_strmap_foreach_value(submodules, sm, { if ((error = git_vector_insert(&snapshot, sm)) < 0) break; GIT_REFCOUNT_INC(sm); }); } if (error < 0) goto done; git_vector_uniq(&snapshot, submodule_free_dup); git_vector_foreach(&snapshot, i, sm) { if ((error = callback(sm, sm->name, payload)) != 0) { giterr_set_after_callback(error); break; } } done: git_vector_foreach(&snapshot, i, sm) git_submodule_free(sm); git_vector_free(&snapshot); git_strmap_foreach_value(submodules, sm, { git_submodule_free(sm); }); git_strmap_free(submodules); return error; } static int submodule_repo_init( git_repository **out, git_repository *parent_repo, const char *path, const char *url, bool use_gitlink) { int error = 0; git_buf workdir = GIT_BUF_INIT, repodir = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_repository_init_options initopt = GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_OPTIONS_INIT; git_repository *subrepo = NULL; error = git_buf_joinpath(&workdir, git_repository_workdir(parent_repo), path); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; initopt.flags = GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKPATH | GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_REINIT; initopt.origin_url = url; /* init submodule repository and add origin remote as needed */ /* New style: sub-repo goes in /modules// with a * gitlink in the sub-repo workdir directory to that repository * * Old style: sub-repo goes directly into repo//.git/ */ if (use_gitlink) { error = git_buf_join3( &repodir, '/', git_repository_path(parent_repo), "modules", path); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; initopt.workdir_path = workdir.ptr; initopt.flags |= GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_DOTGIT_DIR | GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_RELATIVE_GITLINK; error = git_repository_init_ext(&subrepo, repodir.ptr, &initopt); } else error = git_repository_init_ext(&subrepo, workdir.ptr, &initopt); cleanup: git_buf_free(&workdir); git_buf_free(&repodir); *out = subrepo; return error; } int git_submodule_add_setup( git_submodule **out, git_repository *repo, const char *url, const char *path, int use_gitlink) { int error = 0; git_config_backend *mods = NULL; git_submodule *sm = NULL; git_buf name = GIT_BUF_INIT, real_url = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_repository *subrepo = NULL; assert(repo && url && path); /* see if there is already an entry for this submodule */ if (git_submodule_lookup(NULL, repo, path) < 0) giterr_clear(); else { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "attempt to add submodule '%s' that already exists", path); return GIT_EEXISTS; } /* validate and normalize path */ if (git__prefixcmp(path, git_repository_workdir(repo)) == 0) path += strlen(git_repository_workdir(repo)); if (git_path_root(path) >= 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "submodule path must be a relative path"); error = -1; goto cleanup; } /* update .gitmodules */ if (!(mods = open_gitmodules(repo, GITMODULES_CREATE))) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "adding submodules to a bare repository is not supported"); return -1; } if ((error = git_buf_printf(&name, "submodule.%s.path", path)) < 0 || (error = git_config_file_set_string(mods, name.ptr, path)) < 0) goto cleanup; if ((error = submodule_config_key_trunc_puts(&name, "url")) < 0 || (error = git_config_file_set_string(mods, name.ptr, url)) < 0) goto cleanup; git_buf_clear(&name); /* init submodule repository and add origin remote as needed */ error = git_buf_joinpath(&name, git_repository_workdir(repo), path); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; /* if the repo does not already exist, then init a new repo and add it. * Otherwise, just add the existing repo. */ if (!(git_path_exists(name.ptr) && git_path_contains(&name, DOT_GIT))) { /* resolve the actual URL to use */ if ((error = git_submodule_resolve_url(&real_url, repo, url)) < 0) goto cleanup; if ((error = submodule_repo_init(&subrepo, repo, path, real_url.ptr, use_gitlink)) < 0) goto cleanup; } if ((error = git_submodule_lookup(&sm, repo, path)) < 0) goto cleanup; error = git_submodule_init(sm, false); cleanup: if (error && sm) { git_submodule_free(sm); sm = NULL; } if (out != NULL) *out = sm; git_config_file_free(mods); git_repository_free(subrepo); git_buf_free(&real_url); git_buf_free(&name); return error; } int git_submodule_repo_init( git_repository **out, const git_submodule *sm, int use_gitlink) { int error; git_repository *sub_repo = NULL; const char *configured_url; git_config *cfg = NULL; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(out && sm); /* get the configured remote url of the submodule */ if ((error = git_buf_printf(&buf, "submodule.%s.url", sm->name)) < 0 || (error = git_repository_config_snapshot(&cfg, sm->repo)) < 0 || (error = git_config_get_string(&configured_url, cfg, buf.ptr)) < 0 || (error = submodule_repo_init(&sub_repo, sm->repo, sm->path, configured_url, use_gitlink)) < 0) goto done; *out = sub_repo; done: git_config_free(cfg); git_buf_free(&buf); return error; } int git_submodule_add_finalize(git_submodule *sm) { int error; git_index *index; assert(sm); if ((error = git_repository_index__weakptr(&index, sm->repo)) < 0 || (error = git_index_add_bypath(index, GIT_MODULES_FILE)) < 0) return error; return git_submodule_add_to_index(sm, true); } int git_submodule_add_to_index(git_submodule *sm, int write_index) { int error; git_repository *sm_repo = NULL; git_index *index; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_commit *head; git_index_entry entry; struct stat st; assert(sm); /* force reload of wd OID by git_submodule_open */ sm->flags = sm->flags & ~GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID; if ((error = git_repository_index__weakptr(&index, sm->repo)) < 0 || (error = git_buf_joinpath( &path, git_repository_workdir(sm->repo), sm->path)) < 0 || (error = git_submodule_open(&sm_repo, sm)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* read stat information for submodule working directory */ if (p_stat(path.ptr, &st) < 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "cannot add submodule without working directory"); error = -1; goto cleanup; } memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.path = sm->path; git_index_entry__init_from_stat( &entry, &st, !(git_index_caps(index) & GIT_INDEXCAP_NO_FILEMODE)); /* calling git_submodule_open will have set sm->wd_oid if possible */ if ((sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID) == 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "cannot add submodule without HEAD to index"); error = -1; goto cleanup; } git_oid_cpy(&entry.id, &sm->wd_oid); if ((error = git_commit_lookup(&head, sm_repo, &sm->wd_oid)) < 0) goto cleanup; entry.ctime.seconds = (int32_t)git_commit_time(head); entry.ctime.nanoseconds = 0; entry.mtime.seconds = (int32_t)git_commit_time(head); entry.mtime.nanoseconds = 0; git_commit_free(head); /* add it */ error = git_index_add(index, &entry); /* write it, if requested */ if (!error && write_index) { error = git_index_write(index); if (!error) git_oid_cpy(&sm->index_oid, &sm->wd_oid); } cleanup: git_repository_free(sm_repo); git_buf_free(&path); return error; } const char *git_submodule_update_to_str(git_submodule_update_t update) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_update_map); ++i) if (_sm_update_map[i].map_value == (int)update) return _sm_update_map[i].str_match; return NULL; } git_repository *git_submodule_owner(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return submodule->repo; } const char *git_submodule_name(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return submodule->name; } const char *git_submodule_path(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return submodule->path; } const char *git_submodule_url(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return submodule->url; } int git_submodule_resolve_url(git_buf *out, git_repository *repo, const char *url) { int error = 0; git_buf normalized = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(out && repo && url); git_buf_sanitize(out); /* We do this in all platforms in case someone on Windows created the .gitmodules */ if (strchr(url, '\\')) { if ((error = git_path_normalize_slashes(&normalized, url)) < 0) return error; url = normalized.ptr; } if (git_path_is_relative(url)) { if (!(error = get_url_base(out, repo))) error = git_path_apply_relative(out, url); } else if (strchr(url, ':') != NULL || url[0] == '/') { error = git_buf_sets(out, url); } else { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "invalid format for submodule URL"); error = -1; } git_buf_free(&normalized); return error; } static int write_var(git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *var, const char *val) { git_buf key = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_config_backend *mods; int error; mods = open_gitmodules(repo, GITMODULES_CREATE); if (!mods) return -1; if ((error = git_buf_printf(&key, "submodule.%s.%s", name, var)) < 0) goto cleanup; if (val) error = git_config_file_set_string(mods, key.ptr, val); else error = git_config_file_delete(mods, key.ptr); git_buf_free(&key); cleanup: git_config_file_free(mods); return error; } static int write_mapped_var(git_repository *repo, const char *name, git_cvar_map *maps, size_t nmaps, const char *var, int ival) { git_cvar_t type; const char *val; if (git_config_lookup_map_enum(&type, &val, maps, nmaps, ival) < 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "invalid value for %s", var); return -1; } if (type == GIT_CVAR_TRUE) val = "true"; return write_var(repo, name, var, val); } const char *git_submodule_branch(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return submodule->branch; } int git_submodule_set_branch(git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *branch) { assert(repo && name); return write_var(repo, name, "branch", branch); } int git_submodule_set_url(git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *url) { assert(repo && name && url); return write_var(repo, name, "url", url); } const git_oid *git_submodule_index_id(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); if (submodule->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_OID_VALID) return &submodule->index_oid; else return NULL; } const git_oid *git_submodule_head_id(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); if (submodule->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_OID_VALID) return &submodule->head_oid; else return NULL; } const git_oid *git_submodule_wd_id(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); /* load unless we think we have a valid oid */ if (!(submodule->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID)) { git_repository *subrepo; /* calling submodule open grabs the HEAD OID if possible */ if (!git_submodule_open_bare(&subrepo, submodule)) git_repository_free(subrepo); else giterr_clear(); } if (submodule->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID) return &submodule->wd_oid; else return NULL; } git_submodule_ignore_t git_submodule_ignore(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return (submodule->ignore < GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE) ? GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE : submodule->ignore; } int git_submodule_set_ignore(git_repository *repo, const char *name, git_submodule_ignore_t ignore) { assert(repo && name); return write_mapped_var(repo, name, _sm_ignore_map, ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_ignore_map), "ignore", ignore); } git_submodule_update_t git_submodule_update_strategy(git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return (submodule->update < GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT) ? GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT : submodule->update; } int git_submodule_set_update(git_repository *repo, const char *name, git_submodule_update_t update) { assert(repo && name); return write_mapped_var(repo, name, _sm_update_map, ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_update_map), "update", update); } git_submodule_recurse_t git_submodule_fetch_recurse_submodules( git_submodule *submodule) { assert(submodule); return submodule->fetch_recurse; } int git_submodule_set_fetch_recurse_submodules(git_repository *repo, const char *name, git_submodule_recurse_t recurse) { assert(repo && name); return write_mapped_var(repo, name, _sm_recurse_map, ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_recurse_map), "fetchRecurseSubmodules", recurse); } static int submodule_repo_create( git_repository **out, git_repository *parent_repo, const char *path) { int error = 0; git_buf workdir = GIT_BUF_INIT, repodir = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_repository_init_options initopt = GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_OPTIONS_INIT; git_repository *subrepo = NULL; initopt.flags = GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKPATH | GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_REINIT | GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_DOTGIT_DIR | GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_RELATIVE_GITLINK; /* Workdir: path to sub-repo working directory */ error = git_buf_joinpath(&workdir, git_repository_workdir(parent_repo), path); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; initopt.workdir_path = workdir.ptr; /** * Repodir: path to the sub-repo. sub-repo goes in: * /modules// with a gitlink in the * sub-repo workdir directory to that repository. */ error = git_buf_join3( &repodir, '/', git_repository_path(parent_repo), "modules", path); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = git_repository_init_ext(&subrepo, repodir.ptr, &initopt); cleanup: git_buf_free(&workdir); git_buf_free(&repodir); *out = subrepo; return error; } /** * Callback to override sub-repository creation when * cloning a sub-repository. */ static int git_submodule_update_repo_init_cb( git_repository **out, const char *path, int bare, void *payload) { git_submodule *sm; GIT_UNUSED(bare); sm = payload; return submodule_repo_create(out, sm->repo, path); } int git_submodule_update_init_options(git_submodule_update_options *opts, unsigned int version) { GIT_INIT_STRUCTURE_FROM_TEMPLATE( opts, version, git_submodule_update_options, GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS_INIT); return 0; } int git_submodule_update(git_submodule *sm, int init, git_submodule_update_options *_update_options) { int error; unsigned int submodule_status; git_config *config = NULL; const char *submodule_url; git_repository *sub_repo = NULL; git_remote *remote = NULL; git_object *target_commit = NULL; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_submodule_update_options update_options = GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS_INIT; git_clone_options clone_options = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT; assert(sm); if (_update_options) memcpy(&update_options, _update_options, sizeof(git_submodule_update_options)); GITERR_CHECK_VERSION(&update_options, GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS_VERSION, "git_submodule_update_options"); /* Copy over the remote callbacks */ memcpy(&clone_options.fetch_opts, &update_options.fetch_opts, sizeof(git_fetch_options)); /* Get the status of the submodule to determine if it is already initialized */ if ((error = git_submodule_status(&submodule_status, sm->repo, sm->name, GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNSPECIFIED)) < 0) goto done; /* * If submodule work dir is not already initialized, check to see * what we need to do (initialize, clone, return error...) */ if (submodule_status & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNINITIALIZED) { /* * Work dir is not initialized, check to see if the submodule * info has been copied into .git/config */ if ((error = git_repository_config_snapshot(&config, sm->repo)) < 0 || (error = git_buf_printf(&buf, "submodule.%s.url", git_submodule_name(sm))) < 0) goto done; if ((error = git_config_get_string(&submodule_url, config, git_buf_cstr(&buf))) < 0) { /* * If the error is not "not found" or if it is "not found" and we are not * initializing the submodule, then return error. */ if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) goto done; if (!init) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "submodule is not initialized"); error = GIT_ERROR; goto done; } /* The submodule has not been initialized yet - initialize it now.*/ if ((error = git_submodule_init(sm, 0)) < 0) goto done; git_config_free(config); config = NULL; if ((error = git_repository_config_snapshot(&config, sm->repo)) < 0 || (error = git_config_get_string(&submodule_url, config, git_buf_cstr(&buf))) < 0) goto done; } /** submodule is initialized - now clone it **/ /* override repo creation */ clone_options.repository_cb = git_submodule_update_repo_init_cb; clone_options.repository_cb_payload = sm; /* * Do not perform checkout as part of clone, instead we * will checkout the specific commit manually. */ clone_options.checkout_opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_NONE; if ((error = git_clone(&sub_repo, submodule_url, sm->path, &clone_options)) < 0 || (error = git_repository_set_head_detached(sub_repo, git_submodule_index_id(sm))) < 0 || (error = git_checkout_head(sub_repo, &update_options.checkout_opts)) != 0) goto done; } else { /** * Work dir is initialized - look up the commit in the parent repository's index, * update the workdir contents of the subrepository, and set the subrepository's * head to the new commit. */ if ((error = git_submodule_open(&sub_repo, sm)) < 0) goto done; /* Look up the target commit in the submodule. */ if ((error = git_object_lookup(&target_commit, sub_repo, git_submodule_index_id(sm), GIT_OBJ_COMMIT)) < 0) { /* If it isn't found then fetch and try again. */ if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND || !update_options.allow_fetch || (error = lookup_default_remote(&remote, sub_repo)) < 0 || (error = git_remote_fetch(remote, NULL, &update_options.fetch_opts, NULL)) < 0 || (error = git_object_lookup(&target_commit, sub_repo, git_submodule_index_id(sm), GIT_OBJ_COMMIT)) < 0) goto done; } if ((error = git_checkout_tree(sub_repo, target_commit, &update_options.checkout_opts)) != 0 || (error = git_repository_set_head_detached(sub_repo, git_submodule_index_id(sm))) < 0) goto done; /* Invalidate the wd flags as the workdir has been updated. */ sm->flags = sm->flags & ~(GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED); } done: git_buf_free(&buf); git_config_free(config); git_object_free(target_commit); git_remote_free(remote); git_repository_free(sub_repo); return error; } int git_submodule_init(git_submodule *sm, int overwrite) { int error; const char *val; git_buf key = GIT_BUF_INIT, effective_submodule_url = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_config *cfg = NULL; if (!sm->url) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "no URL configured for submodule '%s'", sm->name); return -1; } if ((error = git_repository_config(&cfg, sm->repo)) < 0) return error; /* write "submodule.NAME.url" */ if ((error = git_submodule_resolve_url(&effective_submodule_url, sm->repo, sm->url)) < 0 || (error = git_buf_printf(&key, "submodule.%s.url", sm->name)) < 0 || (error = git_config__update_entry( cfg, key.ptr, effective_submodule_url.ptr, overwrite != 0, false)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* write "submodule.NAME.update" if not default */ val = (sm->update == GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT) ? NULL : git_submodule_update_to_str(sm->update); if ((error = git_buf_printf(&key, "submodule.%s.update", sm->name)) < 0 || (error = git_config__update_entry( cfg, key.ptr, val, overwrite != 0, false)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* success */ cleanup: git_config_free(cfg); git_buf_free(&key); git_buf_free(&effective_submodule_url); return error; } int git_submodule_sync(git_submodule *sm) { int error = 0; git_config *cfg = NULL; git_buf key = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_repository *smrepo = NULL; if (!sm->url) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "no URL configured for submodule '%s'", sm->name); return -1; } /* copy URL over to config only if it already exists */ if (!(error = git_repository_config__weakptr(&cfg, sm->repo)) && !(error = git_buf_printf(&key, "submodule.%s.url", sm->name))) error = git_config__update_entry(cfg, key.ptr, sm->url, true, true); /* if submodule exists in the working directory, update remote url */ if (!error && (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD) != 0 && !(error = git_submodule_open(&smrepo, sm))) { git_buf remote_name = GIT_BUF_INIT; if ((error = git_repository_config__weakptr(&cfg, smrepo)) < 0) /* return error from reading submodule config */; else if ((error = lookup_head_remote_key(&remote_name, smrepo)) < 0) { giterr_clear(); error = git_buf_sets(&key, "remote.origin.url"); } else { error = git_buf_join3( &key, '.', "remote", remote_name.ptr, "url"); git_buf_free(&remote_name); } if (!error) error = git_config__update_entry(cfg, key.ptr, sm->url, true, false); git_repository_free(smrepo); } git_buf_free(&key); return error; } static int git_submodule__open( git_repository **subrepo, git_submodule *sm, bool bare) { int error; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; unsigned int flags = GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH; const char *wd; assert(sm && subrepo); if (git_repository__ensure_not_bare( sm->repo, "open submodule repository") < 0) return GIT_EBAREREPO; wd = git_repository_workdir(sm->repo); if (git_buf_joinpath(&path, wd, sm->path) < 0 || git_buf_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, DOT_GIT) < 0) return -1; sm->flags = sm->flags & ~(GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED); if (bare) flags |= GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE; error = git_repository_open_ext(subrepo, path.ptr, flags, wd); /* if we opened the submodule successfully, grab HEAD OID, etc. */ if (!error) { sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED; if (!git_reference_name_to_id(&sm->wd_oid, *subrepo, GIT_HEAD_FILE)) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID; else giterr_clear(); } else if (git_path_exists(path.ptr)) { sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD; } else { git_buf_rtruncate_at_char(&path, '/'); /* remove "/.git" */ if (git_path_isdir(path.ptr)) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED; } git_buf_free(&path); return error; } int git_submodule_open_bare(git_repository **subrepo, git_submodule *sm) { return git_submodule__open(subrepo, sm, true); } int git_submodule_open(git_repository **subrepo, git_submodule *sm) { return git_submodule__open(subrepo, sm, false); } static void submodule_update_from_index_entry( git_submodule *sm, const git_index_entry *ie) { bool already_found = (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_INDEX) != 0; if (!S_ISGITLINK(ie->mode)) { if (!already_found) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_NOT_SUBMODULE; } else { if (already_found) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES; else git_oid_cpy(&sm->index_oid, &ie->id); sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_INDEX | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_OID_VALID; } } static int submodule_update_index(git_submodule *sm) { git_index *index; const git_index_entry *ie; if (git_repository_index__weakptr(&index, sm->repo) < 0) return -1; sm->flags = sm->flags & ~(GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_INDEX | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_OID_VALID); if (!(ie = git_index_get_bypath(index, sm->path, 0))) return 0; submodule_update_from_index_entry(sm, ie); return 0; } static void submodule_update_from_head_data( git_submodule *sm, mode_t mode, const git_oid *id) { if (!S_ISGITLINK(mode)) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_NOT_SUBMODULE; else { git_oid_cpy(&sm->head_oid, id); sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_HEAD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_OID_VALID; } } static int submodule_update_head(git_submodule *submodule) { git_tree *head = NULL; git_tree_entry *te = NULL; submodule->flags = submodule->flags & ~(GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_HEAD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_OID_VALID); /* if we can't look up file in current head, then done */ if (git_repository_head_tree(&head, submodule->repo) < 0 || git_tree_entry_bypath(&te, head, submodule->path) < 0) giterr_clear(); else submodule_update_from_head_data(submodule, te->attr, git_tree_entry_id(te)); git_tree_entry_free(te); git_tree_free(head); return 0; } int git_submodule_reload(git_submodule *sm, int force) { int error = 0; git_config *mods; GIT_UNUSED(force); assert(sm); if (!git_repository_is_bare(sm->repo)) { /* refresh config data */ mods = gitmodules_snapshot(sm->repo); if (mods != NULL) { error = submodule_read_config(sm, mods); git_config_free(mods); if (error < 0) return error; } /* refresh wd data */ sm->flags &= ~(GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID | GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_FLAGS); error = submodule_load_from_wd_lite(sm); } if (error == 0 && (error = submodule_update_index(sm)) == 0) error = submodule_update_head(sm); return error; } static void submodule_copy_oid_maybe( git_oid *tgt, const git_oid *src, bool valid) { if (tgt) { if (valid) memcpy(tgt, src, sizeof(*tgt)); else memset(tgt, 0, sizeof(*tgt)); } } int git_submodule__status( unsigned int *out_status, git_oid *out_head_id, git_oid *out_index_id, git_oid *out_wd_id, git_submodule *sm, git_submodule_ignore_t ign) { unsigned int status; git_repository *smrepo = NULL; if (ign == GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNSPECIFIED) ign = sm->ignore; /* only return location info if ignore == all */ if (ign == GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL) { *out_status = (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__IN_FLAGS); return 0; } /* If the user has requested caching submodule state, performing these * expensive operations (especially `submodule_update_head`, which is * bottlenecked on `git_repository_head_tree`) eliminates much of the * advantage. We will, therefore, interpret the request for caching to * apply here to and skip them. */ if (sm->repo->submodule_cache == NULL) { /* refresh the index OID */ if (submodule_update_index(sm) < 0) return -1; /* refresh the HEAD OID */ if (submodule_update_head(sm) < 0) return -1; } /* for ignore == dirty, don't scan the working directory */ if (ign == GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_DIRTY) { /* git_submodule_open_bare will load WD OID data */ if (git_submodule_open_bare(&smrepo, sm) < 0) giterr_clear(); else git_repository_free(smrepo); smrepo = NULL; } else if (git_submodule_open(&smrepo, sm) < 0) { giterr_clear(); smrepo = NULL; } status = GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__CLEAR_INTERNAL(sm->flags); submodule_get_index_status(&status, sm); submodule_get_wd_status(&status, sm, smrepo, ign); git_repository_free(smrepo); *out_status = status; submodule_copy_oid_maybe(out_head_id, &sm->head_oid, (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__HEAD_OID_VALID) != 0); submodule_copy_oid_maybe(out_index_id, &sm->index_oid, (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_OID_VALID) != 0); submodule_copy_oid_maybe(out_wd_id, &sm->wd_oid, (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID) != 0); return 0; } int git_submodule_status(unsigned int *status, git_repository *repo, const char *name, git_submodule_ignore_t ignore) { git_submodule *sm; int error; assert(status && repo && name); if ((error = git_submodule_lookup(&sm, repo, name)) < 0) return error; error = git_submodule__status(status, NULL, NULL, NULL, sm, ignore); git_submodule_free(sm); return error; } int git_submodule_location(unsigned int *location, git_submodule *sm) { assert(location && sm); return git_submodule__status( location, NULL, NULL, NULL, sm, GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL); } /* * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ static int submodule_alloc( git_submodule **out, git_repository *repo, const char *name) { size_t namelen; git_submodule *sm; if (!name || !(namelen = strlen(name))) { giterr_set(GITERR_SUBMODULE, "invalid submodule name"); return -1; } sm = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_submodule)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(sm); sm->name = sm->path = git__strdup(name); if (!sm->name) { git__free(sm); return -1; } GIT_REFCOUNT_INC(sm); sm->ignore = sm->ignore_default = GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE; sm->update = sm->update_default = GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT; sm->fetch_recurse = sm->fetch_recurse_default = GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_NO; sm->repo = repo; sm->branch = NULL; *out = sm; return 0; } static void submodule_release(git_submodule *sm) { if (!sm) return; if (sm->repo) { sm->repo = NULL; } if (sm->path != sm->name) git__free(sm->path); git__free(sm->name); git__free(sm->url); git__free(sm->branch); git__memzero(sm, sizeof(*sm)); git__free(sm); } void git_submodule_free(git_submodule *sm) { if (!sm) return; GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(sm, submodule_release); } static int submodule_config_error(const char *property, const char *value) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "invalid value for submodule '%s' property: '%s'", property, value); return -1; } int git_submodule_parse_ignore(git_submodule_ignore_t *out, const char *value) { int val; if (git_config_lookup_map_value( &val, _sm_ignore_map, ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_ignore_map), value) < 0) { *out = GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE; return submodule_config_error("ignore", value); } *out = (git_submodule_ignore_t)val; return 0; } int git_submodule_parse_update(git_submodule_update_t *out, const char *value) { int val; if (git_config_lookup_map_value( &val, _sm_update_map, ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_update_map), value) < 0) { *out = GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT; return submodule_config_error("update", value); } *out = (git_submodule_update_t)val; return 0; } int git_submodule_parse_recurse(git_submodule_recurse_t *out, const char *value) { int val; if (git_config_lookup_map_value( &val, _sm_recurse_map, ARRAY_SIZE(_sm_recurse_map), value) < 0) { *out = GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_YES; return submodule_config_error("recurse", value); } *out = (git_submodule_recurse_t)val; return 0; } static int get_value(const char **out, git_config *cfg, git_buf *buf, const char *name, const char *field) { int error; git_buf_clear(buf); if ((error = git_buf_printf(buf, "submodule.%s.%s", name, field)) < 0 || (error = git_config_get_string(out, cfg, buf->ptr)) < 0) return error; return error; } static int submodule_read_config(git_submodule *sm, git_config *cfg) { git_buf key = GIT_BUF_INIT; const char *value; int error, in_config = 0; /* * TODO: Look up path in index and if it is present but not a GITLINK * then this should be deleted (at least to match git's behavior) */ if ((error = get_value(&value, cfg, &key, sm->name, "path")) == 0) { in_config = 1; /* * TODO: if case insensitive filesystem, then the following strcmp * should be strcasecmp */ if (strcmp(sm->name, value) != 0) { if (sm->path != sm->name) git__free(sm->path); sm->path = git__strdup(value); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(sm->path); } } else if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) { goto cleanup; } if ((error = get_value(&value, cfg, &key, sm->name, "url")) == 0) { in_config = 1; sm->url = git__strdup(value); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(sm->url); } else if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) { goto cleanup; } if ((error = get_value(&value, cfg, &key, sm->name, "branch")) == 0) { in_config = 1; sm->branch = git__strdup(value); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(sm->branch); } else if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) { goto cleanup; } if ((error = get_value(&value, cfg, &key, sm->name, "update")) == 0) { in_config = 1; if ((error = git_submodule_parse_update(&sm->update, value)) < 0) goto cleanup; sm->update_default = sm->update; } else if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) { goto cleanup; } if ((error = get_value(&value, cfg, &key, sm->name, "fetchRecurseSubmodules")) == 0) { in_config = 1; if ((error = git_submodule_parse_recurse(&sm->fetch_recurse, value)) < 0) goto cleanup; sm->fetch_recurse_default = sm->fetch_recurse; } else if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) { goto cleanup; } if ((error = get_value(&value, cfg, &key, sm->name, "ignore")) == 0) { in_config = 1; if ((error = git_submodule_parse_ignore(&sm->ignore, value)) < 0) goto cleanup; sm->ignore_default = sm->ignore; } else if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) { goto cleanup; } if (in_config) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_CONFIG; error = 0; cleanup: git_buf_free(&key); return error; } static int submodule_load_each(const git_config_entry *entry, void *payload) { lfc_data *data = payload; const char *namestart, *property; git_strmap_iter pos; git_strmap *map = data->map; git_buf name = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_submodule *sm; int error; if (git__prefixcmp(entry->name, "submodule.") != 0) return 0; namestart = entry->name + strlen("submodule."); property = strrchr(namestart, '.'); if (!property || (property == namestart)) return 0; property++; if ((error = git_buf_set(&name, namestart, property - namestart -1)) < 0) return error; /* * Now that we have the submodule's name, we can use that to * figure out whether it's in the map. If it's not, we create * a new submodule, load the config and insert it. If it's * already inserted, we've already loaded it, so we skip. */ pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(map, name.ptr); if (git_strmap_valid_index(map, pos)) { error = 0; goto done; } if ((error = submodule_alloc(&sm, data->repo, name.ptr)) < 0) goto done; if ((error = submodule_read_config(sm, data->mods)) < 0) { git_submodule_free(sm); goto done; } git_strmap_insert(map, sm->name, sm, error); assert(error != 0); if (error < 0) goto done; error = 0; done: git_buf_free(&name); return error; } static int submodule_load_from_wd_lite(git_submodule *sm) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; if (git_buf_joinpath(&path, git_repository_workdir(sm->repo), sm->path) < 0) return -1; if (git_path_isdir(path.ptr)) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED; if (git_path_contains(&path, DOT_GIT)) sm->flags |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD; git_buf_free(&path); return 0; } /** * Returns a snapshot of $WORK_TREE/.gitmodules. * * We ignore any errors and just pretend the file isn't there. */ static git_config *gitmodules_snapshot(git_repository *repo) { const char *workdir = git_repository_workdir(repo); git_config *mods = NULL, *snap = NULL; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; if (workdir != NULL) { if (git_buf_joinpath(&path, workdir, GIT_MODULES_FILE) != 0) return NULL; if (git_config_open_ondisk(&mods, path.ptr) < 0) mods = NULL; } git_buf_free(&path); if (mods) { git_config_snapshot(&snap, mods); git_config_free(mods); } return snap; } static git_config_backend *open_gitmodules( git_repository *repo, int okay_to_create) { const char *workdir = git_repository_workdir(repo); git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_config_backend *mods = NULL; if (workdir != NULL) { if (git_buf_joinpath(&path, workdir, GIT_MODULES_FILE) != 0) return NULL; if (okay_to_create || git_path_isfile(path.ptr)) { /* git_config_file__ondisk should only fail if OOM */ if (git_config_file__ondisk(&mods, path.ptr) < 0) mods = NULL; /* open should only fail here if the file is malformed */ else if (git_config_file_open(mods, GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_LOCAL) < 0) { git_config_file_free(mods); mods = NULL; } } } git_buf_free(&path); return mods; } /* Lookup name of remote of the local tracking branch HEAD points to */ static int lookup_head_remote_key(git_buf *remote_name, git_repository *repo) { int error; git_reference *head = NULL; git_buf upstream_name = GIT_BUF_INIT; /* lookup and dereference HEAD */ if ((error = git_repository_head(&head, repo)) < 0) return error; /** * If head does not refer to a branch, then return * GIT_ENOTFOUND to indicate that we could not find * a remote key for the local tracking branch HEAD points to. **/ if (!git_reference_is_branch(head)) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "HEAD does not refer to a branch."); error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; goto done; } /* lookup remote tracking branch of HEAD */ if ((error = git_branch_upstream_name( &upstream_name, repo, git_reference_name(head))) < 0) goto done; /* lookup remote of remote tracking branch */ if ((error = git_branch_remote_name(remote_name, repo, upstream_name.ptr)) < 0) goto done; done: git_buf_free(&upstream_name); git_reference_free(head); return error; } /* Lookup the remote of the local tracking branch HEAD points to */ static int lookup_head_remote(git_remote **remote, git_repository *repo) { int error; git_buf remote_name = GIT_BUF_INIT; /* lookup remote of remote tracking branch name */ if (!(error = lookup_head_remote_key(&remote_name, repo))) error = git_remote_lookup(remote, repo, remote_name.ptr); git_buf_free(&remote_name); return error; } /* Lookup remote, either from HEAD or fall back on origin */ static int lookup_default_remote(git_remote **remote, git_repository *repo) { int error = lookup_head_remote(remote, repo); /* if that failed, use 'origin' instead */ if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) error = git_remote_lookup(remote, repo, "origin"); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) giterr_set( GITERR_SUBMODULE, "cannot get default remote for submodule - no local tracking " "branch for HEAD and origin does not exist"); return error; } static int get_url_base(git_buf *url, git_repository *repo) { int error; git_remote *remote = NULL; if (!(error = lookup_default_remote(&remote, repo))) { error = git_buf_sets(url, git_remote_url(remote)); git_remote_free(remote); } else if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { /* if repository does not have a default remote, use workdir instead */ giterr_clear(); error = git_buf_sets(url, git_repository_workdir(repo)); } return error; } static void submodule_get_index_status(unsigned int *status, git_submodule *sm) { const git_oid *head_oid = git_submodule_head_id(sm); const git_oid *index_oid = git_submodule_index_id(sm); *status = *status & ~GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__INDEX_FLAGS; if (!head_oid) { if (index_oid) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_ADDED; } else if (!index_oid) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_DELETED; else if (!git_oid_equal(head_oid, index_oid)) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED; } static void submodule_get_wd_status( unsigned int *status, git_submodule *sm, git_repository *sm_repo, git_submodule_ignore_t ign) { const git_oid *index_oid = git_submodule_index_id(sm); const git_oid *wd_oid = (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_OID_VALID) ? &sm->wd_oid : NULL; git_tree *sm_head = NULL; git_index *index = NULL; git_diff_options opt = GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_INIT; git_diff *diff; *status = *status & ~GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_FLAGS; if (!index_oid) { if (wd_oid) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_ADDED; } else if (!wd_oid) { if ((sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS__WD_SCANNED) != 0 && (sm->flags & GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD) == 0) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNINITIALIZED; else *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_DELETED; } else if (!git_oid_equal(index_oid, wd_oid)) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_MODIFIED; /* if we have no repo, then we're done */ if (!sm_repo) return; /* the diffs below could be optimized with an early termination * option to the git_diff functions, but for now this is sufficient * (and certainly no worse that what core git does). */ if (ign == GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE) opt.flags |= GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED; (void)git_repository_index__weakptr(&index, sm_repo); /* if we don't have an unborn head, check diff with index */ if (git_repository_head_tree(&sm_head, sm_repo) < 0) giterr_clear(); else { /* perform head to index diff on submodule */ if (git_diff_tree_to_index(&diff, sm_repo, sm_head, index, &opt) < 0) giterr_clear(); else { if (git_diff_num_deltas(diff) > 0) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_INDEX_MODIFIED; git_diff_free(diff); diff = NULL; } git_tree_free(sm_head); } /* perform index-to-workdir diff on submodule */ if (git_diff_index_to_workdir(&diff, sm_repo, index, &opt) < 0) giterr_clear(); else { size_t untracked = git_diff_num_deltas_of_type(diff, GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED); if (untracked > 0) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNTRACKED; if (git_diff_num_deltas(diff) != untracked) *status |= GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_WD_MODIFIED; git_diff_free(diff); diff = NULL; } }