module Origen module RevisionControl class DesignSync < Base # Check in the contents of the given directory to a remote vault location, meaning a vault location # that is not necessarily associated with the current workspace that the given files are in. # # Anything found in the given directory will be checked in, even files which are not currently under # revision control. # # No attempt will be made to merge the current vault contents with the local data, the local data # will always be checked in as latest. # # A tag can be optionally supplied and if present will be applied to the files post check in. # # @example # # Origen::RevisionControl::DesignSync.remote_check_in("#{Origen.root}/output/j750", vault: "sync://sync-15088:15088/Projects/common_tester_blocks/origen_training/j750", tag: def self.remote_check_in(dir, options = {}) options = { force: true }.merge(options) dir = fail "Directory does not exist: #{dir}" unless dir.exist? fail "Only directories are supported by remote_check_in, this is not a directory: #{dir}" unless fail 'No vault option supplied to remote_check_in!' unless options[:vault] scratch ="#{}/design_sync/scratch") FileUtils.rm_rf(scratch) if scratch.exist? FileUtils.mkdir_p(scratch) FileUtils.cp_r("#{dir}/.", scratch) remove_dot_syncs!(scratch) ds = new(remote: options[:vault], local: scratch) ds.checkin(options) ds.tag(options[:tag], options) if options[:tag] FileUtils.rm_rf(scratch) end # Recursively remove all .SYNC directories from the given directory def self.remove_dot_syncs!(dir, options = {}) dir = fail "Directory does not exist: #{dir}" unless dir.exist? fail "Only directories are supported by remove_dot_syncs, this is not a directory: #{dir}" unless Dir.glob("#{dir}/**/.SYNC").sort.each do |dot_sync| FileUtils.rm_rf(dot_sync) end end def build(options = {}) checkout(options) end def checkout(path = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(path, options) cmd = 'pop' cmd += ' -rec -get -uni' cmd += ' -force' if options[:force] if options[:version] cmd += " -version #{prefix_tag(options[:version])}" else cmd += ' -merge' unless options[:force] end paths = paths.join(' ') dssc("#{cmd} #{paths}", options) # Design sync can be funny and even with -get it can leave unwritable files, so let's fix that `chmod a+w -R #{paths}` paths end def checkin(path = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(path, options) cmd = 'ci' cmd += ' -rec -keep' cmd += ' -skip' if options[:force] cmd += ' -new' if options[:unmanaged] || options[:force] if options[:comment] && !options[:comment].strip.empty? cmd += " -com \"#{options[:comment].strip}\"" else # cmd += ' -nocom' # DO NOT USE nocom option with DesignSync, doesn't always work cmd += ' -com None' end paths = paths.join(' ') dssc("#{cmd} #{paths}", options) # Make sure the file is still writable `chmod a+w -R #{paths}` paths end def changes(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) options = { verbose: false }.merge(options) cmd = 'compare -rec -path -report silent' if options[:version] cmd += " -selector #{prefix_tag(options[:version])}" end cmd += " #{paths.first}" objects = { added: [], removed: [], changed: [] } dssc(cmd, options).each do |line| # We need to parse the following data from the output, ignore everything else # which will mostly refer to un-managed files. # # Added since previous version... # 1.12 First only source_setup # Removed since previous version... # 1.13 Second only lib/history # Modified since previous version... # 1.32 1.31 Different versions lib/origen/application.rb # Modified since previous version including a local edit... # 1.7 (Locally Modified) 1.7 Different states lib/origen/commands/rc.rb unless line =~ /Unmanaged/ # if line =~ /\s*(\S+)\s+First only\s+(\S+)\s*/ objects[:added] << Regexp.last_match[2] # elsif line =~ /\s*(\S+)\s+Second only\s+(\S+)\s*/ objects[:removed] << Regexp.last_match[2] # elsif line =~ /\s*\S+\s+(\(Locally Modified\))?\s*(\S+)\s+Different (versions|states)\s+(\S+)\s*/ objects[:changed] << Regexp.last_match[4] end end end objects[:present] = !objects[:added].empty? || !objects[:removed].empty? || !objects[:changed].empty? objects[:added].map! { |i| "#{paths.first}/" + i } objects[:removed].map! { |i| "#{paths.first}/" + i } objects[:changed].map! { |i| "#{paths.first}/" + i } objects end def local_modifications(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) options = { verbose: false }.merge(options) cmd = 'ls -rec -managed -path -report N -modified -format text' cmd += " #{paths.first}" files = dssc(cmd, options).reject do |item| item.strip.empty? || item =~ /^(Name|Directory|---)/ end! do |file| file.strip! # Strip off any whitespace from all objects file.sub!(/^#{full_path_prefix}/, '') file.sub('|', ':') file.sub!(/^/, "#{paths.first}/") end end def unmanaged(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) options = { verbose: false }.merge(options) cmd = 'ls -rec -unmanaged -fullpath -report N -modified -format text' cmd += " #{paths.first}" files = dssc(cmd, options).reject do |item| # removes extraneous lines item =~ /^(Name|Directory|---)/ || item.strip.empty? end! do |file| file.strip! # Strip off any whitespace from all objects file.sub!(/^#{full_path_prefix}/, '') file.sub('|', ':') end end def diff_cmd(file, version) "dssc diff -gui -ver #{prefix_tag(version)} #{file}" end def tag(id, options = {}) id = id = id.prefixed if id.semantic? replace = options[:force] ? '-replace' : '' dssc "tag #{id} -rec #{replace} *" # Applying this rule recursively seems to cause havoc, so running on its own. # This hits any dot files in the root directory, any dot files in sub directories # already get hit by the above tag job. dssc "tag #{id} #{replace} .*" end def root # This is an expensive operation the way it is currently implemented, so # cache the result for future calls["root-#{local}"] ||= begin root = local # Create two arrays, one to store the parents and the other to corresponding vaults. temp_parent_array = temp_parent_vault_array = resolved = false vault = dssc("url vault #{root}").first until resolved || root.root? parent = root.parent # push the current parent into the parent array temp_parent_array.push(parent.to_s) if File.exist?("#{parent}/.SYNC") parent_vault = dssc("url vault #{parent}").first # push the current parent_vault into the vault array. temp_parent_vault_array.push(parent_vault.to_s) if vault.to_s =~ /^#{parent_vault}/ && vault.to_s != parent_vault.to_s root = parent else # Now, check if the parent array has unique values, it should if the DesignSync directory structure is correct. if temp_parent_vault_array.uniq.length == temp_parent_vault_array.length resolved = true else # To display the file/directory that the user needs to correct the conflict in, pick up the second last element from the parent array. fault_dir = temp_parent_array[-2] fault_dir_name = fault_dir.split('/')[-1] Origen.log.error 'DesignSync returns same vault locations for two directories.' Origen.log.error 'Please resolve the workspace conflicts before continuing' # Un-cache the result so that there is no error in future calls.["root-#{local}"] = nil # Remove the .ref symlink from the local directory so that there are no issues in the future call scratch ="#{local}/.ref") FileUtils.rm_rf(scratch) if scratch.exist? abort end end else resolved = true end end root end end def current_branch dssc("url selector #{local}", verbose: false).first end private def full_path_prefix @full_path_prefix ||= begin if Origen.running_on_windows? 'file:///' else 'file://' end end end def initialize_local_dir super unless initialized? Origen.log.debug "Initializing DSSC workspace at #{local}" dssc "setvault #{remote} ." end end def initialized? File.exist?("#{local}/.SYNC") end # Execute a dssc operation, the resultant output is returned in an array def dssc(command, options = {}) options = { check_errors: true, verbose: true }.merge(options) output = [] if options[:verbose] "dssc #{command}" '' end Dir.chdir local do Open3.popen2e("dssc #{command}") do |_stdin, stdout_err, wait_thr| while line = stdout_err.gets line.strip if options[:verbose] # Screen out common redundant output unless line =~ /^Logging/ || line == '' || line =~ /V(\d+\.\d+-\d+|\d.\d+)/ || # Screen out something like "V5.1-1205" or "V6R2010" line.strip.empty? output << line.strip end end exit_status = wait_thr.value unless exit_status.success? if options[:check_errors] fail DesignSyncError, "This command failed: 'dssc #{command}'" end end end end output end end end end