smplayer on HP2 -> edited version (ffmpeg through mencoder) with oac copy, is off by an annoying split second when replayed in smplayer smplayer on fulli oac copy HP 2 *fails* everywhere almost sync-wise edl *fails* with HP at the 2 hour mark, audio. The audio did seem to line up, at least, with their lips. and if it's video--fails the same. Seems to think it's at second 2678, or minute 44, not minute 120? smplayer on bob pets pickle and baby has sync'ed audio with oac copy in general, if it starts sync'ed, smplayer stays in sync all the way through got av_interleaved_write_frame(): Operation not permitted on call ffmpeg -i C:\HP_AND_THE_CHAMBER_OF_SECRETS_edited_version.fulli_unedited.tmp.mpg -vcodec copy -acodec copy -' ;?Pss 749.0 -t 4109.999 C:\HP_AND_THE_CHAMBER_OF_SECRETS_edited_version.5.avi then it passed (reading off the "old fulli" with poor audio) when did it again. huh? out of disk? edl works *great* with cars at 15 minutes, and appears to at an hour, too. Oh, and the audio matches perfectly. The kicker is that if I want to watch the "unedited all" option in mplayer (which I do for the "quick start" mode), then it needs to be as is... audio_codec = these_settings['audio_codec'] || 'lavc' # not copy...sniff...or you can't hear ffmpeg loses it on transfer [?] at least the intermediates you *cannot* hear. HP with edl (only) seriously fails at the 2 hour mark, even with 5 seconds added, or seems to, at least. windows media player is able to playback the "fulli" that mplayer gets out of sync on (lavc audio), at least with cars. mplayer dvd://23 -dvd-device e:\ -edl C:\Users\packrd\AppData\Local\Temp\mplayer.temp.edl seems to play with audio in sync always, with cars (now with potter...) what if you grab with "full" audio...does it make its way back out to the DVD? what does dvd flick do audio wise? without harddup smplayer got audio video out of sync playing DVD, as well as playing ripped files, however when you wrote those to DVD, they seemed to get back in sync. ffmpeg, perhaps, is/was fixing them? fulli with lavc audio and video: mplayer cannot play it back right, but if it's re-encoded with mencoder first [? or is it ffmpeg?], mplayer seems to play it fine then. Thin ice here... if I pull from dvd with -acodec lavc (basically downgrade to stereo), then ffmpeg can extract to avi with sound. otherwise (cars only), it lacks sound *only on computer players* Note that mencoder cannot have an endpos on a dvd. Weird. Note that dvdflick "appears" to encode correctly even if the size is too big, as in it just encodes it "lossy-y" The encoding actually appears to be fairly high quality, that dvd flick does, video wise, at least. ffmpeg -i bigg.mpg -acodec copy -vcodec copy bigg.reindexffmpeg.mpg resulted in a sound with no audio I got bigg trying to combine (mencoder ?) two large files. I think bigg has honestly messed up audio, no reindexing seems to help it, at all.