module Volt # Included into ViewScope to provide processing for attributes module AttributeScope module ClassMethods def methodize_string(str) # Convert the string passed in to the binding so it returns a ruby Method # instance parts = str.split('.') end_call = parts.last.strip # If no method(args) is passed, we assume they want to convert the method # to a Method, to be called with *args (from any trigger's), then event. if str !~ /[\[\]\$\@\=]/ && end_call =~ /[_a-z0-9!?]+$/ parts[-1] = "method(:#{end_call})" str = parts.join('.') end str end end def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end # Take the attributes and create any bindings def process_attributes(tag_name, attributes) new_attributes = attributes.dup attributes.each_pair do |name, value| if name[0..1] == 'e-' process_event_binding(tag_name, new_attributes, name, value) else process_attribute(tag_name, new_attributes, name, value) end end new_attributes end def process_event_binding(tag_name, attributes, name, value) id = add_id_to_attributes(attributes) event = name[2..-1] if tag_name == 'a' # For links, we need to add blank href to make it clickable. attributes['href'] ||= '' end # Remove the e- attribute attributes.delete(name) value = self.class.methodize_string(value) save_binding(id, "lambda { |__p, __t, __c, __id|, __t, __c, __id, #{event.inspect}, {|event| #{value} })}") end # Takes a string and splits on bindings, returns the string split on bindings # and the number of bindings. def binding_parts_and_count(value) if value.is_a?(String) parts = value.split(/(\{\{[^\}]+\}\})/).reject(&:blank?) else parts = [''] end binding_count = parts.count { |p| p[0] == '{' && p[1] == '{' && p[-2] == '}' && p[-1] == '}' } [parts, binding_count] end def process_attribute(tag_name, attributes, attribute_name, value) parts, binding_count = binding_parts_and_count(value) # if this attribute has bindings if binding_count > 0 # Setup an id id = add_id_to_attributes(attributes) if parts.size > 1 # Multiple bindings add_multiple_attribute(tag_name, id, attribute_name, parts, value) elsif parts.size == 1 && binding_count == 1 getter = parts[0][2...-2].strip if getter =~ /^asset_url[ \(]/ # asset url helper add_asset_url_attribute(getter, attributes) return # don't delete attr else # A single binding add_single_attribute(id, attribute_name, getter) end end # Remove the attribute attributes.delete(attribute_name) end end # TODO: We should use a real parser for this def getter_to_setter(getter) getter = getter.strip.gsub(/\(\s*\)/, '') # Check to see if this can be converted to a setter if getter[0] =~ /^[A-Z]/ && getter[-1] != ')' if getter.index('.') "#{getter}=(val)" else "raise \"could not auto generate setter for `#{getter}`\"" end elsif getter[0] =~ /^[a-z_]/ && getter[-1] != ')' # Convert a getter into a setter if getter.index('.') || getter.index('@') prefix = '' else prefix = 'self.' end "#{prefix}#{getter}=(val)" else "raise \"could not auto generate setter for `#{getter}`\"" end end # Add an attribute binding on the tag, bind directly to the getter in the binding def add_single_attribute(id, attribute_name, getter) setter = getter_to_setter(getter) save_binding(id, "lambda { |__p, __t, __c, __id|, __t, __c, __id, #{attribute_name.inspect}, { #{getter} }, { |val| #{setter} }) }") end def add_asset_url_attribute(getter, attributes) # Asset url helper binding asset_url_parts = getter.split(/[\s\(\)\'\"]/).reject(&:blank?) url = asset_url_parts[1] unless url raise "the `asset_url` helper requries a url argument ```{{ asset_url 'pic.png' }}```" end link_url = @handler.link_asset(url, false) attributes['src'] = link_url end def add_multiple_attribute(tag_name, id, attribute_name, parts, content) case attribute_name when 'checked', 'value' if parts.size > 1 if tag_name == 'textarea' fail "The content of text area's can not be bound to multiple bindings." else # Multiple values can not be passed to value or checked attributes. fail "Multiple bindings can not be passed to a #{attribute_name} binding: #{parts.inspect}" end end end string_template_renderer_path = add_string_template_renderer(content) save_binding(id, "lambda { |__p, __t, __c, __id|, __t, __c, __id, #{attribute_name.inspect}, {, __c, #{string_template_renderer_path.inspect}) }) }") end def add_string_template_renderer(content) path = @path + "/_rv#{@binding_number}" new_handler =, nil, false) @binding_number += 1, new_handler) # Close out the last scope new_handler.scope.last.close_scope # Copy in the templates from the new handler new_handler.templates.each_pair do |key, value| @handler.templates[key] = value end path end def add_id_to_attributes(attributes) id = attributes['id'] ||= "id#{@binding_number}" @binding_number += 1 id.to_s end def attribute_string(attributes) attr_str = { |v| "#{v[0]}=\"#{v[1]}\"" }.join(' ') if attr_str.size > 0 # extra space attr_str = ' ' + attr_str end attr_str end end end