/* Lasem * * Copyright © 2009 Emmanuel Pacaud * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. * * Author: * Emmanuel Pacaud */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static gboolean lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgElement *element); static GObjectClass *parent_class; typedef struct { gboolean is_text_path; gboolean is_extents_defined; LsmExtents extents; PangoLayout *pango_layout; } LsmSvgViewPathInfos; static LsmSvgViewPathInfos default_path_infos = { .is_text_path = FALSE, .is_extents_defined = FALSE, .extents = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, .pango_layout = NULL }; struct _LsmSvgViewPatternData { cairo_t *old_cairo; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; LsmBox extents; LsmBox object_extents; double opacity; }; typedef struct { cairo_surface_t *surface; double group_opacity; gboolean enable_background; } LsmSvgViewBackground; cairo_operator_t cairo_operators[] = { CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OVER, CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_IN, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OUT, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ATOP, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_ATOP, CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD, CAIRO_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SCREEN, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVERLAY, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DARKEN, CAIRO_OPERATOR_LIGHTEN, CAIRO_OPERATOR_COLOR_DODGE, CAIRO_OPERATOR_COLOR_BURN, CAIRO_OPERATOR_HARD_LIGHT, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOFT_LIGHT, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DIFFERENCE, CAIRO_OPERATOR_EXCLUSION }; static void lsm_cairo_set_comp_op (cairo_t *cairo, LsmSvgCompOp comp_op) { if (G_LIKELY (cairo != NULL && comp_op >= LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_CLEAR && comp_op <= LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_EXCLUSION)) { lsm_log_render ("[lsmSvgView::set_comp_op] Set comp-op to %s", lsm_svg_comp_op_to_string (comp_op)); cairo_set_operator (cairo, cairo_operators[comp_op]); } } double lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmSvgLength *length, LsmSvgLengthDirection direction) { g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), 0.0); return lsm_svg_length_normalize (length, view->viewbox_stack->data, view->style->font_size_px, direction); } double * lsm_svg_view_normalize_length_list (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmSvgLengthList *list, LsmSvgLengthDirection direction, unsigned int *n_data) { double *data; unsigned int i; g_return_val_if_fail (n_data != NULL, NULL); *n_data = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), NULL); if (list->n_lengths == 0) return NULL; *n_data = list->n_lengths; data = g_new (double, list->n_lengths); for (i = 0; i < list->n_lengths; i++) data[i] = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &list->lengths[i], direction); return data; } static void _start_pattern (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmBox *extents, const LsmBox *object_extents, double opacity) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::start_pattern]"); view->pattern_stack = g_slist_prepend (view->pattern_stack, view->pattern_data); view->pattern_data = g_new (LsmSvgViewPatternData, 1); view->pattern_data->old_cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; view->pattern_data->pattern = NULL; view->pattern_data->extents = *extents; view->pattern_data->opacity = opacity; view->pattern_data->object_extents = *object_extents; view->dom_view.cairo = NULL; } static void _end_pattern (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL); if (view->pattern_data->pattern != NULL) cairo_pattern_destroy (view->pattern_data->pattern); if (view->dom_view.cairo != NULL) cairo_destroy (view->dom_view.cairo); view->dom_view.cairo = view->pattern_data->old_cairo; g_free (view->pattern_data); if (view->pattern_stack != NULL) { view->pattern_data = view->pattern_stack->data; view->pattern_stack = g_slist_delete_link (view->pattern_stack, view->pattern_stack); } else view->pattern_data = NULL; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::end_pattern]"); } static void _set_pattern (LsmSvgView *view, cairo_pattern_t *pattern) { g_return_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL); g_return_if_fail (view->pattern_data->pattern == NULL); view->pattern_data->pattern = pattern; view->last_stop_offset = 0.0; } void lsm_svg_view_create_radial_gradient (LsmSvgView *view, double cx, double cy, double r, double fx, double fy) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); _set_pattern (view, cairo_pattern_create_radial (fx, fy, 0, cx, cy, r)); } void lsm_svg_view_create_linear_gradient (LsmSvgView *view, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); _set_pattern (view, cairo_pattern_create_linear (x1, y1, x2, y2)); } void lsm_svg_view_add_gradient_color_stop (LsmSvgView *view, double offset) { const LsmSvgStyle *style; const LsmSvgColor *color; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL); g_return_if_fail (view->pattern_data->pattern != NULL); if (offset > 1.0) offset = 1.0; if (offset < view->last_stop_offset) offset = view->last_stop_offset; else view->last_stop_offset = offset; style = view->style; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::add_gradient_color_stop] opacity = %g", style->stop_opacity->value); color = &style->stop_color->value; if (color->red < 0.0 || color->blue < 0.0 || color->green < 0.0) color = &style->color->value; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::add_gradient_color_stop] color = %2x%2x%2x", (int) (255.0 * color->red), (int) (255.0 * color->green), (int) (255.0 * color->blue)); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (view->pattern_data->pattern, offset, color->red, color->green, color->blue, style->stop_opacity->value * view->pattern_data->opacity); } gboolean lsm_svg_view_set_gradient_properties (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgSpreadMethod method, LsmSvgPatternUnits units, const LsmSvgMatrix *gradient_matrix) { cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_matrix_t inv_matrix; cairo_status_t status; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (view->pattern_data->pattern != NULL, FALSE); switch (method) { case LSM_SVG_SPREAD_METHOD_REFLECT: cairo_pattern_set_extend (view->pattern_data->pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REFLECT); break; case LSM_SVG_SPREAD_METHOD_REPEAT: cairo_pattern_set_extend (view->pattern_data->pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); break; default: cairo_pattern_set_extend (view->pattern_data->pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD); } if (gradient_matrix != NULL) { cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, gradient_matrix->a, gradient_matrix->b, gradient_matrix->c, gradient_matrix->d, gradient_matrix->e, gradient_matrix->f); cairo_matrix_invert (&matrix); } else cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix); if (units == LSM_SVG_PATTERN_UNITS_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX && view->pattern_data->extents.width > 0.0 && view->pattern_data->extents.height > 0.0) { cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, 1.0 / view->pattern_data->extents.width, 1.0 / view->pattern_data->extents.height); cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix, -view->pattern_data->extents.x, -view->pattern_data->extents.y); } inv_matrix = matrix; status = cairo_matrix_invert (&inv_matrix); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::set_gradient_properties] Not invertible matrix"); return FALSE; } cairo_pattern_set_matrix (view->pattern_data->pattern, &matrix); return TRUE; } gboolean lsm_svg_view_create_surface_pattern (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmBox *viewport, const LsmSvgMatrix *pattern_matrix, LsmSvgViewSurfaceType surface_type) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_matrix_t inv_matrix; cairo_status_t status; double x1, y1, x2, y2; double device_width, device_height; double x_scale, y_scale; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (viewport != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (view->dom_view.cairo == NULL, FALSE); /* Calculate a scale that will allow us to create a surface pattern * for which a pixel will also be roughly a pixel on the final * image */ x1 = viewport->x; y1 = viewport->y; x2 = viewport->x + viewport->width; y2 = viewport->y; if (pattern_matrix != NULL) { lsm_svg_matrix_transform_point (pattern_matrix, &x1, &y1); lsm_svg_matrix_transform_point (pattern_matrix, &x2, &y2); } cairo_user_to_device (view->pattern_data->old_cairo, &x1, &y1); cairo_user_to_device (view->pattern_data->old_cairo, &x2, &y2); device_width = sqrt ((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2)); x2 = viewport->x; y2 = viewport->y + viewport->height; if (pattern_matrix != NULL) { lsm_svg_matrix_transform_point (pattern_matrix, &x2, &y2); } cairo_user_to_device (view->pattern_data->old_cairo, &x2, &y2); device_height = sqrt ((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2)); /* Create new surface with integer size */ device_height = ceil (device_height); device_width = ceil (device_width); x_scale = device_width / viewport->width; y_scale = device_height / viewport->height; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::create_surface_pattern] pattern size = %g ,%g at %g, %g (scale %g x %g)", device_width, device_height, viewport->x, viewport->y, x_scale, y_scale); switch (surface_type) { case LSM_SVG_VIEW_SURFACE_TYPE_AUTO: surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (view->pattern_data->old_cairo), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, device_width, device_height); break; default: case LSM_SVG_VIEW_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE: surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, device_width, device_height); break; } pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (surface); view->dom_view.cairo = cairo_create (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); cairo_scale (view->dom_view.cairo, x_scale, y_scale); cairo_translate (view->dom_view.cairo, -viewport->x, -viewport->y); _set_pattern (view, pattern); if (pattern_matrix != NULL) { cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, pattern_matrix->a, pattern_matrix->b, pattern_matrix->c, pattern_matrix->d, pattern_matrix->e + viewport->x, pattern_matrix->f + viewport->y); cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, 1.0 / x_scale, 1.0 / y_scale); cairo_matrix_invert (&matrix); } else { cairo_matrix_init_scale (&matrix, x_scale, y_scale); cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix, -viewport->x, -viewport->y); } inv_matrix = matrix; status = cairo_matrix_invert (&inv_matrix); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::create_surface_pattern] Not invertible matrix"); return FALSE; } cairo_pattern_set_matrix (view->pattern_data->pattern, &matrix); cairo_pattern_set_extend (view->pattern_data->pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::create_surface_pattern] Pattern matrix %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g", matrix.xx, matrix.xy, matrix.yx, matrix.yy, matrix.x0, matrix.y0); return TRUE; } typedef enum { LSM_SVG_VIEW_PAINT_OPERATION_FILL, LSM_SVG_VIEW_PAINT_OPERATION_STROKE } LsmSvgViewPaintOperation; static void _paint_url (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgViewPathInfos *path_infos, LsmSvgViewPaintOperation operation, const char *url, double opacity) { cairo_t *cairo; LsmSvgElement *element; LsmBox extents; element = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), url); if ((!LSM_IS_SVG_RADIAL_GRADIENT_ELEMENT (element) && !LSM_IS_SVG_LINEAR_GRADIENT_ELEMENT (element) && !LSM_IS_SVG_PATTERN_ELEMENT (element)) || lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, element)) { cairo_set_source_rgba (view->dom_view.cairo, 0, 0, 0, 0); lsm_warning_render ("[LsmSvgView::_paint_url] Paint url not found: %s", url); return; } lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_paint_url] Paint using '%s'", url); if (!path_infos->is_extents_defined) { cairo_path_extents (view->dom_view.cairo, &path_infos->extents.x1, &path_infos->extents.y1, &path_infos->extents.x2, &path_infos->extents.y2); path_infos->is_extents_defined = TRUE; } extents.x = path_infos->extents.x1; extents.y = path_infos->extents.y1; extents.width = path_infos->extents.x2 - extents.x; extents.height = path_infos->extents.y2 - extents.y; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_paint_url] Pattern extents x = %g, y = %g, w = %g, h = %g", extents.x, extents.y, extents.width, extents.height); _start_pattern (view, &extents, &extents, opacity); lsm_svg_element_force_render (LSM_SVG_ELEMENT (element), view); cairo = view->pattern_data->old_cairo; if (view->pattern_data->pattern) { if (view->debug_pattern && view->dom_view.cairo) { char *filename; filename = g_strdup_printf ("pattern-%s).png", url); cairo_surface_write_to_png (cairo_get_target (view->dom_view.cairo), filename); g_free (filename); } cairo_set_source (cairo, view->pattern_data->pattern); } else cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); _end_pattern (view); } static gboolean _set_color (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgViewPathInfos *path_infos, LsmSvgViewPaintOperation operation, const LsmSvgPaint *paint, double opacity) { cairo_t *cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; switch (paint->type) { case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_NONE: return FALSE; case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_RGB_COLOR: cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, paint->color.red, paint->color.green, paint->color.blue, opacity); break; case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_CURRENT_COLOR: cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, view->style->color->value.red, view->style->color->value.green, view->style->color->value.blue, opacity); break; case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI: case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI_RGB_COLOR: case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI_CURRENT_COLOR: case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI_NONE: _paint_url (view, path_infos, operation, paint->url, opacity); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void paint_markers (LsmSvgView *view) { const LsmSvgStyle *style; LsmSvgElement *marker; LsmSvgElement *marker_start; LsmSvgElement *marker_mid; LsmSvgElement *marker_end; cairo_t *cairo; cairo_path_t *path; cairo_path_data_t *data; cairo_path_data_t *next_data; double stroke_width; double prev_x, prev_y; double x = 0; double y = 0; double next_x, next_y; cairo_path_data_type_t type; cairo_path_data_type_t next_type; double angle; int i; style = view->style; if ((style->marker->value == NULL || strcmp (style->marker->value, "none") == 0) && (style->marker_mid->value == NULL || strcmp (style->marker_mid->value, "none") == 0) && (style->marker_end->value == NULL || strcmp (style->marker_end->value, "none") == 0) && (style->marker_start->value == NULL || strcmp (style->marker_start->value, "none") == 0)) return; cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; marker = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), style->marker->value); marker_start = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), style->marker_start->value); marker_mid = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), style->marker_mid->value); marker_end = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), style->marker_end->value); stroke_width = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &view->style->stroke_width->length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_DIAGONAL); if (marker != NULL && lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, marker)) return; if (marker_start != NULL && lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, marker_start)) return; if (marker_mid != NULL && lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, marker_mid)) return; if (marker_end != NULL && lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, marker_end)) return; if (marker_start == NULL) marker_start = marker; if (marker_mid == NULL) marker_mid = marker; if (marker_end == NULL) marker_end = marker; path = cairo_copy_path (cairo); cairo_new_path (cairo); if (path->num_data > 0) { next_data = &path->data[0]; next_type = next_data->header.type; if (next_type == CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO) { next_x = next_data[3].point.x; next_y = next_data[3].point.y; } else { next_x = next_data[1].point.x; next_y = next_data[1].point.y; } for (i = 0; i < path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length) { data = next_data; prev_x = x; prev_y = y; x = next_x; y = next_y; type = next_type; if (i + path->data[i].header.length < path->num_data) { next_data = &path->data[i + path->data[i].header.length]; next_type = next_data->header.type; if (next_type == CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO) { next_x = next_data[3].point.x; next_y = next_data[3].point.y; } else { next_x = next_data[1].point.x; next_y = next_data[1].point.y; } } else { next_data = NULL; next_type = CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO; next_x = 0.0; next_y = 0.0; } if (data->header.type == CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH) { marker = NULL; } else if (next_data == NULL || next_data->header.type == CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO) { marker = marker_end; if (type == CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO) { if (y != data[2].point.y || x != data[2].point.x) angle = atan2 (y - data[2].point.y, x - data[2].point.x); else angle = atan2 (y - data[1].point.y, x - data[1].point.x); } else angle = atan2 (y - prev_y, x - prev_x); } else if (data->header.type == CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO) { marker = marker_start; if (next_type == CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO) { if (next_data[1].point.y != y || next_data[1].point.x != x) angle = atan2 (next_data[1].point.y - y, next_data[1].point.x - x); else angle = atan2 (next_data[2].point.y - y, next_data[2].point.x - x); } else angle = atan2 (next_y - y, next_x - x); } else { double xdifin, ydifin, xdifout, ydifout, intot, outtot; marker = marker_mid; if (type == CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO) { if (x != data[2].point.x || y != data[2].point.y) { xdifin = x - data[2].point.x; ydifin = y - data[2].point.y; } else { xdifin = x - data[1].point.x; ydifin = y - data[1].point.y; } } else { xdifin = x - prev_x; ydifin = y - prev_y; } if (next_type == CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO) { if (next_data[1].point.x != x || next_data[1].point.y != y) { xdifout = next_data[1].point.x - x; ydifout = next_data[1].point.y - y; } else { xdifout = next_data[2].point.x - x; ydifout = next_data[2].point.y - y; } } else { xdifout = next_x - x; ydifout = next_y - y; } intot = sqrt (xdifin * xdifin + ydifin * ydifin); outtot = sqrt (xdifout * xdifout + ydifout * ydifout); xdifin /= intot; ydifin /= intot; xdifout /= outtot; ydifout /= outtot; angle = atan2 ((ydifin + ydifout) / 2, (xdifin + xdifout) / 2); } if (marker != NULL) { cairo_save (cairo); cairo_translate (cairo, x, y); lsm_svg_marker_element_render (LSM_SVG_MARKER_ELEMENT (marker), view, stroke_width, angle); cairo_restore (cairo); } } cairo_path_destroy (path); } } static void paint (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgViewPathInfos *path_infos) { const LsmSvgStyle *style; LsmSvgElement *element; cairo_t *cairo; gboolean use_group; double group_opacity; element = view->element_stack->data; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_ELEMENT (element)); cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; style = view->style; if ((style->opacity != NULL || style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER ) && style->ignore_group_opacity && g_strcmp0 (style->filter->value, "none") == 0) { group_opacity = style->opacity->value; use_group = ((style->fill->paint.type != LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_NONE && style->stroke->paint.type != LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_NONE) || style->stroke->paint.type == LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI || style->stroke->paint.type == LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI_RGB_COLOR || style->fill->paint.type == LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI_RGB_COLOR || style->fill->paint.type == LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_URI) && (group_opacity < 1.0 || style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER ); } else { use_group = FALSE; group_opacity = 1.0; } /* Instead of push_group, we should restrict to the current path bounding box */ if (use_group) { cairo_push_group (cairo); } else if (style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER) lsm_cairo_set_comp_op (cairo, style->comp_op->value); if (_set_color (view, path_infos, LSM_SVG_VIEW_PAINT_OPERATION_FILL, &style->fill->paint, style->fill_opacity->value * (use_group ? 1.0 : group_opacity))) { if (path_infos->is_text_path) { pango_cairo_show_layout (cairo, path_infos->pango_layout); } else { cairo_set_fill_rule (cairo, style->fill_rule->value == LSM_SVG_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD ? CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD : CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); cairo_fill_preserve (cairo); } } if (_set_color (view, path_infos, LSM_SVG_VIEW_PAINT_OPERATION_STROKE, &style->stroke->paint, style->stroke_opacity->value * (use_group ? 1.0 : group_opacity))) { double line_width; if (path_infos->is_text_path) { pango_cairo_layout_path (cairo, path_infos->pango_layout); } switch (style->stroke_line_join->value) { case LSM_SVG_LINE_JOIN_MITER: cairo_set_line_join (cairo, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER); break; case LSM_SVG_LINE_JOIN_ROUND: cairo_set_line_join (cairo,CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); break; default: cairo_set_line_join (cairo,CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL); } switch (style->stroke_line_cap->value) { case LSM_SVG_LINE_CAP_BUTT: cairo_set_line_cap (cairo, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT); break; case LSM_SVG_LINE_CAP_ROUND: cairo_set_line_cap (cairo, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); break; default: cairo_set_line_cap (cairo, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE); } line_width = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &style->stroke_width->length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_DIAGONAL); cairo_set_miter_limit (cairo, style->stroke_miter_limit->value); cairo_set_line_width (cairo, line_width); if (style->stroke_dash_array->value.n_dashes > 0) { double dash_offset; double *dashes; unsigned int i; dash_offset = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &style->stroke_dash_offset->length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_DIAGONAL); dashes = g_new (double, style->stroke_dash_array->value.n_dashes); for (i = 0; i < style->stroke_dash_array->value.n_dashes; i++) dashes[i] = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &style->stroke_dash_array->value.dashes[i], LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_DIAGONAL); cairo_set_dash (cairo, dashes, style->stroke_dash_array->value.n_dashes, dash_offset); g_free (dashes); } else cairo_set_dash (cairo, NULL, 0, 0.0); cairo_stroke_preserve (cairo); } paint_markers (view); cairo_new_path (cairo); if (use_group) { cairo_pop_group_to_source (cairo); if (G_UNLIKELY (style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER)) lsm_cairo_set_comp_op (cairo, style->comp_op->value); cairo_paint_with_alpha (cairo, group_opacity); } if (view->style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER) lsm_cairo_set_comp_op (cairo, LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER); } static void process_path (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgViewPathInfos *path_infos) { g_return_if_fail (view->style != NULL); if (view->is_clipping) { if (path_infos->is_text_path) pango_cairo_layout_path (view->dom_view.cairo, path_infos->pango_layout); cairo_set_fill_rule (view->dom_view.cairo, view->style->clip_rule->value); } else paint (view, path_infos); } void lsm_svg_view_show_viewport (LsmSvgView*view, const LsmBox *viewport) { LsmSvgPaint *paint; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (viewport != NULL); paint = &view->style->viewport_fill->paint; switch (paint->type) { case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_RGB_COLOR: cairo_set_source_rgba (view->dom_view.cairo, paint->color.red, paint->color.green, paint->color.blue, view->style->viewport_fill_opacity->value); break; case LSM_SVG_PAINT_TYPE_CURRENT_COLOR: cairo_set_source_rgba (view->dom_view.cairo, view->style->color->value.red, view->style->color->value.green, view->style->color->value.blue, view->style->viewport_fill_opacity->value); default: return; } cairo_rectangle (view->dom_view.cairo, viewport->x, viewport->y, 0, 0); cairo_paint (view->dom_view.cairo); } /* * Code for show_rectangle and show ellipse is inspired from * the librsvg library (rsvg-shapes.c) * * Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2002 Dom Lachowicz * * Authors: Raph Levien , * Dom Lachowicz , * Caleb Moore */ void lsm_svg_view_show_rectangle (LsmSvgView *view, double x, double y, double w, double h, double rx, double ry) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; cairo_t *cairo; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; if (rx <= 0.0 || ry <= 0.0) cairo_rectangle (cairo, x, y, w, h); else { if (rx > fabs (w / 2.)) rx = fabs (w / 2.); if (ry > fabs (h / 2.)) ry = fabs (h / 2.); cairo_move_to (cairo, x + rx, y); cairo_line_to (cairo, x + w - rx, y); lsm_cairo_elliptical_arc (cairo, rx, ry, 0.0, FALSE, TRUE, x + w, y + ry); cairo_line_to (cairo, x + w, y + h -ry); lsm_cairo_elliptical_arc (cairo, rx, ry, 0.0, FALSE, TRUE, x + w - rx, y + h); cairo_line_to (cairo, x + rx, y + h); lsm_cairo_elliptical_arc (cairo, rx, ry, 0.0, FALSE, TRUE, x, y + h - ry); cairo_line_to (cairo, x, y + ry); lsm_cairo_elliptical_arc (cairo, rx, ry, 0.0, FALSE, TRUE, x + rx, y); cairo_close_path (cairo); } process_path (view, &path_infos); } void lsm_svg_view_show_circle (LsmSvgView *view, double cx, double cy, double r) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); cairo_arc (view->dom_view.cairo, cx, cy, r, 0, 2 * M_PI); process_path (view, &path_infos); } #define LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC ((double) 0.5522847498) /* 4/3 * (1-cos 45)/sin 45 = 4/3 * sqrt(2) - 1 */ void lsm_svg_view_show_ellipse (LsmSvgView *view, double cx, double cy, double rx, double ry) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; cairo_t *cairo; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); if (rx <= 0 || ry <= 0) return; cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; cairo_move_to (cairo, cx + rx, cy); cairo_curve_to (cairo, cx + rx, cy + LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * ry, cx + LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * rx, cy + ry, cx, cy + ry); cairo_curve_to (cairo, cx - LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * rx, cy + ry, cx - rx, cy + LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * ry, cx - rx, cy); cairo_curve_to (cairo, cx - rx, cy - LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * ry, cx - LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * rx, cy - ry, cx, cy - ry); cairo_curve_to (cairo, cx + LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * rx, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy - LSM_SVG_ARC_MAGIC * ry, cx + rx, cy); cairo_close_path (cairo); process_path (view, &path_infos); } void lsm_svg_view_show_path (LsmSvgView *view, const char *d) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); lsm_cairo_emit_svg_path (view->dom_view.cairo, d); process_path (view, &path_infos); } void lsm_svg_view_path_extents (LsmSvgView *view, const char *path, LsmExtents *extents) { double x1, y1, x2, y2; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (extents != NULL); cairo_new_path (view->dom_view.cairo); lsm_cairo_emit_svg_path (view->dom_view.cairo, path); cairo_path_extents (view->dom_view.cairo, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); cairo_new_path (view->dom_view.cairo); extents->x1 = x1; extents->x2 = x2; extents->y1 = y1; extents->y2 = y2; } void lsm_svg_view_show_line (LsmSvgView *view, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); cairo_move_to (view->dom_view.cairo, x1, y1); cairo_line_to (view->dom_view.cairo, x2, y2); process_path (view, &path_infos); } static void _show_points (LsmSvgView *view, const char *points, gboolean close_path) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; char *str; double values[2]; unsigned int n_values; unsigned int count = 0; if (points == NULL) return; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); str = (char *) points; do { n_values = lsm_str_parse_double_list (&str, 2, values); if (n_values == 2) { if (count == 0) cairo_move_to (view->dom_view.cairo, values[0], values[1]); else cairo_line_to (view->dom_view.cairo, values[0], values[1]); } else if (n_values != 0) { cairo_new_path (view->dom_view.cairo); return; } count++; } while (n_values == 2); if (close_path) cairo_close_path (view->dom_view.cairo); process_path (view, &path_infos); } void lsm_svg_view_show_polyline (LsmSvgView *view, const char *points) { _show_points (view, points, FALSE); } void lsm_svg_view_show_polygon (LsmSvgView *view, const char *points) { _show_points (view, points, TRUE); } static void _update_pango_layout (LsmSvgView *view, unsigned int n, char const *string, double x, double y, unsigned int n_dx, const double *dx, unsigned int n_dy, const double *dy, LsmSvgViewPathInfos *path_infos) { const LsmSvgStyle *style; PangoLayout *pango_layout; PangoFontDescription *font_description; PangoStretch font_stretch; PangoStyle font_style; PangoLayoutIter *iter; PangoRectangle rectangle; PangoAttrList *attrs; PangoAttribute *attr; int baseline; int i; double x1, y1; style = view->style; pango_layout = view->pango_layout; font_description = view->dom_view.font_description; pango_font_description_set_family (font_description, style->font_family->value); pango_font_description_set_size (font_description, PANGO_SCALE * style->font_size_px); pango_font_description_set_weight (font_description, style->font_weight->value); switch (style->font_stretch->value) { case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_CONDENSED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_EXPANDED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL: default: font_stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL; break; } pango_font_description_set_stretch (font_description, font_stretch); switch (style->font_style->value) { case LSM_SVG_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE: font_style = PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC: font_style = PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC; break; case LSM_SVG_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL: default: font_style = PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL; break; } pango_font_description_set_style (font_description, font_style); pango_layout_set_text (pango_layout, string, n); attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); #if 0 for (i = 0; i < n_dx; i++) { attr = pango_attr_letter_spacing_new (pango_units_from_double (dx[i])); attr->start_index = i; if (i < n_dx - 1) attr->end_index = i + 1; else attr->end_index = PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END; pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); } #endif for (i = 0; i < n_dy; i++) { attr = pango_attr_rise_new (-pango_units_from_double (dy[i])); attr->start_index = i; if (i < n_dy - 1) attr->end_index = i + 1; else attr->end_index = PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END; pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); } pango_layout_set_attributes (pango_layout, attrs); pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); pango_layout_set_font_description (pango_layout, font_description); pango_layout_get_extents (pango_layout, &rectangle, NULL); iter = pango_layout_get_iter (pango_layout); baseline = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (iter); pango_layout_iter_free (iter); x1 = x - pango_units_to_double (rectangle.x); y1 = y - pango_units_to_double (baseline); switch (style->text_anchor->value) { case LSM_SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_END: x1 -= pango_units_to_double (rectangle.width); break; case LSM_SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_MIDDLE: x1 -= pango_units_to_double (rectangle.width) / 2.0; break; case LSM_SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_START: default: break; } path_infos->is_text_path = TRUE; path_infos->is_extents_defined = TRUE; path_infos->extents.x1 = x1; path_infos->extents.y1 = y1; path_infos->extents.x2 = x1 + pango_units_to_double (rectangle.width); path_infos->extents.y2 = y1 + pango_units_to_double (rectangle.height); path_infos->pango_layout = pango_layout; } static gboolean _lock_pango_layout (LsmSvgView *view) { /* A text may be painted with a text based pattern. In this case, * we take care to create a new pango layout if the current one is in use. */ if (view->is_pango_layout_in_use) { PangoContext *pango_context; pango_context = pango_layout_get_context (view->pango_layout); view->pango_layout_stack = g_slist_prepend (view->pango_layout_stack, view->pango_layout); view->pango_layout = pango_layout_new (pango_context); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_lock_pango_layout] Create a new pango layout"); return TRUE; } view->is_pango_layout_in_use = TRUE; return FALSE; } static void _unlock_pango_layout (LsmSvgView *view, gboolean need_pop) { if (need_pop) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_unlock_pango_layout] Free the child pango layout"); if (view->pango_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (view->pango_layout); view->pango_layout = view->pango_layout_stack->data; view->pango_layout_stack = g_slist_delete_link (view->pango_layout_stack, view->pango_layout_stack); } else g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::_unlock_pango_layout] Pango layout stack empty"); } view->is_pango_layout_in_use = FALSE; } static void _show_text (LsmSvgView *view, unsigned int n, char const *string, unsigned int n_x, double *x, unsigned int n_y, double *y, unsigned int n_dx, double *dx, unsigned int n_dy, double *dy) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; PangoRectangle extents; PangoLayoutIter *layout_iter; const LsmSvgStyle *style; gboolean need_pop; double x_text; double y_text; double x_end, y_end; double baseline; cairo_t *cairo; cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; style = view->style; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::show_text] Show '%s' at %g,%g (%g px)", string, x != NULL ? *x : 0, y != NULL ? *y : 0, style->font_size_px); need_pop = _lock_pango_layout (view); cairo_get_current_point (cairo, &x_text, &y_text); if (x != NULL) x_text = x[0]; if (y != NULL) y_text = y[0]; _update_pango_layout (view, n, string, x_text, y_text, n_dx, dx, n_dy, dy, &path_infos); if (style->writing_mode->value == LSM_SVG_WRITING_MODE_TB || style->writing_mode->value == LSM_SVG_WRITING_MODE_TB_RL) { cairo_save (cairo); cairo_rotate (cairo, M_PI / 2.0); cairo_move_to (cairo, path_infos.extents.x1, path_infos.extents.y1); process_path (view, &path_infos); cairo_restore (cairo); } else { cairo_move_to (cairo, path_infos.extents.x1, path_infos.extents.y1); process_path (view, &path_infos); } layout_iter = pango_layout_get_iter (view->pango_layout); pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (layout_iter, NULL, &extents); baseline = pango_units_to_double (pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (layout_iter)); pango_layout_iter_free (layout_iter); x_end = pango_units_to_double (extents.x + extents.width) + path_infos.extents.x1; y_end = pango_units_to_double (extents.y) + baseline + path_infos.extents.y1; if (view->debug_text) { double x1, y1; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_show_text] Logical extents %gx%g at %g,%g\n", pango_units_to_double (extents.width), pango_units_to_double (extents.height), pango_units_to_double (extents.x), pango_units_to_double (extents.y)); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_show_text] End point is %g, %g\n", x_end, y_end); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_show_text] Baseline = %g\n", baseline); x1 = 1; y1 = 1; cairo_device_to_user_distance (cairo, &x1, &y1); cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2); cairo_set_line_width (cairo, x1); cairo_rectangle (cairo, path_infos.extents.x1, path_infos.extents.y1, pango_units_to_double (extents.x + extents.width), pango_units_to_double (extents.y + extents.height)); cairo_stroke (cairo); cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2); cairo_arc (cairo, x_end, y_end, 4.0 * x1, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); cairo_arc (cairo, path_infos.extents.x1, path_infos.extents.y1, 4.0 * x1, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); cairo_fill (cairo); } cairo_move_to (cairo, x_end, y_end); _unlock_pango_layout (view, need_pop); } void lsm_svg_view_start_text (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); cairo_move_to (view->dom_view.cairo, 0, 0); } void lsm_svg_view_end_text (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); cairo_new_path (view->dom_view.cairo); } void lsm_svg_view_show_text (LsmSvgView *view, char const *string, unsigned int n_x, double *x, unsigned int n_y, double *y, unsigned int n_dx, double *dx, unsigned int n_dy, double *dy) { unsigned int n, i; char *iter = (char *) string; if (string == NULL || string[0] == '\0') return; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (n_x > 0 || x == NULL); g_return_if_fail (n_y > 0 || y == NULL); g_return_if_fail (n_dx > 0 || dx == NULL); g_return_if_fail (n_dy > 0 || dy == NULL); n = MAX (n_x, n_y); if (n <= 1) { _show_text (view, strlen (string), string, n_x, x, n_y, y, n_dx, dx, n_dy, dy); return; } for (i = 0; (i < n - 1) && iter[0] != '\0'; i++) { char *next_char; next_char = g_utf8_next_char (iter); _show_text (view, next_char - iter, iter, i < n_x ? n_x - i : 0, i < n_x ? &x[i] : NULL, i < n_y ? n_y - i : 0, i < n_y ? &y[i] : NULL, i < n_dx ? n_dx - i : 0, i < n_dx ? &dx[i] : NULL, i < n_dy ? n_dy - i : 0, i < n_dy ? &dy[i] : NULL); iter = next_char; } if (iter[0] != '\0') _show_text (view, strlen (iter), iter, i < n_x ? n_x - i : 0, i < n_x ? &x[i] : NULL, i < n_y ? n_y - i : 0, i < n_y ? &y[i] : NULL, i < n_dx ? n_dx - i : 0, i < n_dx ? &dx[i] : NULL, i < n_dy ? n_dy - i : 0, i < n_dy ? &dy[i] : NULL); } void lsm_svg_view_text_extents (LsmSvgView *view, char const *string, double x, double y, unsigned int n_dx, double *dx, unsigned int n_dy, double *dy, LsmExtents *extents) { LsmSvgViewPathInfos path_infos = default_path_infos; gboolean need_pop; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (extents != NULL); if (string == NULL || string[0] == '\0') { extents->x1 = 0; extents->y1 = 0; extents->y1 = 0; extents->y2 = 0; } need_pop = _lock_pango_layout (view); _update_pango_layout (view, strlen (string), string, x, y, n_dx, dx, n_dy, dy, &path_infos); _unlock_pango_layout (view, need_pop); *extents = path_infos.extents; } void lsm_svg_view_show_pixbuf (LsmSvgView *view, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)); lsm_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (view->dom_view.cairo, pixbuf, 0, 0); cairo_paint (view->dom_view.cairo); } void lsm_svg_view_push_viewbox (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmBox *viewbox) { LsmSvgViewbox *svg_viewbox; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_viewbox] viewbox = %g, %g, %g, %g", viewbox->x, viewbox->y, viewbox->width, viewbox->height); svg_viewbox = lsm_svg_viewbox_new (view->resolution_ppi, viewbox); view->viewbox_stack = g_slist_prepend (view->viewbox_stack, svg_viewbox); } void lsm_svg_view_pop_viewbox (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (view->viewbox_stack != NULL); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::pop_viewbox]"); lsm_svg_viewbox_free (view->viewbox_stack->data); view->viewbox_stack = g_slist_delete_link (view->viewbox_stack, view->viewbox_stack); } static const LsmBox * _compute_viewbox_scale (const LsmBox *viewport, const LsmBox *viewbox, const LsmSvgPreserveAspectRatio *aspect_ratio, double *x_offset, double *y_offset, double *x_scale, double *y_scale) { if (viewbox != NULL) { double x, y; double x_ratio; double y_ratio; x_ratio = viewbox->width > 0.0 ? viewport->width / viewbox->width : 0.0; y_ratio = viewbox->height > 0.0 ? viewport->height / viewbox->height : 0.0; if (aspect_ratio != NULL && aspect_ratio->align > LSM_SVG_ALIGN_NONE) { if (aspect_ratio->meet_or_slice == LSM_SVG_MEET_OR_SLICE_MEET) { *x_scale = MIN (x_ratio, y_ratio); *y_scale = *x_scale; } else { *x_scale = MAX (x_ratio, y_ratio); *y_scale = *x_scale; } x = -viewbox->x * *x_scale; y = -viewbox->y * *y_scale; switch (aspect_ratio->align) { case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MIN_Y_MIN: break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MIN_Y_MID: y += (viewport->height- viewbox->height * *y_scale) * 0.5; break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MIN_Y_MAX: y += (viewport->height - viewbox->height * *y_scale); break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MID_Y_MIN: x += (viewport->width - viewbox->width * *x_scale) * 0.5; break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MID_Y_MID: x += (viewport->width - viewbox->width * *x_scale) * 0.5; y += (viewport->height- viewbox->height * *y_scale) * 0.5; break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MID_Y_MAX: x += (viewport->width - viewbox->width * *x_scale) * 0.5; y += (viewport->height - viewbox->height * *y_scale); break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MAX_Y_MIN: x += (viewport->width - viewbox->width * *x_scale); break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MAX_Y_MID: x += (viewport->width - viewbox->width * *x_scale); y += (viewport->height- viewbox->height * *y_scale) * 0.5; break; case LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MAX_Y_MAX: x += (viewport->width - viewbox->width * *x_scale); y += (viewport->height - viewbox->height * *y_scale); break; default: break; } *x_offset = x; *y_offset = y; } else { *x_scale = x_ratio; *y_scale = y_ratio; *x_offset = -viewbox->x * *x_scale; *y_offset = -viewbox->y * *y_scale; } lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_compute_viewbox_scale] scale = %g, %g", *x_scale, *y_scale); return viewbox; } *x_scale = *y_scale = 1.0; *x_offset = 0.0; *y_offset = 0.0; return viewport; } void lsm_svg_view_push_viewport (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmBox *viewport, const LsmBox *viewbox, const LsmSvgPreserveAspectRatio *aspect_ratio, LsmSvgOverflow overflow) { cairo_t *cairo; const LsmBox *actual_viewbox; double x_offset, y_offset; double x_scale, y_scale; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (viewport != NULL); actual_viewbox = _compute_viewbox_scale (viewport, viewbox, aspect_ratio, &x_offset, &y_offset, &x_scale, &y_scale); lsm_svg_view_push_viewbox (view, actual_viewbox); cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; cairo_save (cairo); if (lsm_debug_check (&lsm_debug_category_viewport, LSM_DEBUG_LEVEL_LOG)) { cairo_save (cairo); cairo_set_line_width (cairo, 1.0); cairo_set_source_rgb (cairo, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_rectangle (cairo, viewport->x, viewport->y, viewport->width, viewport->height); cairo_stroke (cairo); cairo_restore (cairo); } if (overflow == LSM_SVG_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN) { cairo_rectangle (cairo, viewport->x, viewport->y, viewport->width, viewport->height); cairo_clip (cairo); } cairo_translate (cairo, viewport->x + x_offset, viewport->y + y_offset); cairo_scale (cairo, x_scale, y_scale); } void lsm_svg_view_pop_viewport (LsmSvgView *view) { cairo_restore (view->dom_view.cairo); lsm_svg_view_pop_viewbox (view); } void lsm_svg_view_viewbox_to_viewport (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmBox *viewport, const LsmBox *viewbox, const LsmSvgPreserveAspectRatio *aspect_ratio, double *x, double *y) { double x_offset, y_offset; double x_scale, y_scale; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (viewport != NULL); _compute_viewbox_scale (viewport, viewbox, aspect_ratio, &x_offset, &y_offset, &x_scale, &y_scale); if (x != NULL) *x = *x * x_scale + x_offset; if (y != NULL) *y = *y * y_scale + y_offset; } gboolean lsm_svg_view_push_matrix (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmSvgMatrix *matrix) { cairo_matrix_t cr_matrix; cairo_matrix_t cr_inv_matrix; cairo_matrix_t *ctm; cairo_status_t status; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), FALSE); ctm = g_new (cairo_matrix_t, 1); cairo_get_matrix (view->dom_view.cairo, ctm); view->matrix_stack = g_slist_prepend (view->matrix_stack, ctm); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_matrix] New transform %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g", matrix->a, matrix->b, matrix->c, matrix->d, matrix->e, matrix->f); cairo_matrix_init (&cr_matrix, matrix->a, matrix->b, matrix->c, matrix->d, matrix->e, matrix->f); cr_inv_matrix = cr_matrix; status = cairo_matrix_invert (&cr_inv_matrix) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_matrix] Not invertible matrix"); return FALSE; } cairo_transform (view->dom_view.cairo, &cr_matrix); { cairo_matrix_t current_ctm; cairo_get_matrix (view->dom_view.cairo, ¤t_ctm); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_matrix] Current ctm %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g", current_ctm.xx, current_ctm.xy, current_ctm.yx, current_ctm.yy, current_ctm.x0, current_ctm.y0); } return TRUE; } void lsm_svg_view_pop_matrix (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); if (view->matrix_stack != NULL) { cairo_matrix_t *ctm; ctm = view->matrix_stack->data; cairo_set_matrix (view->dom_view.cairo, ctm); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::pop_matrix] Restore ctm %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g", ctm->xx, ctm->xy, ctm->yx, ctm->yy, ctm->x0, ctm->y0); g_free (ctm); view->matrix_stack = g_slist_delete_link (view->matrix_stack, view->matrix_stack); } } static void lsm_svg_view_push_clip (LsmSvgView *view) { LsmSvgElement *element; LsmExtents extents; char *url; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (!view->is_clipping); lsm_svg_element_get_extents (view->element_stack->data, view, &extents); url = view->style->clip_path->value; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_clip] Using '%s'", url); cairo_save (view->dom_view.cairo); view->clip_extents.x = extents.x1; view->clip_extents.y = extents.y1; view->clip_extents.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; view->clip_extents.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_clip] x=%g y=%g w=%g h=%g", view->clip_extents.x, view->clip_extents.y, view->clip_extents.width, view->clip_extents.height); element = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), url); if (LSM_IS_SVG_CLIP_PATH_ELEMENT (element) && !lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, element)) { view->is_clipping = TRUE; lsm_svg_element_force_render (LSM_SVG_ELEMENT (element), view); cairo_clip (view->dom_view.cairo); view->is_clipping = FALSE; } else lsm_warning_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_clip] Clip path not found: %s", view->style->clip_path->value); } static void lsm_svg_view_pop_clip (LsmSvgView *view) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::pop_clip"); cairo_restore (view->dom_view.cairo); } static void lsm_svg_view_push_mask (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); cairo_push_group (view->dom_view.cairo); } static void lsm_svg_view_pop_mask (LsmSvgView *view) { LsmSvgElement *mask_element; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); mask_element = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), view->style->mask->value); if (LSM_IS_SVG_MASK_ELEMENT (mask_element) && !lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (view, mask_element)) { LsmExtents extents; LsmBox mask_extents; cairo_t *cairo; lsm_svg_element_get_extents (view->element_stack->data, view, &extents); mask_extents.x = extents.x1; mask_extents.y = extents.y1; mask_extents.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; mask_extents.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; _start_pattern (view, &mask_extents, &mask_extents, 1.0); lsm_svg_element_force_render (LSM_SVG_ELEMENT (mask_element), view); cairo_pop_group_to_source (cairo); if (view->pattern_data->pattern != NULL) { cairo_surface_t *surface; if (cairo_pattern_get_surface (view->pattern_data->pattern, &surface) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { int width, height, row, i, stride; unsigned char *pixels; pixels = cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface); height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface); for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { guint8 *row_data = (pixels + (row * stride)); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { guint32 *pixel = (guint32 *) row_data + i; *pixel = ((((*pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) * 13817 + ((*pixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) * 46518 + ((*pixel & 0x000000ff)) * 4688) * 0xff /* * opacity */); } } } cairo_pattern_set_extend (view->pattern_data->pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE); if (view->debug_mask && view->dom_view.cairo != NULL) { char *filename; filename = g_strdup_printf ("mask-%s.png", view->style->mask->value); cairo_surface_write_to_png (cairo_get_target (view->dom_view.cairo), filename); g_free (filename); } cairo_mask (cairo, view->pattern_data->pattern); } else { cairo_paint (cairo); } _end_pattern (view); } else { lsm_warning_render ("[LsmSvgView::pop_mask] Mask url nout found: %s", view->style->mask->value); cairo_pop_group_to_source (view->dom_view.cairo); cairo_paint (view->dom_view.cairo); } } static void lsm_svg_view_push_filter (LsmSvgView *view) { LsmExtents extents; LsmBox object_extents; LsmBox effect_viewport; LsmSvgElement *filter_element; gboolean success; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (view->element_stack != NULL); lsm_svg_element_get_extents (view->element_stack->data, view, &extents); object_extents.x = extents.x1; object_extents.y = extents.y1; object_extents.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; object_extents.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; filter_element = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), view->style->filter->value); if (LSM_IS_SVG_FILTER_ELEMENT (filter_element)) { effect_viewport = lsm_svg_filter_element_get_effect_viewport (LSM_SVG_FILTER_ELEMENT (filter_element), &object_extents, view); _start_pattern (view, &effect_viewport, &object_extents, view->style->opacity != NULL ? view->style->opacity->value : 1.0); success = lsm_svg_view_create_surface_pattern (view, &effect_viewport, NULL, LSM_SVG_VIEW_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE); } else { lsm_warning_render ("LsmSvgView::push_filter] Filter not found: %s", view->style->filter->value); _start_pattern (view, &object_extents, &object_extents, 0.0); success = lsm_svg_view_create_surface_pattern (view, &object_extents, NULL, LSM_SVG_VIEW_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE); } if (!success) lsm_warning_render ("LsmSvgView::push_filter] Failed to create subsurface"); } static void lsm_svg_view_pop_filter (LsmSvgView *view) { LsmSvgElement *filter_element; LsmSvgFilterSurface *filter_surface; cairo_surface_t *surface; GSList *iter; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); filter_element = lsm_svg_document_get_element_by_url (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->dom_view.document), view->style->filter->value); if (LSM_IS_SVG_FILTER_ELEMENT (filter_element) && view->pattern_data->pattern != NULL) { if (cairo_pattern_get_surface (view->pattern_data->pattern, &surface) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_matrix_t matrix; LsmBox subregion; view->filter_surfaces = NULL; subregion.x = 0; subregion.y = 0; subregion.width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); subregion.height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); filter_surface = lsm_svg_filter_surface_new_with_content ("SourceGraphic", surface, &subregion); cairo_pattern_get_matrix (view->pattern_data->pattern, &matrix); view->filter_surfaces = g_slist_prepend (view->filter_surfaces, filter_surface); lsm_svg_element_force_render (filter_element, view); if (view->debug_filter) { GSList *iter; char *filename; static int count = 0; for (iter = view->filter_surfaces; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface = iter->data; filename = g_strdup_printf ("filter-%04d-%s-%s.png", count++, view->style->filter->value, lsm_svg_filter_surface_get_name (surface)); cairo_surface_write_to_png (lsm_svg_filter_surface_get_cairo_surface (surface), filename); g_free (filename); } } if (view->filter_surfaces->next != NULL) { cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_surface_t *surface; surface = lsm_svg_filter_surface_get_cairo_surface (view->filter_surfaces->data); pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (surface); cairo_pattern_set_extend (pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE); cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern, &matrix); cairo_set_source (view->pattern_data->old_cairo, pattern); cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); cairo_paint_with_alpha (view->pattern_data->old_cairo, view->style->opacity->value); } for (iter = view->filter_surfaces; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) lsm_svg_filter_surface_unref (iter->data); g_slist_free (view->filter_surfaces); view->filter_surfaces = NULL; } } _end_pattern (view); } static LsmSvgFilterSurface * _get_filter_surface (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input) { GSList *iter; LsmSvgFilterSurface *source_surface = NULL; if (input == NULL) return view->filter_surfaces->data; for (iter = view->filter_surfaces; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface = iter->data; if (g_strcmp0 (input, lsm_svg_filter_surface_get_name (surface)) == 0) return surface; source_surface = surface; } if (g_strcmp0 (input, "SourceAlpha") == 0 && source_surface != NULL) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface; surface = lsm_svg_filter_surface_new_similar ("SourceAlpha", source_surface, NULL); lsm_svg_filter_surface_alpha (source_surface, surface); view->filter_surfaces = g_slist_prepend (view->filter_surfaces, surface); return surface; } else if (g_strcmp0 (input, "BackgroundImage") == 0) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface; LsmSvgViewBackground *background; gboolean background_processing = FALSE; cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_matrix_t pattern_matrix; cairo_t *cairo; GList *iter; for (iter = view->background_stack; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { background = iter->data; if (background->enable_background) { background_processing = TRUE; break; } } if (!background_processing) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_get_filter_surface] Background processing not enabled"); return NULL; } surface = lsm_svg_filter_surface_new_similar ("BackgroundImage", source_surface, NULL); view->filter_surfaces = g_slist_prepend (view->filter_surfaces, surface); cairo_get_matrix (view->pattern_data->old_cairo, &matrix); cairo_pattern_get_matrix (view->pattern_data->pattern, &pattern_matrix); cairo_matrix_invert (&matrix); cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &pattern_matrix); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::_get_filter_surface] Background image matrix %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g", matrix.xx, matrix.xy, matrix.yx, matrix.yy, matrix.x0, matrix.y0); cairo = cairo_create (lsm_svg_filter_surface_get_cairo_surface (surface)); cairo_set_matrix (cairo, &matrix); for (; iter != NULL; iter = iter->prev) { background = iter->data; cairo_set_source_surface (cairo, background->surface, 0, 0); cairo_paint_with_alpha (cairo, background->group_opacity); } cairo_destroy (cairo); return surface; } else if (g_strcmp0 (input, "BackgroundAlpha") == 0) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *background_surface; if (view->background_stack == NULL) return NULL; background_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, "BackgroundImage"); surface = lsm_svg_filter_surface_new_similar ("BackgroundAlpha", background_surface, NULL); lsm_svg_filter_surface_alpha (background_surface, surface); view->filter_surfaces = g_slist_prepend (view->filter_surfaces, surface); return surface; } return NULL; } static LsmSvgFilterSurface * _create_filter_surface (LsmSvgView *view, const char *output, LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface, const LsmBox *subregion) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface; surface = lsm_svg_filter_surface_new_similar (output, input_surface, subregion); view->filter_surfaces = g_slist_prepend (view->filter_surfaces, surface); return surface; } LsmBox lsm_svg_view_get_filter_surface_extents (LsmSvgView *view, const char *name) { static LsmBox null_extents = {.x = 0.0, .y = 0.0, .width = 0.0, .height = 0.0}; LsmSvgFilterSurface *surface; LsmBox extents; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), null_extents); surface = _get_filter_surface (view, name); if (surface == NULL) return null_extents; lsm_cairo_box_device_to_user (view->dom_view.cairo, &extents, lsm_svg_filter_surface_get_subregion (surface)); return extents; } void lsm_svg_view_apply_blend (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input_1, const char*input_2, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, LsmSvgBlendingMode mode) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_1_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_2_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_1_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input_1); input_2_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input_2); if (input_1_surface == NULL || input_2_surface == NULL) { lsm_warning_render ("[SvgView::apply_blend] Inputs '%s' or '%s' not found", input_1, input_2); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_1_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::blend] mode = %s", lsm_svg_blending_mode_to_string (mode)); lsm_svg_filter_surface_blend (input_1_surface, input_2_surface, output_surface, mode); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_flood (LsmSvgView *view, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, NULL); lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_flood] subregion %gx%g px at %g,%g px", subregion_px.width, subregion_px.height, subregion_px.x, subregion_px.y); lsm_svg_filter_surface_flood (output_surface, view->style->flood_color->value.red, view->style->flood_color->value.green, view->style->flood_color->value.blue, view->style->flood_opacity->value); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_image (LsmSvgView *view, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, LsmSvgPreserveAspectRatio preserve_aspect_ratio) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, NULL); lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_image]"); lsm_svg_filter_surface_image (output_surface, pixbuf, preserve_aspect_ratio); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_gaussian_blur (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, double std_x, double std_y) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_gaussian_blur] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_gaussian_blur] %s -> %s (%g,%g)", input != NULL ? input : "previous", output != NULL ? output : "next", std_x, std_y); cairo_user_to_device_distance (view->dom_view.cairo, &std_x, &std_y); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_gaussian_blur] %g px,%g px", std_x, std_y); lsm_svg_filter_surface_blur (input_surface, output_surface, std_x, std_y); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_offset (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, double dx, double dy) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_offset] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_offset] %s -> %s (dx:%g,dy:%g)", input, output, dx, dy); cairo_user_to_device_distance (view->dom_view.cairo, &dx, &dy); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_offset] %g px,%g px", dx, dy); lsm_svg_filter_surface_offset (input_surface, output_surface, dx, dy); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_color_matrix (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, LsmSvgColorFilterType type, unsigned int n_values, const double *values) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_color_matrix] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_svg_filter_surface_color_matrix (input_surface, output_surface, type, n_values, values); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_displacement_map (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input_1, const char *input_2, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, double scale, LsmSvgChannelSelector x_channel_selector, LsmSvgChannelSelector y_channel_selector) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_1_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_2_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; cairo_matrix_t transform; double x_scale, y_scale; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_1_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input_1); input_2_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input_2); if (input_1_surface == NULL || input_2_surface == NULL) { lsm_warning_render ("[SvgView::apply_displacement_map] Inputs '%s' or '%s' not found", input_1, input_2); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_1_surface, &subregion_px); cairo_get_matrix (view->dom_view.cairo, &transform); x_scale = transform.xx * scale; y_scale = transform.yy * scale; lsm_svg_filter_surface_displacement_map (input_1_surface, input_2_surface, output_surface, x_scale, y_scale, x_channel_selector, y_channel_selector); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_morphology (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, LsmSvgMorphologyOperator op, double radius) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; double rx, ry; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_morphoogy] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); rx = radius; ry = radius; cairo_user_to_device_distance (view->dom_view.cairo, &rx, &ry); lsm_svg_filter_surface_morphology (input_surface, output_surface, op, rx, ry); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_convolve_matrix (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, unsigned x_order, unsigned y_order, unsigned n_values, double *values, double divisor, double bias, int target_x, int target_y, LsmSvgEdgeMode edge_mode, gboolean preserve_alpha) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_color_matrix] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_svg_filter_surface_convolve_matrix (input_surface, output_surface, x_order, y_order, n_values, values, divisor, bias, target_x, target_y, edge_mode, preserve_alpha); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_specular_lighting (LsmSvgView *view, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, double surface_scale, double specular_constant, double specular_exponent, double dx, double dy) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, NULL); lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_specular_lighting] subregion %gx%g px at %g,%g px", subregion_px.width, subregion_px.height, subregion_px.x, subregion_px.y); cairo_user_to_device_distance (view->dom_view.cairo, &dx, &dy); lsm_svg_filter_surface_specular_lighting (output_surface, surface_scale, specular_constant, specular_exponent, dx, dy); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_turbulence (LsmSvgView *view, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion, double base_frequency_x, double base_frequency_y, int n_octaves, double seed, LsmSvgStitchTiles stitch_tiles, LsmSvgTurbulenceType type) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; cairo_matrix_t transform; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, NULL); lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::apply_turbulence] subregion %gx%g px at %g,%g px", subregion_px.width, subregion_px.height, subregion_px.x, subregion_px.y); cairo_get_matrix (view->dom_view.cairo, &transform); lsm_svg_filter_surface_turbulence (output_surface, base_frequency_x, base_frequency_y, n_octaves, seed, stitch_tiles, type, &transform); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_merge (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_offset] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } output_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, output); lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); if (output_surface == NULL) output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); if (output_surface != NULL) lsm_svg_filter_surface_merge (input_surface, output_surface); } void lsm_svg_view_apply_tile (LsmSvgView *view, const char *input, const char *output, const LsmBox *subregion) { LsmSvgFilterSurface *input_surface; LsmSvgFilterSurface *output_surface; LsmBox subregion_px; input_surface = _get_filter_surface (view, input); if (input_surface == NULL) { lsm_debug_render ("[SvgView::apply_offset] Input '%s' not found", input); return; } lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (view->dom_view.cairo, &subregion_px, subregion); output_surface = _create_filter_surface (view, output, input_surface, &subregion_px); lsm_svg_filter_surface_tile (input_surface, output_surface); } void lsm_svg_view_push_element (LsmSvgView *view, const LsmSvgElement *element) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_ELEMENT (element)); view->element_stack = g_slist_prepend (view->element_stack, (void *) element); } void lsm_svg_view_pop_element (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (view->element_stack != NULL); view->element_stack = g_slist_delete_link (view->element_stack, view->element_stack); } LsmSvgElement * lsm_svg_view_get_referencing_element (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), NULL); if (view->element_stack == NULL || view->element_stack->next == NULL) return NULL; return view->element_stack->next->data; } static gboolean lsm_svg_view_circular_reference_check (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgElement *element) { GSList *iter; for (iter = view->element_stack; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) if (iter->data == element) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::circular_reference_check] " "Circular reference to %s (id = %s)", lsm_dom_element_get_tag_name (LSM_DOM_ELEMENT (element)), lsm_dom_element_get_attribute (LSM_DOM_ELEMENT (element), "id")); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void lsm_svg_view_push_style (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgStyle *style) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (style != NULL); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::push_style]"); if (view->style == NULL || (style->font_size != view->style->font_size)) { LsmSvgViewbox font_viewbox; LsmSvgViewbox *viewbox; double current_font_size_px; if (view->style != NULL) current_font_size_px = view->style->font_size_px; else current_font_size_px = 0.0; viewbox = view->viewbox_stack->data; font_viewbox.resolution_ppi = viewbox->resolution_ppi; font_viewbox.viewbox.x = 0; font_viewbox.viewbox.y = 0; font_viewbox.viewbox.width = current_font_size_px; font_viewbox.viewbox.height = current_font_size_px; style->font_size_px = lsm_svg_length_normalize (&style->font_size->length, &font_viewbox, current_font_size_px, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL); if (style->font_size_px < 0.0) style->font_size_px = 0.0; lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::push_style] Font size = %g pixels", style->font_size_px); } else style->font_size_px = view->style->font_size_px; view->style_stack = g_slist_prepend (view->style_stack, (void *) style); view->style = style; } void lsm_svg_view_push_composition (LsmSvgView *view, LsmSvgStyle *style) { gboolean do_filter; gboolean do_mask; gboolean do_clip; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (style != NULL); lsm_svg_view_push_style (view, style); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::push_composition]"); do_clip = (g_strcmp0 (style->clip_path->value, "none") != 0); do_mask = (g_strcmp0 (style->mask->value, "none") != 0); do_filter = (g_strcmp0 (style->filter->value, "none") != 0); if (G_UNLIKELY((view->style->opacity->value < 1.0 || view->style->enable_background->value == LSM_SVG_ENABLE_BACKGROUND_NEW || view->style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER) && !do_filter && !view->is_clipping && !view->style->ignore_group_opacity && view->dom_view.cairo != NULL)) { LsmSvgViewBackground *background; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_composition] Push group"); cairo_push_group (view->dom_view.cairo); background = g_slice_new (LsmSvgViewBackground); background->surface = cairo_get_group_target (view->dom_view.cairo); background->group_opacity = view->style->opacity->value; background->enable_background = view->style->enable_background->value == LSM_SVG_ENABLE_BACKGROUND_NEW; view->background_stack = g_list_prepend (view->background_stack, background); } if (G_UNLIKELY (do_clip)) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_style] Start clip '%s'", style->clip_path->value); lsm_svg_view_push_clip (view); } if (G_UNLIKELY (do_mask)) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_style] Start mask '%s'", style->mask->value); lsm_svg_view_push_mask (view); } /* Don't do filtering during a clipping operation, as filter will * create a new subsurface, where clipping should occur with the path * of the clip-path element. */ if (G_UNLIKELY (do_filter && !view->is_clipping)) { lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::push_style] Start filter '%s'", style->filter->value); lsm_svg_view_push_filter (view); } } void lsm_svg_view_pop_style (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (view->style_stack != NULL); view->style_stack = g_slist_delete_link (view->style_stack, view->style_stack); view->style = view->style_stack != NULL ? view->style_stack->data : NULL; lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::pop_style]"); } void lsm_svg_view_pop_composition (LsmSvgView *view) { gboolean do_filter; gboolean do_mask; gboolean do_clip; cairo_t *cairo; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view)); g_return_if_fail (view->style != NULL); lsm_log_render ("[SvgView::pop_composition]"); do_clip = (g_strcmp0 (view->style->clip_path->value, "none") != 0); do_mask = (g_strcmp0 (view->style->mask->value, "none") != 0); do_filter = (g_strcmp0 (view->style->filter->value, "none") != 0); /* Don't do filtering during a clipping operation, as filter will * create a new subsurface, where clipping should occur with the path * of the clip-path element. */ if (G_UNLIKELY (do_filter && !view->is_clipping)) lsm_svg_view_pop_filter (view); if (G_UNLIKELY (do_mask)) lsm_svg_view_pop_mask (view); if (G_UNLIKELY (do_clip)) lsm_svg_view_pop_clip (view); cairo = view->dom_view.cairo; if (G_UNLIKELY ((view->style->opacity->value < 1.0 || view->style->enable_background->value == LSM_SVG_ENABLE_BACKGROUND_NEW || view->style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER) && !do_filter && !view->is_clipping && !view->style->ignore_group_opacity && cairo != NULL)) { g_slice_free (LsmSvgViewBackground, view->background_stack->data); view->background_stack = g_list_delete_link (view->background_stack, view->background_stack); cairo_pop_group_to_source (view->dom_view.cairo); if (G_UNLIKELY (view->style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER)) lsm_cairo_set_comp_op (cairo, view->style->comp_op->value); cairo_paint_with_alpha (cairo, view->style->opacity->value); if (G_UNLIKELY (view->style->comp_op->value != LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER)) lsm_cairo_set_comp_op (cairo, LSM_SVG_COMP_OP_SRC_OVER); lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgView::pop_composition] Pop group"); } lsm_svg_view_pop_style (view); } LsmSvgStyle * lsm_svg_view_get_current_style (LsmSvgView *view) { g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), NULL); return (LsmSvgStyle *) view->style; } const LsmBox * lsm_svg_view_get_pattern_extents (LsmSvgView *view) { static LsmBox null_extents = {.x = 0.0, .y = 0.0, .width = 0.0, .height = 0.0}; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), &null_extents); g_return_val_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL, &null_extents); return &view->pattern_data->extents; } const LsmBox * lsm_svg_view_get_object_extents (LsmSvgView *view) { static LsmBox null_extents = {.x = 0.0, .y = 0.0, .width = 0.0, .height = 0.0}; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), &null_extents); g_return_val_if_fail (view->pattern_data != NULL, &null_extents); return &view->pattern_data->object_extents; } const LsmBox * lsm_svg_view_get_clip_extents (LsmSvgView *view) { static LsmBox null_extents = {.x = 0.0, .y = 0.0, .width = 0.0, .height = 0.0}; g_return_val_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_VIEW (view), &null_extents); g_return_val_if_fail (view->is_clipping, &null_extents); return &view->clip_extents; } static void lsm_svg_view_measure (LsmDomView *view, double *width, double *height, double *baseline) { LsmSvgSvgElement *svg_element; svg_element = lsm_svg_document_get_root_element (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->document)); if (svg_element == NULL) return; lsm_svg_svg_element_measure (svg_element, LSM_SVG_VIEW (view), width, height); if (baseline) *baseline = *height; } static void lsm_svg_view_render (LsmDomView *view) { LsmSvgView *svg_view; LsmSvgSvgElement *svg_element; svg_view = LSM_SVG_VIEW (view); svg_element = lsm_svg_document_get_root_element (LSM_SVG_DOCUMENT (view->document)); if (svg_element == NULL) return; svg_view->style_stack = NULL; svg_view->element_stack = NULL; svg_view->viewbox_stack = NULL; svg_view->matrix_stack = NULL; svg_view->pango_layout_stack = NULL; svg_view->background_stack = NULL; svg_view->is_clipping = FALSE; svg_view->is_pango_layout_in_use = FALSE; svg_view->pango_layout = view->pango_layout; svg_view->resolution_ppi = lsm_dom_view_get_resolution (view); lsm_svg_svg_element_render (svg_element, svg_view); if (svg_view->is_pango_layout_in_use) g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Unfinished text redenring"); if (svg_view->is_clipping) g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Unfinished clipping"); if (svg_view->pango_layout_stack != NULL) { g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Dangling pango_layout in stack"); g_slist_free (svg_view->pango_layout_stack); svg_view->pango_layout_stack = NULL; } if (svg_view->matrix_stack != NULL) { g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Dangling matrix in stack"); g_slist_free (svg_view->matrix_stack); svg_view->matrix_stack = NULL; } if (svg_view->viewbox_stack != NULL) { g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Dangling viewport in stack"); g_slist_free (svg_view->viewbox_stack); svg_view->viewbox_stack = NULL; } if (svg_view->element_stack != NULL) { g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Dangling element in stack"); g_slist_free (svg_view->element_stack); svg_view->element_stack = NULL; } if (svg_view->style_stack != NULL) { g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Dangling style in stack"); g_slist_free (svg_view->style_stack); svg_view->style_stack = NULL; } if (svg_view->background_stack != NULL) { g_warning ("[LsmSvgView::render] Dangling background in stack"); g_list_free (svg_view->background_stack); svg_view->background_stack = NULL; } } static void lsm_svg_view_set_debug (LsmDomView *view, const char *feature, gboolean enable) { LsmSvgView *svg_view = LSM_SVG_VIEW (view); if (g_strcmp0 (feature, "filter") == 0) svg_view->debug_filter = enable; else if (g_strcmp0 (feature, "mask") == 0) svg_view->debug_mask = enable; else if (g_strcmp0 (feature, "pattern") == 0) svg_view->debug_pattern = enable; else if (g_strcmp0 (feature, "group") == 0) svg_view->debug_group = enable; else if (g_strcmp0 (feature, "text") == 0) svg_view->debug_text = enable; } LsmSvgView * lsm_svg_view_new (LsmSvgDocument *document) { LsmSvgView *view; view = g_object_new (LSM_TYPE_SVG_VIEW, NULL); lsm_dom_view_set_document (LSM_DOM_VIEW (view), LSM_DOM_DOCUMENT (document)); return view; } static void lsm_svg_view_init (LsmSvgView *view) { view->debug_mask = FALSE; view->debug_filter = FALSE; view->debug_pattern = FALSE; } static void lsm_svg_view_finalize (GObject *object) { parent_class->finalize (object); } static void lsm_svg_view_class_init (LsmSvgViewClass *view_class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (view_class); LsmDomViewClass *d_view_class = LSM_DOM_VIEW_CLASS (view_class); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (view_class); object_class->finalize = lsm_svg_view_finalize; d_view_class->measure = lsm_svg_view_measure; d_view_class->render = lsm_svg_view_render; d_view_class->set_debug = lsm_svg_view_set_debug; } G_DEFINE_TYPE (LsmSvgView, lsm_svg_view, LSM_TYPE_DOM_VIEW)