require 'kookaburra/ui_driver/ui_component' require 'support/shared_examples/it_has_a_dependency_accessor' describe Kookaburra::UIDriver::UIComponent do describe '#show' do context 'the component is not currently visible' do it 'causes the browser to navigate to the value of #component_path' do browser = mock('Browser Session') browser.should_receive(:visit).with('/foo') component = => browser) component.stub!(:component_path => '/foo') component.stub!(:visible?).and_return(false, true) end it 'passes any arguments to the #component_path for processing' do browser = mock('Browser Session', :visit => nil) component = => browser) component.should_receive(:component_path).with(:foo => :bar, :baz => :bam) component.stub!(:visible?).and_return(false, true) => :bar, :baz => :bam) end end context 'the component is already visible' do it 'does not navigate to #component path' do browser = mock('Browser Session') browser.should_receive(:visit).never component = => browser) component.stub!(:component_path => '/foo', :visible? => true) end end end describe '#respond_to?' do let(:component_class) do do def foo end end end it 'returns true if the UIComponent defines the specified method' do component = component.respond_to?(:foo).should == true end it 'returns true if the #element defines the specified method' do element = stub('An Element', :respond_to? => true) component = component.stub!(:element => element) component.respond_to?(:a_very_unlikely_method_name).should == true end it 'returns false if neither the UIComponent nor the #element define the specified method' do element = stub('An Element', :respond_to? => false) component = component.stub!(:element => element) component.respond_to?(:a_very_unlikely_method_name).should == false end end describe '#method_missing' do it 'forwards method calls to #element' do element = mock('An Element') element.should_receive(:some_method) do |arg1, arg2, &block| arg1.should == :a arg2.should == :b == :c :d end component = component.stub!(:element => element) result = component.some_method(:a, :b) do :c end result.should == :d end end describe 'private methods (for use by subclasses)' do describe '#component_path' do it 'must be defined by subclasses' do component = lambda { component.send(:component_path) } \ .should raise_error(Kookaburra::ConfigurationError) end end describe '#component_locator' do it 'must be defined by subclasses' do component = lambda { component.send(:component_locator) } \ .should raise_error(Kookaburra::ConfigurationError) end end describe '#assert' do it 'returns true if the condition is truthy' do component = component.send(:assert, true, "Shouldn't see this message").should == true end it 'raises a Kookaburra::AssertionFailed exception if the condition is not truthy' do component = lambda { component.send(:assert, false, "False isn't true, dummy.") } \ .should raise_error(Kookaburra::AssertionFailed, "False isn't true, dummy.") end end it_behaves_like :it_has_a_dependency_accessor, :browser do let(:subject_class) { Kookaburra::UIDriver::UIComponent } end describe '#element' do it 'passes the browser object to the server error detection function' do browser = stub('Browser', :find => :an_element) server_error_detection = lambda { |b| b.should === browser false } component = => browser, :server_error_detection => server_error_detection) component.stub!(:component_locator => '#my_component') component.send(:element) end shared_examples_for :server_error_detection_passed do it 'returns the element node if the component_locator is found on the page' do browser = mock('Browser') browser.should_receive(:find).with('#my_component').and_return(:the_element_node) component = :browser => browser, :server_error_detection => server_error_detection) component.stub!(:component_locator => '#my_component') component.send(:element).should == :the_element_node end it 'raises Kookaburra::ComponentNotFound if the component_locator is not found on the page' do browser = mock('Browser') browser.should_receive(:find).with('#my_component').and_raise(StandardError) component = :browser => browser, :server_error_detection => server_error_detection) component.stub!(:component_locator => '#my_component') lambda { component.send(:element) } \ .should raise_error(Kookaburra::ComponentNotFound) end end context 'no server error detection function is specified' do let(:server_error_detection) { nil } it_behaves_like :server_error_detection_passed end context 'no server error is detected' do let(:server_error_detection) do lambda { |b| false } end it_behaves_like :server_error_detection_passed end context 'a server error is detected' do it 'raises a Kookaburra::UnexpectedResponse exception' do server_error_detection = lambda { |b| true } browser = stub('Browser') component = :browser => browser, :server_error_detection => server_error_detection) lambda { component.send(:element) } \ .should raise_error(Kookaburra::UnexpectedResponse, "Your server error detection function detected a server error. Looks like your applications is busted. :-(") end end end end end