class AdminTreePage < Page # --------------------------- # show # --------------------------- respond_to :get do with :html do return unless user_allowed_to?(:view) case params['action'] # render the main page when nil @record = root layout('html', false).render(self) # show a single record when 'show' @record = site.records.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['id'])) render_layout('admin_record_form', 'html') # show a blank form for a new record when 'new' model = site.models.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['model'])) parent = site.records.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['parent'])) @record = @record.parent = parent render_layout('admin_record_form', 'html') end end # render a record tree in json with :json do status 404 and return {} if root.nil? if params['id'] record = site.records.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['id'])) tree_for(record, true) else tree_for(root, true) end end end # --------------------------- # delete # --------------------------- respond_to :delete do with :json do record = site.records.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['id'])) record.destroy {success: true} end end # --------------------------- # update # --------------------------- respond_to :put do with :json do record = site.records.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['id'])) case params['action'] # udpate the record when nil if params.key?('record') values = JSON.parse(params['record']) else values = params end if record.from_json(values) {success: true, record: json_for_record(record, false, []).merge({values: record.to_json})} else {success: false, errors: record.errors} end # change the index of an existing record when 'set_index' record.insert_in_siblings(params['index'].to_i) if {success: true} else {success: false} end end end end # --------------------------- # create # --------------------------- respond_to :post do with :json do # FIXME: this is copied from page.rb - should be extracted model = site.models.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params.delete('model'))) parent = site.records.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params.delete('parent'))) new_record = new_record.parent = parent if params.key?('record') values = JSON.parse(params['record']) else values = params end if new_record.from_json(values) {success: true, record: json_for_record(new_record, false, []).merge({values: new_record.to_json})} else {success: false, errors: new_record.errors} end end end private def tree_for(record, root) if record.model.menu_root? && !root children = [] else children = {|record| visible_record(record)}.collect {|child| tree_for(child, false)} end json_for_record(record, root, children) end def json_for_record(record, root, children) { id:, index: record.index, name:, icon: record.model.icon, type: record.model_name, root: root, menu_root: root ? false : record.model.menu_root?, parent_id: record.parent ? : '', children: children } end def visible_record(record) !record.model.hide_in_admin end end