Feature: Install the Gem in a Rails 3.x application Background: Given I generate a new Rails application And I configure the Honeybadger shim Scenario: Rails is missing `config.secret_token` When I configure my application to require Honeybadger And I configure Honeybadger with: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) config.debug = true """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ session["secret"] = "blue42" render :nothing => true """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I successfully run `rm config/initializers/secret_token.rb` And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index" Then I should receive a Honeybadger notification And the request should not contain "blue42" And the request session should contain "config.secret_token"