module Asposeslidesjava module ConvertingToTiff def initialize() # Converting Presentation to TIFF with default size convert_with_default_size() # Converting Presentation to TIFF with custom size convert_with_custom_size() end def convert_with_default_size() data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/' # Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPTX file pres = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.Presentation').new(data_dir + "Aspose.pptx") # Saving the PPTX presentation to Tiff format save_format = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat') + "Aspose.tiff", save_format.Tiff) puts "Document has been converted, please check the output file." end def convert_with_custom_size() data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/' # Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPTX file pres = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.Presentation').new(data_dir + "Aspose.pptx") # Instantiate the TiffOptions class opts = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.TiffOptions').new # Setting compression type tiff_compression_types = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.TiffCompressionTypes') opts.setCompressionType (tiff_compression_types.Default) # Compression Types #Default - Specifies the default compression scheme (LZW). #None - Specifies no compression. #CCITT3 #CCITT4 #LZW #RLE # Depth – depends on the compression type and cannot be set manually. # Resolution unit – is always equal to “2” (dots per inch) #Setting image DPI opts.setDpiX(200) opts.setDpiY(100) # Set Image Size opts.setImageSize(Rjb::import('java.awt.Dimension').new(1728, 1078)) # Save the presentation to TIFF with specified image size save_format = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat') + "Aspose-Custom-Size.tiff", save_format.Tiff, opts) puts "Document has been converted, please check the output file." end end end